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/lit/ - Literature

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10234814 No.10234814 [Reply] [Original]

1. That of Tradition
2. That of Modernity

On which side do you fight?

>> No.10234822
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on the side that Nihilism is the superior ideology and everyone else is retards
disagree? then you are retarded

>> No.10234827
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For me it has to be Truth, the Logos, and his Church.

>> No.10234834

numba 1

>> No.10234883

>Leonid Bershidsky
who's that jew? me and my bratya gonna punish him.

>> No.10234887
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>> No.10234888

hilariously bullshit dichotomy. traditionalists lunp pseudo individualism in with real individualism and modernity and get them confused. real, true individualism (not its misinterpretation as something like ‘being greedy’) is not pro or anti tradition or modernity, it is un-modern and un-traditional; it is a third option and does not care about the other two or ‘fighting’ for one of the two garbage sides

>> No.10234893

stirner, you fucked up

>> No.10234895

>who's that jew?

a professional shill.

>> No.10234897

how many of you retards are readin and not understanding western esotericism right now? its not right wing because evola says so you speds; just be right wing if you want to be right wing

>> No.10234904
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What is individualism without timeless truths, without wisdom guiding it? It is the greatest of all evils...it's degeneracy, for it is folly, vice, and madness, without self-awareness or restraint.

there is no wisdom that doesn't somehow conform to the timeless traditions handed to us by our sages, saints and wise philosophers. No modernist thinker comes close.

>> No.10234908

can trads define traditionalism?

>> No.10234909
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On Neither, and on Both. For where would I be without either? and what would I be by committing myself to one or the other?

Another query. Modernity is the condition which the Traditionalist experiences too. More crudely, a reactionary can never be apart of the old order. The current one is necessary for his existence as is. But what thought perpetuates 'Modernity' as the Trads call it, in religious circles and without? What constitutes 'Modernism' in the pejorative (or simply descriptive) sense?

>> No.10234912


>> No.10234917
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modern cities are shit

>> No.10234921

this post sort of does that >>10234904

>> No.10234924

>wrath of gnon
Do you know how I know your parents are shatteringly middle class?

>> No.10234927

all cities are shit (c) abel, thoreau, tolstoy

>> No.10234931

but shit contains perennial wisdom

>> No.10234934

this. you dont need to be a traditionalist to critique modernity. see: thoreau

>> No.10234936

Nothing worse than the political dullards claiming the past for themselves. What is timeless truth, anon? What sages, what saints? Are all modern philosophers "modernist" philosophers? Do we say that Wittgenstein and St. Catherine of Siena can be evaluated in the same category? Philippa Foot and Irenaeus? Simone Weil and Aquinas? Are we evaluating mystics as well as Aristotelians and analytics and dualists? Is their evaluative worth measured by adherence to divine revelation or to genuine truth-seeking and method of inquiry?

>> No.10234981
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>What is timeless truth?
Omicron Omega Nu.

Yes read him.
> St. Catherine of Siena
Read her too.

>analytics and dualists?
they will burn in hell.

by his own admission he has nothing to say.

Apostates. But Platonists are bros.

>Simone Weil
anarchists get zyklon b

>> No.10235021

Pic related was into gayfagism.

>> No.10235022

No but His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales can:


>> No.10235044
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>we need to go back to slaves building eternal spiritual shit for us royalty

>> No.10235051
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Almost everything that modern progressives want we already had under feudalism: village commons, actual democracy, community, welfare, arts....Very strict environmental laws, gun (sword) control, public schools, wildlife protection, extensive charity, elderly care, health'n'safety.

>> No.10235055

>This is what traditioncucks actually believe

>> No.10235056
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The difference is that these were all by and for the common man, and not for mythic "invisible hand of the market" or distant oligarchy.

>> No.10235062
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>muh tolerance
>muh freedumbs

ever wonder why modern literature, modern art, modern poetry is absolute horseshit compared to what we used to haev?

>> No.10235066

girardfag how are u?

>> No.10235092

This one of the most stupid things I have ever read. There is literally no way of knowing this. Nobody wrote about the peasant life from a peasant's point of view before modernity. I'm pretty sure that given the option to not die because of a toothache, they would have been pretty fucking glad to accept it.

>The life of the Middle Ages in its perfection
What about the life of the Middle Ages not in its perfection? What about the life of Modernity in its perfection?

Oh fuck man, there are people today who want to be allowed to get fucked in the ass, this is literally hell on earth, I can't possibly live like this.

>> No.10235095

>modern literature, modern art, modern poetry is absolute horseshit
It isn't tho.
Joyce and Proust > everything before them besides Shakespeare
Montale > everything before him besides Dante and Milton

>> No.10235101

Not to mention medieval literature is horseshit besides 5 or 6 books

>> No.10235108

>illiterate peasant detected

>> No.10235122

>using "illiterate peasant" as an insult when defending illiterate peasants

>> No.10235126

observation of hierarchy is the golden principal

>> No.10235127

You forgot postmodernism.

>> No.10235131

So how did the medieval writers actually manage to write shit down if they were illiterate, you churl?

