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File: 210 KB, 955x645, DNyxcFsX4AEiA3n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10226670 No.10226670 [Reply] [Original]

Tao Lin has lost his mind.

This is an email he wrote to his infant brother.

>> No.10226683

You mean he's woke?

>> No.10226701

is he redpilled?

>> No.10226755

His infant brother has an email account?

>> No.10227041

>MMR vaccine causes autism
One of the weakest, most boring conspiracy theories around. What a fucking retard.

Shame, I found him funny when he wrote that story where everyone had a 'shit eating grin'.

>> No.10227571
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He said he has autism, so yes.

>> No.10227590

Honestly, kind of genius. Thanks for sharing, op.

>> No.10227599

How is this losing his mind? It's written very clearly and concisely. This isn't the work of an insane person and you would know if you had seen the work of an insane person.

He might be wrong about vaccines, but he's not insane

>> No.10227677

said Tao, on gmail chat.

"cool," said his brother. "i didn't know that. seems weird, or something"

"i feel fucked," said tao. "maybe ~90% more fucked than usual"

"me too," said his brother.

"are dolphins capable of love"

"i don't know," said his brother, on gmail chat.

>> No.10227721

is this shit true

>> No.10228289

its an oldskool late 90s hoax that was debunked 10 years ago.

>An investigation by journalist Brian Deer found that Andrew Wakefield, the author of the original research paper linking the vaccine to autism, had multiple undeclared conflicts of interest,[9][10] had manipulated evidence,[11] and had broken other ethical codes. The Lancet paper was partially retracted in 2004, and fully retracted in 2010, when Lancet's editor-in-chief Richard Horton described it as "utterly false" and said that the journal had been "deceived".[12] Wakefield was found guilty by the General Medical Council of serious professional misconduct in May 2010 and was struck off the Medical Register, meaning he could no longer practice as a doctor in the UK.[13] In 2011, Deer provided further information on Wakefield's improper research practices to the British Medical Journal, which in a signed editorial described the original paper as fraudulent.[14][15] The scientific consensus is the MMR vaccine has no link to the development of autism, and that this vaccine's benefits greatly outweigh its risks.

>Wakefield's paper was described as "perhaps, the most damaging medical hoax of the last 100 years".[16] Physicians, medical journals, and editors[17][18][19][20][21] have described Wakefield's actions as fraudulent and tied them to epidemics and deaths

The 'sources' Tao Lin mentions: Weston A Price Foundation, Stephanie Seneff both refer to Wakefield's paper.

God knows why this meme is so tenacious.

>> No.10228871

>God knows why this meme is so tenacious.

Autism and other weird congenital abnormalities are rapidly climbing, and no one seems to have good answers as to why. I can't begrudge people for panicking about it and rushing to bad conclusions.

>> No.10228915

No, he didn't write this to his little brother. He wrote this to useful idiots like you who will meme him as
which is why you're able to see it at all.

>> No.10229247

>infant brother
maybe to his brother about his brothers infant?

What if its possible without vaccines at all there would be more prevalent illnesses that the vaccines are to combat: and what if to some people vaccines do have a bad outcome?

>> No.10229253

wtf i love tao lin now

>> No.10229285


> had multiple undeclared conflicts of interest,[9][10] had manipulated evidence,[11] and had broken other ethical codes

this also describes every major medical journal

>> No.10229304
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>using wikipedia for political, historic or scientific purposes

>> No.10229310

Joke: vaccines don't cause autism
Broke: vaccines cause autism
Woke: vaccines cause autism and that's a good thing

>> No.10229369

Supreme Leader Snoke: autism causes vaccines

>> No.10229402

>mmr === vaccines
bro, your poverty rate is the reason your MMR is so high

>> No.10229441

>hotep shitposting
get back to listing 2-3 images as evidence of a global conspiracy and then shitting on genetic studies

you're scientifically illiterate and it is time to step up and criticize like a man, or stop

>> No.10229443

If vaccines don't cause autism, then what does? Why is autism so much more prevalent than it used to be?

>> No.10229455

plastic, estrogen in water, radiation, lighting, mothers diet, odds, chemicals in food, video games

>> No.10229459

all that matters is that you let the doctors inject your children with whatever 10 new things they decided your child needs

>> No.10229478

>if not 'x', then it has to be 'y'
for all we know it could be a network of SNPs being selected for, or susceptibility being unearthed from a variety of environmental causes. Or Neaderthal genes being spread more often (mixed kids)

>> No.10229484

Processed foods and the fact that it's actually diagnosed at all.

