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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 43 KB, 334x465, animal_farm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1023164 No.1023164 [Reply] [Original]

Can you recommend me some anti-socialist/anti-communism literature?

Preferably novels, like Animal Farm and 1984 but scholarly literature is good too.

>> No.1023166


You're going to get someone, but it shan't be me.

>> No.1023169
File: 38 KB, 400x338, youngtruman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

George Orwell was a democratic socialist, you baboon.

Those books were against all forms of totalitarianism.

>> No.1023172
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Oh dear, it appears I've been had

>> No.1023224

Herta Müller

>> No.1023234
File: 259 KB, 446x600, A what am i reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Those aren't Anti-Socialism or Communism you Wanker!

Orwell himself was a socialist!

Those novels are how people can really fuck up a good socialist state if they let their leaders go unchecked. Orwell loved the IDEA of socialism, but hated how Stalin had fucked up the one in Russia. Both of those books are critiques of Puesudo-Communist states, not a true socialist state.

>> No.1023252

Nobody gives a shit honey, this is a troll thread.

>> No.1023256


please see


Y'all idiots are the "someone." Shame on you.

>> No.1023262

I love when people on /new/ use Orwell to bash socialism.

"Hurrr socialism is evil, here is a line I cherry picked from 1984 that proves it. This is the world that all the hippies want to live in because they hate freedom. GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS"

>> No.1023268

Sheesh looks like /lit/ is the pinko stronghold of 4ch.

>George Orwell was a democratic socialist, you baboon.
Show how I contradict this statement, please.
>Those books were against all forms of totalitarianism.
And by extension communism, and socialism in a way.

Begone troll.

>> No.1023277
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>And by extension communism, and socialism in a way.

What? How?

>> No.1023288


>Show how I contradict this statement, please.

Why would he write a book defaming his own political ideas?

>> No.1023303

>Nobody gives a shit honey, this is a troll thread.

I wish this was true, but some people into the revisionist history thing believe Nazis were "a kind of communist" and that Orwell's 1984 was simply a warning about what the world would be like without free market capitalism.

See for yourself. Copy OP's post into /new/ and they will come out of the woodwork. (These will be the same people who claim that America won the Vietnam war).

>> No.1023314
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>> No.1023344

I see someone made the thread in /new/.

It could be slow because there is already a socialism thread on page 1.

>> No.1023355

Animal Farm isn't anti-socialist.
George Orwell fought for the communists in the Spanish Civil War.
The book was very anti-USSR, hence snowball being Leon Trotsky and Napolean being Stalin. But it wasn't anti-socialist.
Either was 1984, it was just heavily anti-authoritarian

>> No.1023354 [DELETED] 
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It's also slow because OP's original statement is false and bears the sour stench of the troll.

>> No.1023372


>> No.1023418


>> No.1023423

>The tension between the conservative Orwell grew to become and the democratic socialist he still allowed others to view him as, may account for some of his interesting word inventions like "doublethink".

Oh lawd.

>> No.1023425
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Stopped reading right about there.

>> No.1023428



>> No.1023430

That actually made me so fucking mad

>> No.1023431
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>> No.1023472

>democratic socialist
>against totalitarianism


>> No.1023474

Wasn't 1984 banned in areas of America because certain literary boards thought it advocated heav handed authoritarianism?

>> No.1023477


No book has ever been banned in America. Certain schools may have chosen not to include it in their libraries, or refused to teach it, though.

>> No.1023481
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>> No.1023483
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>> No.1023500


From Time Magazines Top 10 list of banned books:

>It's both ironic and fitting that 1984 would join the American Library Association's list of commonly challenged books given its bleak warning of totalitarian censorship. Parents in Jackson County, Fla. would challenge the book in 1981 for being "pro-communist."

>> No.1023511


Probably good ol' Conservative Christian parents 'fraid of the Ruskies. Wouldn't surprise me if it was Banned In Boston too.

>> No.1023512

>implying Ulysses wasn't banned for over 10 years

>> No.1023544

>tropic of cancer
>Banned in the US in the 1930s until the early 1960s, seized by US customs for sexually explicit content and vulgarity. The rest of Miller's work was also banned by the United States.

>> No.1023549

>my face when they don't talk about Orwells Homage to Catalonia where he explicitly glorifies the anarcho-communists in spain

>> No.1023580


Check the /new/ thread for an answer to that one...

>> No.1023687

/new/ here
You are all,without exception,faggot english majors with 0 real world jobs and nothing but queer books to pass the time.Get a job and stop sucking Orwell off.He hated capitalism so much he became wealthy off of it.

>> No.1023700


>implying they don't

read the whole thing bro. Except they focus rather on how he came to dislike the Stalinists than any glorification of the anarchists

>> No.1023717
File: 18 KB, 319x243, u-mad1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You mad /lit/?

>> No.1023768


Not really.

The faggot's pissed he got trolled. Sucks to be him.

>> No.1023776
File: 29 KB, 293x455, Human Action.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related OP.

