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File: 36 KB, 250x163, Frankfurt School of Witchcraft & Wizardry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10226896 No.10226896[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So why does the right claim these guys are the ones responsible for the "you're a white male!!!" shit on campuses when they hated Parisian thought more than any leftists at the time? (the real group responsible for it) Almost all of the alt-right is based in their theory. Is it just because the off-hand "cultural Marxist" is a convenient buzzword?

>> No.10226908

why do you think? i bet you can figure it out

>> No.10226914

cus they were ((((((((them))))))))?

>> No.10227078


Alt Right members are generally illiterate and tribalistic. That's why.

>> No.10227084

Not an excuse. Even Jordan Peterson talks about 'cultural marxists' but it doesn't apply to the Frankfurt School whatsoever.

>> No.10227105

It's kinda hilarious how the alt-right are devoted followers of Gramsci, concerning his tactics.
"Cultural Marxism" is an extremely retarded idea, Marxism addresses the conflict between labour and capital, that sure won't be solved with muh culture. Economically, the major countries have been very right-wing ever since the 70s.
You have to be literally insane to think Marxists have won in any sense, nobody can even elect a mild social democrat.

>> No.10227113

"Cultural Marxism" refers to people that were concerned with the super-structure rather than the base primarily. It has nothing to do with the current definition but when Adorno criticized the Culture Industry (ie the mainstream media etc) that was KARLTURAL MARKSISM. If you erased the names from the Frankfurt School's writings the alt-right would agree with it 100%.

>> No.10227125

Ignore the jews trying to throw whites off the scent of the FF School. These were blatantly anti-white jews whose ideas were to a large degree the basis for the anti-white sentiment we see trickling, or often streaming, down from jewish-occupied institutions like the media and academia.

>> No.10227131

Because every political movement from left to right has been infiltrated by the globalized elite in order to curb any coherent form of dissidence. This is why politics are increasingly incoherent, both ideologically and semantically. The elite needs to go.

>> No.10227132

Marcuse loved Heidegger. The anti-white stuff comes exclusively from the French intellectuals.

>> No.10227141

What an idiotic statement. These people trying to divert blame for the current anti-white zeitgeist away from jews are fools or jews themselves.

>> No.10227144

The French were former Maoists that transposed their hate of the bourgeois onto the current ruling class (white males, etc). The Frankfurt School had nothing to do with it, and hated the French postmodernists more than standard leftists.

Have you read anything of Adorno or Horkheimer?

>> No.10227146

Kill yourself, you stupid pathetic fuck. I hope you die in a gulag after having your property non-culturally appropriated by the state.

>> No.10227152

>"You would be insane to think that Marxists have any, or would want to have any influence, in corporate, globalist neoliberalism.
>tfw people forget that the transition of society from feudalism to capitalism to communism is literally Marxist historiography
>tfw people don't know that Comintern explicitly gave orders for communist parties to work with capitalists in sufficiently backwards countries without a proletariat base
>tfw people don't understand that the Frankfurt School was interested in understanding how traditional Marxist thought failed in helping worldwide revolution to succeed in postwar Europe
If you're a good Marxist, you would be a practitioner of accelerationism. For example, you would promote policies of degenerate capitalism while taking over institutions so you could usher in the conditions for successful revolution. And what is happening today? I guarantee you, with the kinds of graduates the Ivy League produces, that this is the MO of many "capitalists" in power right now. Maybe you can't directly blame many Frankfurt School thinkers, but you can certainly blame the hordes of who studied under them and took The Culture Industry as a playbook, not a warning. Right wing my ass. It's about time the right learns that social conservatism dies with Wall Street, K Street, and the think tanks.

>> No.10227158

Posters like this are jews trying to deflect attention away from their group. Jews are hateful people who were the source of anti-white bigotry in the past just as they are the source of it now. This is why they have to go. Don't be fooled.