>> No.10229508

this is a very good point, plus preterm and underweight babies being delivered

>> No.10229531

>rapidly climbing, and no one seems to have good answers as to why
It is weird that people seem more concerned with ignoring it by either pretending autism is nothing to be ashamed of.negative, or disregarding the evidence and embracing a lifestyle that will result in all the things corellated with autism (children at a late age, substance abuse, etc)

>> No.10229543

>the fact that it's actually diagnosed
Any sort of actual autism would have certainly been noticed back then; if they just threw them into asylums for being retarded with unknown cause, there would be records of this.
I doubt it's an issue of nurture either, since the "just man up" approach you'd have seen back then doesn't fix the kind of autism we see today. Not social awkwardness, actual developmental disability.
Processed foods just seems like a boogeyman. Sure it's unhealthy and you certainly shouldn't be eating it as a child, but unless you're feeding your baby a pound of smoked hot dogs every day they're not going to be consuming any dangerous substances in amounts that matter. Processed foods aren't toxic, they're just shit quality. Not to mention all the commonplace chemicals old kids would have been exposed to, lead paint and cancer-inducing pesticides the like.

>> No.10229554


>> No.10229630

>had multiple undeclared conflicts of interest,[9][11] and had broken other ethical codes.
this doesnt undermine the study whatsoever

>> No.10229756


this all makes sense

>> No.10229661

Underrated post. I kek'd

>> No.10229683

He's completely right until he gets to the pedophile vampires

>> No.10229822

>had multiple undeclared conflicts of interest,
>this doesnt undermine the study whatsoever
My interest is that the true results of the study are not seen by the public

>> No.10230694

Wikipedia is totally wrong on a lot of stuff.

>> No.10230712

"plastic, estrogen in water, radiation, lighting, mothers diet, odds, chemicals in food, video games"

Those are likely all contributors to autism. Vaccines would be a major contributor, the pesticides, aluminum, and mercury being injected directly into the blood, at the times when the body is most suspectible and weak, as infants.

>> No.10230714

The debunking is totally wrong. Why do people not realize vaccines are a billion dollar industry?

Check out The Pathological Optimist and Vaxxed and Trace Amounts and The Greater Good, documentaries on this.

>> No.10230723
File: 154 KB, 750x500, F6A19943-6CA2-42B9-99CA-F2350B3DAF5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love you too, Tao.

>> No.10230745

people have lost the ability to read sentences. those are logical clear sentences tao writes

>> No.10230749

hey tao, put me in the screencap.

>> No.10230758
File: 351 KB, 639x480, 1506628212095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Tao Lin, I bought your book (Taipei), it was pretty good, although I couldn't really relate to everything as I don't do drugs. I liked the part regarding chess, mcdonalds and the ending concerning if you are already dead. Don't spend the money on drugs please. Thanks.

t. anon

>> No.10230759

I don’t see why the idea that injecting babies with a cocktail of disease and poison might have adverse effects is so controversial desu.

This backlash seems part of the “uhmm its like literally science so its good” reddit type or progressive liberal that fucking loves epic progress, cartoons, black science man, the european union, nintendo collectibles of adult bearded males, brightly coloured breakfast serials, subscription video streaming services, kurzgesagt, etc

>> No.10230766

I always wondered what kind of a retard it takes to make up something stupid like mormonism. Now I know.

Nice story he has but needs more dragons

>> No.10230772


>> No.10230774

this is the real answer and tao readily acknowledges this. vaccines have nothing inherent that cause autism, but they way they are made now does contribute with these other factors to create autistic environment

>> No.10230775

Easy on the vaccines, Tao

>> No.10230776
File: 50 KB, 611x355, tpleb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. pleb trying to justify why she got a bird flu vaccine

>> No.10230778

Fuck off with your mediocre shit, Tao

>> No.10230798

These Twitter normies are really going wild. They’re about as righteous about this as climate science while having studied neither.

Having already taken the redpill of vaccins and 9/11 Tao should go lurk /pol/.

Soon he will know the people who are behind all the falsities he has found.

>> No.10230801

There are far more autism cases now, but many are due to changes in how it's diagnosed. Whether autism is actually more widespread now is not known.

