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/lit/ - Literature

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10228516 No.10228516 [Reply] [Original]

How's the writing career coming, /lit/?

>> No.10228526

Very bad

My regular job is alright. Not great, but alright

>> No.10228569

on my 702nd page

>> No.10228573

Writing is better as a hobby because you are more free.

>> No.10228574

slow, but good

>> No.10228817

Are you making fun of me? Well, fuck you buddy. Some people have commitments in their lives, and problems, ya know? Not everyone gets to be an entitled NEET faggot who has nothing better to do than read and write all day. I provide for two children as a single parent (thanks to my bitch ex-wife), I am watching my father die slowly and the only time I get to read is when I put my kids to bed with a fucking children's story, and you have the audacity to ask me how my writing career is going? Do you write for a living? Did mummy and daddy give you a trust fund to pay for your useless MFA? The utter state of this board. Why don't you go work on YOUR fucking book, instead of wasting time on here mocking hard-working people like me? I would write more but I have to finish now, buddy, my god damned kid is crying again.

>> No.10228862
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it's so hard to tell. I worked heard enough for a year to afford a two month writer's vacation in the mountains, starting in one week.

I just published my first full-length novel on Smashwords ten days ago, but it hasn't garnered too much attention yet. I'm going to make it free right now, and I paid for a professional review/marketing campaign that's coming out in about twenty days.

BUT it's not like a pop fiction book. It's something that only 4chan users like myself would like. It's vile and critical of society, borderline standoffish.

I don't know, guys.

>> No.10228863

Writing a short story every week while working 40-80 hours a week in two other jobs. I try to improve by picking a specific objective each week in my story and focusing on it. I recently wrote a story about my strange excitement for the November 4th AntiFa shit (LARPed though), where I'm out during the riots and a blackout occurs and I have to sneak 15 miles on foot through a city in civil unrest. I'm politically neutral so it's not this /pol/tard rant.

Unironically this, if you're in it for commercial success and vanity then you're not creating true art, and also it's just setting yourself up for disaster
>want to be a published author so people think i'm a deep intellectual, famous, and rich.
>in an art, where it is statistically unlikely to happen

>> No.10229080
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Pretty good OP. I burned the midnight oil all day today. Pumped out a complete story for an RPG. Real characters, emotional depth, meaningful choices. Feels supreme desu.

>> No.10229086

your career cuming

>> No.10229103

I've got a new idea for a short story, which I'd like to write down. Maybe this one will get published.

I've actually had pretty decent luck getting essays published recently, especially at some of /lit/'s favorite right-wing websites. I'm starting to see if I can parlay this into a writing gig that pays at some magazine or website somewhere. Just sent out some emails in the last few days. We'll see.

>> No.10229152

I just started nanowrimo does that count