>> No.10227159

So are Hayek and Friedman Marxists now?

wtf I love neoliberalism accelerationism

>> No.10227163

Not an argument.

>> No.10227170

He's right though. You undermine your own ideas being this much of a uncultured psychotic swine. Yes the jews are the globalized elite, so what. The elite needs to go. Jew or muslim or protestants, who the fuck cares. The elite must resign peacefully (hah) or be killed off. Stop being a psychotic shitposter and actually learn about politics to not sound stupid blaming the Jews. You can be inteligent and blame them too, you know.

>> No.10227197

Notice the psychotic projection in this post. The jew's tribal instincts will kick in and he will turn into an attack dog when self-aware whites point out that his group needs to be removed from our societies. Whites need to be able to recognize these patterns and not cower to the jew's rabid tribal response. Jews are the problem and the solution is their removal, period.

>> No.10227205
File: 313 KB, 293x622, 1473607494027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white people are done for if this is all we have to offer to thought

>> No.10227221

Also be aware of the demoralization tactics of the jew. Whites have removed this parasite countless times before and will again, don't let the jew gaslight you into thinking otherwise.

>> No.10227230

>rabid tribal response
>his group needs to be removed
it must be so comfy to feel you know the answer, such simplicity too

>> No.10227261

but da JOOZ

>> No.10227271
File: 179 KB, 366x392, 1501317431559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tankies try their damnedest nowadays to distance themselves from the SJWs. And yet I never heard a peep from the tankies in 2010-2014 when the SJWs were on the offensive. No word from the old-line communists whatsoever, no media outreach, no "These blue-haired freaks don't represent us, trust me." Only after the SJWs had their offensive fucked with did you guys speak up.

Where were you guys back then?

>> No.10227275

tankies are the biggest SJWs in the world.

>> No.10227278

Another disingenuous comment. Regulated trade, where only one partner is expected to end government intervention into industry, is not free trade. Keep trying to explain away the mass siphoning of labor and capital away from the working and middle classes and into the hands of cosmopolitan puppetmasters, who blame the fault of the tax system instead of the entire economic system that they themselves constructed for this very purpose.

>> No.10227282

you just described neoliberliasm.

>> No.10227284

>Parisian thought
>(the real group responsible for it)
you're no better you illiterate fuck

>> No.10227294

who would you lay the burden of the state of college campuses on but the Parisians? of course they themselves never really were in favor but all the "WHITE MALE" shit is from their followers

>> No.10227296

Also note how the jew will present statements like this as a facade to make seem silly the notion that "it's the jews." Here, the jew is attempting to throw off the naive and uncurious who can with ease by way of the internet confirm that jews are indeed the problem and the source of the anti-white animus so prevalent within white nations.

>> No.10227301

not an argument.

>> No.10227309

Why are communists responsible for what liberals do? If you're somewhat educated you should know what liberals believe and what communists believe, there's not very many overlaps.

>> No.10227317
File: 36 KB, 378x315, 20171104_104235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10227332

>is from their followers
so not them ...
It's a distinctly American phenomena

>> No.10227335

This was the same in 2010 as it is now, but only now do you draw a line in the sand.

>> No.10227347

and what are american theory classes based off?

>> No.10227354

postcolonial theory

>> No.10227356

get a load of this tribal instinct driven shitpost

>> No.10227358

>postcolonial theory
is based on French postmodernism

>> No.10227362
File: 808 KB, 699x867, athenaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop being psychotic
>also we have to murder all of these people

>> No.10227364

>If you erased the names from the Frankfurt School's writings the alt-right would agree with it 100%.
This was proven on /pol/ and /lit/ when people posted Adorno quotes with pictures of Hitler on them.

>> No.10227365

They do not read because they are illiterate.

>> No.10227368

idk man maybe you should go ask them lol

>> No.10227369

well postmodernism is based on Marxism and psychoanalysis so why don't you blame them? why stop at postmodernism?