>> No.10230830

Hey Tao, long-time (looong time) observer of you, from your blog-comment section days until today. I disagree with a lot of what you say or have said (e.g. thinking that privacy is pointless and that everything that be public) but I respect you for at least expressing what you believe despite the predictably negative reaction.

>> No.10230832

I love Tao Lin. I wanna give him a hug. Are you there Tao? I love you.

True dude. Totally true.

>> No.10230839

>I don’t see why the idea that injecting babies with a cocktail of disease and poison might have adverse effects is so controversial desu.
they do have some adverse effects

autism isn't one of them

>> No.10230842

The "undiagnosed myth" is the dumbest argument ever. The rate of autism is increasing exponentially. Even the CDC admits that by 2030, there will be a 300% increase in ASD adults 18-22 who will be unemployable and that number will only continue to rise.

There is obviously an external cause other than more effective diagnosis.

>> No.10230860
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Literal trash whore.

Thank god my single mother wasn't left-wing, I'd be even more fucked than I am already.

>> No.10230869

>There is obviously an external cause other than more effective diagnosis.

>> No.10230876
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>> No.10230878

why are there so many nu males bashing tao on twitter? I don't use twitter, is it always like this?

>> No.10230888

>autistic child

>> No.10230911


notice how numales begin tweets written for the purpose of shaming saying "yikes", always

>> No.10230912

Anything, ever, which involves using your Existential Brand (i.e. Name) and attempting to become as relatively popular as possible (Likes, Followers, Retweets) while both competing against and attempting to win the favour of others attempting to do the same, inevitably results in (1) Public lynchings, (2) Intense, aggressive, even violent assertions of the status-quo (within that community at least), (3) Rapid, "sound-bite" dismissal of anything which seems "weird" in a way that is not conducive to attracting a large audience. 4chan is the anti-thesis of this model because we thrive on the obscure, we don't display ourselves in a way that allows us to be lynched (e.g. I, poster of this very post, hate niggers and many if not most kikes and would like to see them slaughtered en masse asap) and are loyal to a form of post-ironic expression which precludes the notion of a status quo.

>> No.10230924
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He's a truther, too. An extremely weird one, though.

>> No.10230925
File: 71 KB, 601x551, fagso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not autistic, but she is training him to give pro-Black power speeches.

Pic related

>> No.10230934
File: 28 KB, 540x361, taolin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*holds up spork*

>> No.10230941

Disgusting how people groom their kids to be political propaganda performers.

>> No.10230968

that's all they can do when they've got nothing else.

>> No.10230978

She let some Chad fuck here and then he left her when she birthed her kid, now her subconscious has reacted to the trauma of this by dictating that she take out her repressed, subconcious anger on everything her white male Chad represented. Many such cases! Sad!

>> No.10231021

Hey Tao can you publish this post in your next collection?


>> No.10231047

It isn't more prevalent. Tons of people of the past had what we would call autism, only they didn't have a word for it then. Kant is an obvious example. So is Isaac Newton.

>> No.10231052

That's one form of autism, but contemporary trends in autism involves very poor speech and inter-personal communication, effectively a form of neurobiological solipsism. I myself have recently suspected that I too am autistic, primarily because of my vast, peerless intellect but relatively terrible ability to communicate with other people, especially roastwhores.

>> No.10231061

>Tao Lin has lost his mind.
No, he hasn't. Vaccines aren't medicine, they're dangerous diseases except in diluted form. They cause side effects even in the best case. As more and more people are vaccinated, the benefit of vaccinating the next person decreases.

>> No.10231064

99% of autists are mentally retarded, anon. Autism itself doesn't make you smart, it makes you dumber.

>> No.10231072

crack some shells to cook an omelette kinda thing right?

>> No.10231073

Omg, this is like, a, like, joke, like, right?

Like omg i literally CAN'T

Yikes, I hope you don't mean to imply vaccines cause autism...

This is really dangerous and I don't know if I can be your fan anymore, Tao. This is, like, offensive to people who are autistic too or on the spectrum, my, like, brother has like autism. Trust me, just get vaccines.

I also find this particularly racist against vaccines. You sexist pig! Like I can't right now guys omg I literally can't, you fucking hack. I'm not your fan anymore! Like wow, I thought you were a cool normie PC liberal, but now i see that you're just like omg like i can't


i can't

>> No.10231080

go to bed Tao

>> No.10231087

video games can turn people 'autist light', theyre socially crippled and are given a diagnosis to make them go away. There are no more full on turbo-autists than there ever was before

>> No.10231089

like omg guys you, Tao Lin, like literally deserve to be castrated

please get castrated. Thanks.