Yes, there was a rich oral tradition, but you're conflating posters, I think. Give yourself a break from the interwebz, lad. Also, maybe have a gawk at the Lays of Marie de France when you get a chance, I recommend "Bisclavret", a werewolf story with a number of unusual twists.

>> No.10235141

The poster you're replying to isn't the poster who said medieval lit is horseshit (me)
So you're conflating posters as well
Ah ah, cuck
>werewolf tales
I'll check it out

>> No.10235177

You replied to the poster who attacked the image about the life of traditional peasants. Jeez, you'd think that you people who are allergic to the modern life at least had a healthy attention span.

>> No.10235209

We have completely lost contact with the divine and, in our folly turned towards the inferior, infernal forces : the matter.

And thus, as God said : ''But they were only wronging themselves''. May he have mercy upon us.

>> No.10235211

I fight on the side with assault rifles and attack helicpters

>> No.10235212

Good thing at least that you will get the chance to watch us inferior unbelievers get consumed by flames, right?

>> No.10235226

that's not what I want nor will I ever will it. I feel sad that humanity chose that path. I hold man close to my heart but I feel like there's nothing that can be done to save us now.

>> No.10235240

>society can be effected by individual action
>the ruination of humans isn't the next step in intellectual evolution, and that humans aren't just a protointelligence
>this collision course with the transcendent can be avodied

lmao ishygddt

>> No.10235366
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>will you pity watching those in hell?
There is nothing to pity about those who get consumed by fire in the afterlife since it is fair, just and right. The fire is ignited by their own conscience as it reveals how they squandered their life on earth, how they hated God, how they abused the good and innocent, how they were hypnotized by matter and lusts and besmirched their own souls.

A rapist, for example: He will enter the afterlife with a diseased soul that lusts after women, power, and sadistic pleasure, but his soul will have no body to fulfill those thirsts with. So he will be perpetually unsatisfied. Moreover, standing in God's presence he will be aware of the full measure of his transgressions. So his own soul will burst into tears and flames at the horror of what he has committed, what he has desired and done to himself and others. There is nothing to pity about the fire for the damned. What is to pity is how the wicked and selfish squander their lives and ruin their souls while on earth. All will encounter God, the question is whether they love him or not. Those who love him will experience his presence as heaven, never ending light and blissful wonder, those who hate and ignore him will experience varying degrees of fire, darkness and pain.

The consequences follow naturally. The consequences are owed to them and they will understand this.

>> No.10235460

Wow man, that's such a detailed account of what will happen in this place no living person has ever witnessed. It's almost like you believe these things only because they will advantage you and punish those who were against you.

>> No.10235555

OP here.

Why did every brainlet in this thread continue to commit the age old retarded confusion that Modernity is equal to Modern?

They're entirely different things.

>> No.10235927

There are good things in tradition and there are good things in modernity. I stand with those things I think are best (of course, since I am a human being and only a single brain/mind, I might commit several errors: that’s the nice thing about not giving too much power to anyone).

Example of tradition that I like and admire: metrical verse, tragic drama, novels with realistic style, classical/erudite music. I would love to see, for example, the resurgence of drama in the style of Shakespeare, or musicians trying to be even better than Mozart and Beethoven.

Example of modernity: I think that we still have several problems of inequality in the world, especially in the country where I live. I believe that is important to support measures that tend to dissolve ancient privileges and the concentration of wealth and to improve public services of quality and a strong Welfare State. I regard many of our laws and political systems as primitive, and actually quite illogical (no wonder, since concentrated capital can buy the media and the congress, thus not only deciding how the creation of new legislation will walk, but also work to make the population support measures that are actually going to work against themselves).

I also think that evidence based on facts that tend to destroy old believes and illogical traditions based on religious faith are always valid and important (that women are inferior to men, for example, or that we are especial and superior to other forms of life).

>> No.10235953

Facts are beliefs.

I believe women are inferior and that I'm superior to all in existence.

>> No.10236326

You truly are blind.

>> No.10236374

Fuck off free market neoliberal retard

>> No.10236390

This is the most normie shit ITT

>> No.10236656
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>t. crypto-cultural marxist

>> No.10236692

Hahaha, those virgins get so mad with any women and equality question. Why don’t you guys go to a brothel and pay for a girl to end your suffering?

>> No.10236949



It's time for /lit/ to open their eyes and ride the tiger like the aristocrats of the soul that they are.

>> No.10236963

My man Ezra Pound desu

>> No.10236965


>> No.10236971
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>Egalitarianism is superior to reactionary dialectic because I got my dick sucked lol fuck you loser

>> No.10237057
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Boy, it sure smells like ressentiment in here!

>> No.10237073

the transcendental, self-transforming dialectic of order and chaos.

>> No.10237079

We ARE special compared to other forms of life. What other species even asks themselves these kind of questions? (inb4 how do you really know maaaaan)
We're certainly superior when it comes to something like consciousness. Just as a bird is superior when it comes to flying.

>> No.10237135

The tradition of continuing modernity.