>> No.10227370

why read books when you can read infographics or watch youtube videos

>> No.10227373

what are these anti-jew posters going to do when the jewish technologists start mining everyone's internet posts to discern their political biases and executing them one by one?

>> No.10227374

I thought it was intersectional feminism

>> No.10227377

idk nigga, why not blame Zeno of Elea for inventing dialectic thought

>> No.10227379

exactly. so blaming the French for American retardation is retarded.

>> No.10227381

The way jews swarm to and go all out on Frankfurt School threads should tell whites who haven't studied the topic all they need to know. These really drive jews up a wall.

>> No.10227391

>everyone who disagrees with me is a jew

>> No.10227394

why do these ((((them)))) posters hate the jews again? It seems like all these posters do is subsist on jewish inventions and forms of entertainment but beckon for a return to higher culture while they couldn't name five characters of Shakespeare or recite one poem?

>> No.10227411

they already are, since 2006. :^)

>> No.10227421

The short answer is that if they were well-read, they wouldn't be on the far-right. There are respectable right-wing ideologies, but the key here is that the specific brand of right-wing that uses "Cultural Marxism" as a boogieman or dogwhistles towards doing so is made up of generally uneducated people. They base their entire ideology on shadows, myths, and propagandize versions of history which never actually existed. They lack the most basic education to understand why they're laughed at by the wider world, and most times they refuse to be educated, because knowledge will drive you mad ala Lovecraft, because that's the last fiction they read, or something

>> No.10227422

>high culture

plebs are everywhere and they are rewriting history

>> No.10227425

Read Žižek on anti-semitism, he has some good insights

>> No.10227428

You're all just shouting into an echo chamber here.

>> No.10227431

Anti-semitism is a far easier belief system to adopt than actually engaging in any level of critical thought. Why adopt, defend, and rigorously shape a personality ideology when you can just blame all of the world's faults on an invisible boogy-man?

>> No.10227441

anything specific?

>> No.10227449

Seriously bizarre. This is why people say jews are myopic sociopaths who continually blame their faults on others and due to complete unawareness regarding their own behavior find themselves routinely on the wandering road yet again.

>> No.10227458

Postmodernism is not based on Marxism, illiterate fucktard. It is the continuation of the Kant/Heidegger tradition of subjectivism and Enlightenment critique.

>> No.10227462

I just want morons who cloak their lack of education in antisemitism to stop giving right-wing politics a bad rap

>> No.10227466

>Kant/Heidegger tradition
You have no right calling anyone illiterate

>> No.10227468

Honestly this. Curtis Yarvin had the right idea in branding Marxism as a species of Anglo progressivism.

>> No.10227469

the right-wing (not neocons) need antisemitism as a smarter outsider to justify itself. otherwise the Muslim/Mexican hordes are just chaotic and have no leader.

>> No.10227472

Some of the /pol/ infographs use lines from new vegas
I'm not sure if the maker was serious or just memeing, but it doesn't matter now

>> No.10227477

You're a lying kike and no one believes this kind of stupidity. Marxism is patently jewish.

>> No.10227482

There is no agenda against whites specifically. Just whoever 'controls' the superstructures from which language eminates and suppresses people who do not belong to that caste; in this case white heterosexual males.

>> No.10227490

>from which language eminates
Yes, this is an inherently Parisian view.

>> No.10227491

Language eminates from everywhere, including 4Chan.
Marxism would have never come into existence without Hegel, Darwin and Adam Smith all whites.

>> No.10227492

>waah waahh whitey be holding me down

Get over yourself. No one cares about you.

>> No.10227495

Oh no, the horror! Immigration from a Hispanic, Catholic culture! How can the right wing survive such an existential threat?!

The issue with that is that it still places the "blame" for "postmodernism" on an outside force. In the end, what the right should do is to admit that the issues of the degradation of culture and religion are systemic, and not caused by some mysterious other which can be easily removed from society.

>> No.10227496

Hegel, Darwin and Smith wouldn't have come into existence if it weren't for dem Africans thousands of years ago, all black.

