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/lit/ - Literature

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10229597 No.10229597 [Reply] [Original]

How's nanowrimo going for you

>> No.10230574

7269 words so far, I am about to begin writing today

>> No.10230598

Worse than I'd like it to

>> No.10230638

How about you, OP?

>> No.10231136

What genres are you writing?

>> No.10231154

Deleted the trash I've written so far while restructuring the entire narrative. So, negative progress? Not planning this year may not have been a good plan.

Norwegian Wood but better.

>> No.10231214

So far what I've written (which is not much) is kind of shit, but I'm afraid that if I start looking back too much I'll do just like you did and erase the whole thing.

I'm planning to write a psychological thriller disguised as a generic fantasy novel. Or just a generic fantasy novel.

>> No.10231322


22474 "words"

>> No.10231639
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Not going as fast as I want to. Trying horror instead of science fiction. Having to spend more time taking care of father who developed dementia related to Alzheimer’s. To be fair, the experience is helping me create more empathetic characters.

>> No.10231648

>using your mentally ill dad as bait for emotional manipulation

>> No.10231652

I've only just started. 130 words but I think it's a pretty good start.

>> No.10231731

Dadkun used to be awesome.
>ran a federal prison- feared by the staff and inmates
>read books constantly, favorite book SHO_GUN. Favorite author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
>listened to tapes of opera soundtracks while mowing the yard
>drove sports cars
>raised two indepwndant sons
>Air Force cryptographer who delivered the intel about the Cuban middle crisis
>skilled marksman
He was a tough bastard to be raised by but I’m better off for it.
Tell your loved ones how you feel before it’s too late.
The father figures in my books are based on him.

>> No.10231733
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Almost 10,000 as of today, I'm writing as we speak. I figured I'll eventually not be able to meet the 1667 daily word count, so I've been trying to go at least 2000 a day so far, while the steam is here.

>> No.10231741

Oh it is hard to take care of someone with Alzheimer's. My grandfather is in a late stage of it and it takes at least two people, one full time to ensure he has the least amount of comfort. Not to mention restraining him when he decides to wander around the area (and eventually falls into some hole in the brushwood). He's 83 years old but has the physical health of a bull. Sad, but interestingly enough, when he sets to wander around, he is always in some state of mind where he thinks he is back in the '60s and desperately needs to save some sacks of corn from the rain or needs to check on some sawmill. Always highly distressed. I formulated at least two or three stories to write from these behaviors, but whenever I try to write I feel terrible and end up wanting to cry or something. I cannot look at him and see any semblance of peace, it feels to me that inside his head is an everlasting storm that he can't escape from, except for the few glimpses of lucidity, where I'm sure he is desperately contemplating his poor mental state and silently accepting the family havoc around him. His only finds solace in my grandmother, who is quickly withering from having to deal with this situation.

>> No.10231806

That shits spot on. He’s 75. He’s restless and doesn’t sit still for longer than 10 seconds at a time before getting up and finding some other place to sit. It’s driving my stepmother to the madhouse but I try and help when I’m not working. In an interesting coincidence I’m seeing a great deal of small but definable behavior similarities between his condition and the autistic children We have where I work. There’s communicative gestures and cues. It also teaches you humility to change your fathers diaper when you know damn well it’s what he did for you when you were little. Spend as much time as you can with him. The moments of clarity get fewer and further in between.

>> No.10232044

I myself haven't changed my granpa's diapers, but have watched my father doing so. That and everything like helping him go to the bathroom, brushing his teeth and everything. It made me feel utterly powerless. Tomorrow that could be me. Everything accomplished in life is turned to almost nothing in a sorry situation like so. The maximum you can hope for, I guess, is that someone will be there for you, so you won't be as miserable.

>> No.10232119

Dubs checked.

Step in and help. You’ll feel better for giving effort and gain gain self confidence for doing the hard thing when doing nothing is easier. Your parents will appreciate it.

>> No.10232470

It's rough. My grandmother had Alzheimer and dementia. In the beginning it was just forgetfulness, but it didn't take long till it went down hill really fast. When she was still able to talk she thought she was in the 70's again. She would wake up next to my granddad and not know who he is and start yelling. My granddad was her primary caregiver during that time and it took a toll on him.

>> No.10232729


already 3 days behind hmm don't think i will be able to come up with a finish product that is readable... will end up with a clump of half finished sentences and even just a bunch of cut and pate notes and shit.

a bit late to start the planning process but maybe i will give it a go. i am not really interested in making a typical novel so ... maybe i will just keep going , do what i do: a series of vignettes that are linked together.

anyone know of some good youtube video about some novel "tricks" i could use to keep going. i think i will use characters to represent different concepts or opinions and will make them clash together to elaborate what i think in the form of dialogues . i should probably make an effort to flesh out the locations or else it will all sound like a big monolog.