>> No.10231090

>go to bed Tao
I'm not Tao, also I'm not sure that Tao would watch serial experiments Lain.

>> No.10231096

>vaccines have nothing inherent that cause autism
What makes you say that? Injecting a bunch of different chemicals, clearly labeled and known to be dangerous as alluded to in the letter in op, into a baby, could have a negative effect on that babies biochemical, physiological, physical, psychological, development, I dont see how one can say it could not. It is just: a lot of people get vaccines and come out ''''normal'''', an amount of people do not come out normal before they are even of age to take vaccine:

So nature, biology, human life, is fickle and fragile to degrees to begin with. There is fas, and there is second hand smoke, and there are crack babies, it may not take much to ''''significantly'''' impact a babies development by adding these chemicals here or those chemicals there.

>> No.10231098

GAPS diet, bone broth + probiotics work

chicken soup is not a meme, sometimes heuristics persist because they are useful

>> No.10231103
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What did he mean by this?
Also I don't really know anyone with autism irl but Ive been hearing more and more about kids who refuse to talk recently.
There's one kid at my brother's school who refused to talk to anyone in school for two years. He only speaks with his family. Kinda weird.

>> No.10231104

This is likely the meat of this story; the socially isolated lives many young people are leading, especially slightly awkward, really exacerbates these outwardly 'autistic' characteristics. A shy 15 year old can now, with a decent internet connection, pretty much wholly retreat from normal human experience.

>> No.10231105

Bone broth is the chiropractics of food.

>> No.10231109

People are so adamant about it because in their minds, and they, and we, dont entirely know any better, it is either 'the bubonic plague will be ______% possibly likely to occur' or everyone equally bites the bullet, plays autism roulette, and we 'eradicate' these negative potentials

>> No.10231111

Then how come I'm "mummy's little genius"?

>> No.10231112

slightly awkward boys*

>> No.10231118

It's because Tao is a fucking spastic.

>> No.10231122

our gut flora becomes harmful when the balance of probiotics to obligate flora is thrown off. bone broth contains no fibre so it does not feed harmful bacteria and allows non deformed new gut cells to grow again. Introduction of probiotics after restores the ratio of beneficial to harmful bacteria in the guts.

it's not a meme, it's a heuristic that works; just a stupid simple remedy for illness from back in a time when there was very little autism.

>> No.10231126

lol, that person Wood, was blaming another group of being and doing exactly what she was and doing.

>> No.10231135

Vaccines really are terrible for young children, sure we killed smallpox and have everything else on the ropes thanks in part to Edward Jenner's method, but the quality of life for people is so good now that the medical field's own autism needs to be checked. We don't (usually) live in crowded tenement shitholes eating only bread and tea, we don't need to inoculate everyone on the basis of slippery slope reasoning, the risk is worth it if the side effects of the insurance will cripple you anyways. Oh, and howdy Mr. Lin.

>> No.10231139

Uhh, thanks, but I'll stick to antibiotics for my tummy aches.

>> No.10231145

Autism is a wide spectrum, its not only 'anti social', but other things as well, like actual chemical, physiological brain lacking

>> No.10231147

>go out and take drugs and get wasted
>next morning, take a pill to cure headache instead of deciding to cut back on the drugs and alcohol
the american dream

>> No.10231153

Is it simply a matter of, better be safe than sorry? Do the 1% take all the vaccines? Or are they worried that some walmart human in a vat in some ghost town slum village will breed some super disease

>> No.10231156

it isn't a "cocktail of disease and poison" you stupid motherfucking troglodyte, it's a carefully manufactured VACCINE that was tried and tested thousands of times prior to incorporation into the health system

>> No.10231171

antibiotics will actually destroy beneficial probiotics in your digestive tract.
It's not that you can't take them, it's just that if you have weakened probiotic counts due to past neglect or history of illness, the course of antibiotics you take may full well destroy enough beneficial bacteria to allow the obligate and potentially harmful bacteria colonies in the gut to multiply unregulated.

When they are not controlled by the larger number of helpful bacteria, the obligate type of gut bacteria can overrun the gut and in doing so produce harmful chemicals that when processed by the body can manifest in negative physical/psychological symptoms.