>> No.10227501

Marxists WANT communism to be this foreign, slimey, insurrectionary force; they get off on that kind of self-image. Conceiving Marxism as an evolution of progressive-liberalism ("Communism is as American as apple pie") subtly humiliates them as it groups them with the forces that they resent the most.

>> No.10227504

your latter point is inherently tied to the first. the entire purpose of this hard right school of thought is that if the outside force is removed then the system will function as normal. (of course it's retarded, but whatever)

>> No.10227515

Jews are not idea creators, they are idea subverters. They take the ideas of others and twist them in ways that are good for their interests and bad for their hosts.

>> No.10227519

Hitler and the other Nazihacks that stormfags adore lobed Islam and embraced Socialist ideas.

Does this make Hitler anti-white?

>> No.10227521

Bold claim, considering how most of the World believed in a plagiarized version of a Jewish religion, rearranged for local interests (the Catholic church and/or Islamic politicians).

>> No.10227528

Well, yeah. The "4chan right" is inherently based on identifying outsiders and saying that everything would be fine if it weren't for X. Sub in Islam, Jews, "The Swamp", Hispanics, whatever, they're all just Girardian scapegoats.

Really, what's most upsetting is that this is going to make anything right of bland neocon politics completely verboten from Washington for the next half-century. Thanks for that, guys.

>> No.10227529

Fascists are Keynesian. Their ideas were fine in the short-term but they ruined their countries over-all.

>> No.10227537

The idea of the Jew is different from Islam or Hispanics though. The latter are stupid lower-intellect masses to them,while the Jew is secretly plotting all of this from above. This is the most inherent thing about fascism, an invader that is smarter than the local culture and wishes to subvert it. All of the dumb barbaric horde stuff is perfectly compatible with liberalism.

>> No.10227557

Not only Keynesian. They were state capitalists, even in favor of state banking.

>> No.10227558

What? Semitic religions being a rehash of older ideas only backs up the claim.

>> No.10227566

The Jews were still more original in their religious ideas than most of the Western civilization was, making the claim that „Jews only copy“ an adventurous one. The West believed, for most of its existence, in a rip-off of Jewish mythology.

>> No.10227578

It's not jewish mythology though. Do you know where nearly everything in the bible comes from? Not jews. Semites are not and never have been creative.

>> No.10227579


>> No.10227592

my sides

>> No.10227602

Postmodernism began with the idea of the "end of big narratives". Including Marxism, one of the grandest of all narratives. So, no, Postmodrrnism is not a continuation of Marxist thought, albeit most of the "first wave Postmodernists" were Marxists.

>> No.10227620

Read this: http://www.kevinmacdonald.net/chap5.pdf

>> No.10227629

>postmodernism is not a continuation of marxist thought
>the seminal postmodern text is "Postmodernism or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism" by Fredric Jameson, famed marxist
unless of course you think its Maps of Meaning

>> No.10227644

Are you baiting? Said book was written decades after the first wave of Postmodernism and connects Postmodernism not with Marxism, but with ("late") Capitalism.

>> No.10227658

>seminal postmodern text

>> No.10227676
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>> No.10227690

>myopic sociopaths who continually blame their faults on others and due to complete unawareness regarding their own behavior find themselves routinely on the wandering road yet again.
So the /pol/ and /r9k/ demographic.

>> No.10227694

That one was made by a jew or a faggot that broke the protocol.

>> No.10227698

>implying half of /pol/ isn't subversive jews these days.

>> No.10227707

Why so defensive, stormfag? Wasn’t that a legitimate summarization of your „views“?

>> No.10227723

It was, but I would be smart enough not to present them in such an abrasive fashion.

>> No.10227734

>admitting to dogwhistling

>> No.10227758


>> No.10227842

Nice! Didn't know he had the individual chapters on that site. White men--read this.

>> No.10227850

>be American
>read only McDonald's