>> No.1023782

this guy has the right idea

>> No.1023787

>You shitty /lit/?

this whole meme is shit.

>> No.1023794

Don't forget Rothbard, Hayek and Hazlitt

>> No.1023798


Very first descriptor is "Open-minded" and it's a link to an article.


>> No.1023848
File: 105 KB, 661x662, conservapedia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just visited it for the first time.

Is conservapedia a real site or is it run by liberal college trolls who are trying to make conservatives look like stereotypical white trash? It seems like it is the wiki version of Stephen Colbert meets "the onion".

>> No.1023851

isn't it a wonder that there exists college graduates who really believe in that stuff.

>> No.1023854


This is a wiki made exclusively by neo-cons who are sick of Liberal bias everywhere they go. It's content is of the utmost rigidity.

>> No.1023865

Yes, because we all know that reality has a liberal bias.

>> No.1023884


They're graduates of Liberty University and Brigham Young.

>> No.1023889

no, it's legit.
for laughs, read the article on Joseph McCarthy

>> No.1023944


That site is horrific. Jesus Christ. These people are insane.

>> No.1023954
File: 44 KB, 254x390, road_to_serfdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Road to Serfdom is short, well written, and easy to understand. Particularly interesting owing to the context, in the middle of WWII in which it looked like capitalist and communist economies both were tending towards more central planning of the economy.

It's also a pretty good non-dismal introduction to basic principles of economics.

>> No.1023977

why do you want to read anti-communist /lit/ did some comrade show you up at a hardcore show? anyway, i like the fact that this question comes up, that obama is called a socialist as an epithet, that ayn rand is getting popular and that glen beck is around. it makes me realize that we communists are finally becoming scary again. feelsgoodman.

>> No.1023980
File: 100 KB, 485x730, feelsbad,mantrotsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1024044

>search conservapedia for "4chan"
>no results

Im disappointed.

>> No.1024057


It's perfectly real. It was made by hardcore Christians who said that Wikipedia was biased (what with their acceptance of evolution and all...), so they set up their own 'unbiased' wiki.

>> No.1024067

>Implying anyone gives a shit about communists any more.

>> No.1024073


>It was made by hardcore Christians

Oh, well, nothing GOOD could come of THAT.

>> No.1024082

You're right. Nothing could could come of that.

>> No.1024105



>> No.1025699


Dunno what it's like now, but it started mostly with the input of homeschooled kids

>> No.1025716
File: 65 KB, 300x502, The Iron Dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Iron Dream is a good read

>> No.1025719


brace yourself for the stupidity

>> No.1025834


Wow I just been on /new/ why is that place filled with hardcore racists and stormfags? It's worse than /b/ when it comes to intelligence, and the way they argue with you, it's just so fucking funny, it's always UMAD, ass-pained Jew,your mother is a whore, or any other ad hominem attacks, it's like arguing with a raging 15 year old.

They truly don't have any reason to be stormfags, but to be IRL trolls it seems, nobody can explain to me properly why they believe in what they do, and even if they do, they don't seem to realize the massive flaws in their beliefs. It surprises me how people can be so fucking stupid, I dunno I've never really tried talking to a stormfag before so maybe that's why I'm surprised at their idiocy.

>> No.1025844


>It surprises me how people can be so fucking stupid

Not with /b/, /v/, /a/, and /jp/ around the corner, I'm not.

/new/ is a hilarious brand of retarded, though. I'm convinced moot left that board up as some kind of joke on the rest of 4chan. I don't have any problem with them, though.

Except for when they mobilize and raid other boards. You can usually tell when /new/ is raiding.


>> No.1025848

Spаnish Civil War
The Spanish Civil War was fought to restore Spain to Christianity. Communists and Anarchists, who killed hundreds of priests and nuns, had taken over the country. General Franco eventually managed to overthrow the left-wing government and restore Spain to God.


>> No.1025854


Oh my

>> No.1025860

Wow that General Franco was a great guy.

>> No.1025883
File: 126 KB, 1200x973, dali_moma_0708_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugly book cover, OP.

Also, pic related at Conservapedia version of Spain.

>> No.1025897
File: 27 KB, 500x349, 10519788_6c63c0c7eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Talk:Spаnish Civil War
>There is currently no text in this page.

>Revision history of "Spаnish Civil War"
>3 January 2009 WesleyS (Talk | contribs) m (314 bytes) (links)
>1 July 2010 CPVandaIism (Talk | contribs) (28 bytes) (Replaced content with 'Conservapedia is vandalized!')
>1 July 2010 TK (Talk | contribs) m (314 bytes) (Reverted edits by CPVandaIism (Talk) to last revision by WesleyS)

fucking lol, etc..

>> No.1026422


fucking lol, nice name.

>> No.1026434

5/10 I bit. But only for a second. My suggestion:

The nursery story about the Three Little Pigs.

>> No.1026456
File: 44 KB, 446x400, girls-getty_1376498i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Road to Serfdom is short
>well written

It's basically just the retard's version of Popper's The Open Society and Its Enemies.