>> No.10233023

I find the concept stupid and refuse to participate

>> No.10233260
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>reads thread and replies anyway

>> No.10233262

I felt like sharing my opinion on it

>> No.10233269


I can't even count the amount of shitposts I've penned.

>> No.10233312

1177 words. Better get back to writing.

>> No.10233324

You can do it, cuccboi.

>> No.10233441
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>> No.10233781

Starting late but fuck it I've been sitting on my book for too long and I'm tired of "planning" it. However it comes out is fine.

>> No.10233886

Why don't you elaborate a bit then mate

>> No.10233909

I just think that writing worthless garbage, knowing it's worthless garbage, simply to satisfy a word count by the end of the month is kind of pointless. I took a look at some of the threads on the site, and a lot of them seem to advocate adding things to the novel that make it worse if not practically unreadable just to boost the wordcount

>> No.10234805

It's not. I mean, not totally.
Yes most of the people on there are writing garbage that'll never progress beyond being garbage, but getting the first draft down on the page is better than endlessly rewriting and editing the one first paragraph. It's quicker and easier to spin garbage into gold than to spin gold from thin air.

>> No.10234862

Sp far I'm four days behind. I'm hoping to catch up today.

>> No.10235151


>> No.10235289

I am a day behind, almost 10k though.
mdd. But really: "A Heathers for the 21st century; secondary school conspiranoia, literary lesbianism, christian mysticism"

>> No.10235317

Not bothering with it, just writing on my own. The idea of forcing yourself to write at a certain pace is retarded. Even needing that in order to write isn't good.

>> No.10236117

Well that's a dumb as fuck statement. Literally no method works for every single person, so saying that it's bad or doesn't work because it doesn't work for you just makes you seem like the one who's retarded.

>> No.10236128

Harry Potter but he's been transported into the Munecraft dimension, only the The Doctor could save him now.

>> No.10236158

I prefer to bolster my creativity in a way that feels more organic, and I've observed successful creative people as having discovered the same. A time requirement is as organic a solution to bolstering creativity as holding a gun to your head, and whatever is produced under such pressure can only be accidentally creative or enjoyable. A proper creative process is more optimistic, like getting a hard on when you see a hot chick; something should inspire you to suddenly gush out like a dammed up river, not out of desperation or fear, but because you want to saturate it all.

>> No.10236543

That still doesn't address the fact that different people create in different ways, similarly to how individuals learn differently from one another. There never has been and never will be one catch all solution to writing in volume.

The point has always been to do what works for you and you alone. If you find that being forced to write X amount of words per day is unproductive, then try something else. If you find it does work for you, but only because you have friends/family/strangers to compete against, then you might discover that the competitive aspect is the driving force behind your newfound motivation to write - not NanNoWriMo itself.

If it's not working, move on until you find a method that does. Too many people get hung up on what works for others because they think they must be deficient in some way when other writers act like their specific method is some amazing panacea and everything else is wrong. At the end of the day, all that practice is exactly that: practice. Practice is rarely fun no matter how fulfilling your medium is. But that's okay. A little discomfort never hurt anyone, especially when the alternative is "do it this way or don't do it at all".

Honestly, you sound a lot like my girlfriend. She's always been capable of vomiting high quality prose onto paper both frequently and copiously with little to no effort. Her methods don't work for me, and I'm not as naturally talented so I had to find my own. I have and they actually work and I'm writing more than ever before and she is absolutely baffled that this works for me because she cannot imagine anyone writing any way that isn't "her way". That's retarded.

>> No.10237460

That is so true. After teaching languages a few years to a class at university I started recognizing the people who could learn quickly using the method employed by the textbook (which is sold by the teaching community as the holy grail of teaching materials) and the ones who didn't. After some time I would approach them inbetween explanations and try presenting the subject in a different way, or suggest some other materials that offered a way that would be more suitable to their needs. If I can't give them that feeling of progress, they end up leaving the course halfway.
The textbook is really good, but there's no way they can make a thing that is good for everyone.

Of course, most of them won't magically get better, since they tend not to study outside the classroom, but at least I can notice some slight improvement and they get more motivated.

>> No.10237549

Hey, there's a 4chan discord that's attempting to do stuff for NaNo this year. Check it: https://discord.gg/mV2mFZY

>> No.10238902

Both poorly and very well at the same time.
I'm sitting around 5k words right now, so I've gotten basically nowhere.
And yet this is the first time in months that I've sat down and actually written, and I'm hoping that I can get back into the habit of doing so regularly.
I feel more levelheaded after being able to put words on a page, and I've suddenly found the motivation to start exercising again.