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10231482 No.10231482 [Reply] [Original]

I want to learn more about anarchism. Where should I start? What are some essential writers/books about anarchism (whether you agree with them or not)?

>> No.10231493
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Follow the memes. I like Red Emma too but she's a grill.

>> No.10231529

It's difficult to say for sure 'where to start'.

For the sake of convenience I'm going to assume you mean leftwing anarchism

The /Essential/ anarcho core books would be Reform or Revolution, Homage to Catalonia, The Conquest of Bread, The Communist Manifesto [not explicitly anarchist, obviously, but important to certain essential far-left ideas] God and the State. Most people also highly recommend 'On Anarchism' by Chomsky.

It's important to underline, none of these books should be taken as gospel. Always seek your own understanding of what might work best. You can never read too much. Engage with local anarchist groups, if possible.

>> No.10231537
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Forgot pic

>> No.10231553

Bookchin later refuted anarchism, but he's quite the meme. I loved him about 6 months ago, and might get into him again since ecology interests me.

>> No.10231612

Engels refuted Anarchism.

>> No.10231614

In what book did he refute it?

>> No.10231670

Most of them? Don't think he was an anarchist by the time he was getting published properly.

>> No.10231685

Start by creating a time machine and knocking yourself to the floor once you were delivered at first so you can better immerse yourself in the theory

>> No.10232186
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honestly theres alot of directioms you can go.

If you want the OG, Read Proudhon's What is Property, which is mutualist anarchism. If you want to learn about egoist anarchism read Max stirners the ego and its own. You can also read Kropotkins Conquest for Bread for Anarchist Communism.

other books that are really good
Instead of a Book by Benjamin Tucker
Studies in Mutualist political economy by Kevin Carson (mixes the labor theory of value with subjective analyst and findings from marginalist economics)
(both books are about Individualist anarchism and a more american styled Mutualism and give reasons how the state has monopoly in various aspects of the economy)

Any thing by Voltarine De Cleyre (coined the phrase Anarchism without Adjectives)

No treason by Lysander Spooner
Any non fiction book by Albert Camus

An agorist primer by Samuel Konkin (leftist off shoot of anarcho capitalism, more sympathetic to left wing anarchists and freeing markets from the state)

if you are more in to anarcho capitalisn

Machinery of freedom By David Friedman ( consequentialist Anarcho Capitalism)
For a new liberty by Murray Rothbard ( deontilogical anarcho capitalism
Problem with political authority by Micheal Huemer (the first half gives a really good justification to why most justifactions for states are not legitimite outside of a minarchist state and is good for any anarchist. second half expands on Friedmans book abd polycentric solutions to the state)

>> No.10232214

anarchist faq is pretty good wikipedia-like cited document

>> No.10232221

>f you are more in to anarcho capitalisn
There's no such thing.

>> No.10232330

I understand the reasoning that Anarcho-Capitialism isn't considered anarchism but do those last 3 books I listed negate the other books in that list?

>> No.10232351

>Voltairine de Cleyre

My nigga. VdC is my waifu.

>> No.10232406
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>> No.10232421

Dianetics: the modern science of mental health by L Ron Hubbard

>> No.10232429

Thanks a lot for these responses. I added a lot of these books and authors to my list and I will check out the Anarchist FAQ. It's a lot of reading and it will take me some time, but as that anon said, "You can never read too much".

>none of these books should be taken as gospel. Always seek your own understanding of what might work best. You can never read too much.
I am aware of this.

>> No.10232433

I haven't read Tucker and Carson but the rest look good I'd say. Need more Kropotkin I'd say, especially for a beginner; Bakunin too. To add something else recent, Castoriadis might be interesting to read.

>> No.10232535

he seems pretty interesting from a quick wikipedia search. Any books you reccomend?

>> No.10232571

I see nothing anarchist here.

>> No.10232575

Says the red.

>> No.10232594


>> No.10232656

Red ideals can’t be anarchist, they require a state to function.

>> No.10232674

imagine actually thinking like this
read a book

>> No.10232686

I have, you can’t have what reds want without a state. You need a state to prevent people from owning property.

>> No.10232691

I haven't read him in english so unfortunately I can't tell with certainty, I don't know what's been translated; a good intro to him would be "We Are Responsible for our History" which is a compilation of 2 interviews, speeches or articles and opinions of others on him. World in Fragments is also interesting, so you could start with that, or look for articles if you can find.

>> No.10232740

Thanks, ill check those out!

>> No.10232752

No problem, you're welcome.

>> No.10232862

Ask reddit

>> No.10234268

Pick up some David Graeber. He is always illuminating, and just as importantly, quite accessible. Recently, he cryptically remarked in an address in the Netherlands that he was basically chased out of the country. I wonder what he meant by that.

>> No.10234286

It is almost as if Anarchists are distinct but not separate from socialists...

Crowned heads, wealth and privilege may well tremble should ever again the Black and Red unite!

>> No.10234326

I think it's due to his NYC rent capped family apartment being taken away after OWS and not getting tenure at a us college a few years before.

>> No.10234354

>Not being a Bordigist

>> No.10234358
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>> No.10234377
File: 30 KB, 530x249, 2017-11-06 06.09.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard discord is full of modern day philosophers these day, now get woke son, thank me later.

>> No.10234402

>ctrl+f malatesta
>0 results
>ctrl+f makhno
>0 results

Seriously, niggers?


>> No.10234500

Essential is that you learn some complex systems basics afterwards, as example:

Also network theory basics. No shame in some pop-sci.