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/lit/ - Literature

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10226770 No.10226770[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ok some of you guys have high IQ and instead of using it to make an impact in a STEM related-field, you use your intellect to make up stories instead. Explain to me your reasoning.

>> No.10226789

Modern sciences are only illusions, negations of the absolute, the ultimate principle behind all things.

God said : ''Unto me you shall be brought back'' Remember it.

>> No.10226800

>letting yourself become a commodity for capital in STEM-related fields

lel lad

>> No.10226816

If everyone's STEM then STEM-fags become useless, explain why all STEM-fag demand this world.

>> No.10226819

It's more satisfying, besides made up stories make the world run. STEMfags needs something to read in their free-time too, and a good story can inspire more kids to become STEMfags.

>> No.10226824

>implying I'm not doing STEM
I just like writing dumb shit in my spare time, but I don't want to be dirt poor.
Also, my interest in math kind of outweighs my interest in literature, but shitposting about math isn't that fun.

>> No.10226825

I'm wealthy and don't need to toil in the mud.

>> No.10226876

I'm talking about the intellectually gifted, not everyone.

>> No.10226889
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>> No.10226901

>higher paid = bigger "impact"


>> No.10226921

Because stories are about human behaviour and human emotions, which are much more fundamental to the human experience than abstract systems of non-observable entities. A person can learn infinitely more from Tolstoy's Anna Karenina than from Feynman's Lectures on Physics.

>> No.10226951

what does STEM mean?

>> No.10226953

Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

>> No.10226960


>> No.10226963

I'm literally only doing enginering for the money.

>> No.10226969

Severe 'Tardation & Empathy Missing

>> No.10226987

I'm talking about the huge waste of potential of an intellectually gifted person who opts out of STEM. What if Euler, Gauss, Newton, etc, decided to write fairy tales instead of making important contributions to STEM?

>> No.10227012

“Waste of potential” to whom? Everyone’s supposed to do what will benefit “society” and really the owners of capital?

>> No.10227018

This, but with Bio. Sell out, get cosy, start a library.

>> No.10227019

But they didn't because that's not where their interests lied.
There are plenty of people who are interested in both liberal arts and STEM. Lewis Carroll was a mathematician/logician and a writer because both of those things interested him.

>> No.10227050

>“Waste of potential” to whom?
The answer to the 2nd sentence in my last reply.

>> No.10227065

>Making an impact in stem
More like slaving away to big pharma or doing bogus research to get funding. I'm a 150iq brainlet drop out druggie NEET.

>> No.10227085

You are living the true /lit/ lifestyle

>> No.10227086

>make an impact in a STEM related-field

maybe 1 in a hundred thousand stem fags is capable of this

>> No.10227087

quantum physics, relativity, evolutionary biology and mathematics are /lit/ as fuck

everything else is autism

>> No.10227103
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>> No.10227126
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>he didnt learn coding, can't help 1 of 4 corporations turn the internet into an orwellian mind-prison

>> No.10227137
File: 86 KB, 1920x1080, tautology-tan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoying yourself has greater utility than being useful.

>> No.10227142

Because I am not interested in STEM.

>> No.10227436

>You guys are high IQ
>Why don't you just fucking science
Groundbreaking idea: maybe they have no passion for it?

>> No.10227506

Because STEM doesn't make me happy, being creative does.

>> No.10227525

But I do have anreal job.

People that have lit related jobs are like people that have running as a hobby.

>> No.10227539

I'm literally only doing chemistry because of an online test.

>> No.10227567


>> No.10227570

math is so fucking boring it makes me want to kill myself lol

>> No.10227581

For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?

>> No.10227582


>> No.10227728

I'm ~140, but I'm also an emotional cripple. (I know, rare on this site) Literature is better medicine for me than lab work.

I actually have a pre-med degree and I love science.

For me personally, pursuing a stem career would set me up on a trajectory of failure because I don't like most of the people in stem. They've been memed into a false sense of superiority over the less educated. It'd be bad for me and irrelevant to the interest of society. Been there, done that.

>> No.10227755

>tried for a computer science degree
>got my shit ruined by precalc.

I am not smart enough to STEM. Besides, I'm naturally adept at writing. I would love to make STEM money, but I have not natural ability in math or coding. I hate them, in fact.

>> No.10227816

Wow, same boat.

I'm also going for a Comp sci degree, except I'm doing good in precalc. This winter break I'm going to focus on studying grammar and writing to see if I enjoy it. Right now Comp Sci is something i'm just doing, I have no love for it.

>> No.10227828

Well said.

Because I'm an autist and dreaming the day away in subcreation is better than watching films or reading books like a normie.

t. godlet