Depending on the types of obligate gut bacteria we have, everyone's symptoms of improper gut health can look different. Many of the foods we eat now do not nourish the digestive system and many people (especially young children being fed formula instead of breastmilk for example) have weakened flora counts prior to vaccine and antibiotics administration, which is what is causing the problems, not the drugs themselves.

If you have to get a vaccine, take an antibiotic or have dental work done, it is advised to improve your probiotic counts (you can do this by eating organic yogurts and naturally fermented vegetables)

>> No.10231172

PIDF working on Sundays now? God you people are PATHETIC!

>> No.10231176

I was being sarcastic lad ad parodying people who take antibiotics or minor issues, thus fucking over the rest of us.

>> No.10231190

It's a matter of stop falling for the memes of modern medicine, vaccines work well but you shouldn't have to give them to children due only to reasoning based on fear. My mother swore by homeopathy and I'm still alive. Will a super disease show Itself? Maybe, vaccines will have to come after the disease shows up and inoculation of adults is pretty safe in comparison to doing the same to children. I doubt the 1 percent care, keep your children in private schools with the best food and medical care, no virus will ever get them.

>> No.10231191

they're only taking what their Dr. is prescribing for them...

>> No.10231211

>tfw tao realises we were his true friends after all and not urbanite hipsters

This is what Leaving Society looks like.

>> No.10231226

aint othing pathetic about 50 bucks an hour, and the internet never sleeps

>> No.10231238

I feel like this is where this thread should have stopped.

>> No.10231248

>My mother swore by homeopathy and I'm still alive. Will a super disease show Itself? Maybe,
im sure many people practiced homeopathy in the middle ages too, maybe they were all spared by the plague

>> No.10231280

>Maybe, vaccines will have to come after the disease shows up
errrmm the diseases did show up, 100, 50, 40, years ago, then the vaccines showed up.

millions and millions of people have typhoid and lupus and leprosy, cholera, influenza, mumps, polio, tuberculosis

or 100 thousand people have autism

>> No.10231286

I'll take the former if it means I have more of a chance of getting my dick "wet".

>> No.10231299

Celibacy is a very powerful tool. Anything ascetics and monastics of old did was not without reason, they’re proven methods.

>> No.10231302

See my previous points on living standards

We're talking about hypothetical super diseases.

>> No.10231354

tao lin is my nigga. normies get fuked.

>> No.10231370

>tao lin is my nigga. normies get fuked.
this and also DFW

>> No.10231376

>I'll take the former if it means I have more of a chance of getting my dick "wet".
hm, well increased chance of your dick being wet due to cold sweating

>> No.10231385

the vaccines are given to prevent those diseases that are known to have existed. Some might be to prevent the possibility of new ones.


>> No.10231474
File: 5 KB, 108x108, thinking face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'openminded' twitter progressives
>they're all extreme bullies when you don't agree with them on faith alone

is the right the new avant-garde? are leftists self-policing to the point of discouraging any transgressive and interesting ideas?

has progressive dogma solidified to the point of having its own conservative streak?

>> No.10231495

>is the right the new avant-garde?
half the right loses its shit when u bring up black ppl are okay ppl who do get fucked over by police and other factors.

>> No.10231512

quads don't lie

>> No.10231550

That is a fringe belief though, 'black people are okay despite all the evidence to the contrary' is the mainstream belief.

Racialist new sincerity is avant-garde.

>> No.10231615

>and other factors
The "other factors" being their lack of self-control and their tribalist sense of self-entitlement?

I doubt anybody disputes this.

>> No.10231626

you have to express it as the desire for conversation: They believe all the conversation and arguments is settled, they know all the ins and outs and questions and conclusions, and they believe the right choice is the right choice;

You, or people who have a different stance, must simply successfully express what is wrong about their conclusions, and right about yours.

So it is interesting, lets work it out:

Vaccines prevent all these diseases _____________

Vaccines may cause autism in this amount of people _________________

The people that are afraid of the latter more than the former, would like to not give their children vaccine:

This is where the hysterics comes into play, for good reason, and it is due to democracy:

We don't want our child to take these vaccines: well, we, the majority have voted that it is the law, so either you take them, or move out of america.

Thats that.

Whats that, the majority votes to make vaccines not mandatory?

Scientists now say that all those diseases have greater chances of coming back:

5 years, 10 years, 20 years later; resurgence in

hundreds of thousands dying etc. 'but my kid doesn't have autism and we live in a cabin in wyoming.

ok, so where does the convo go from there?

>> No.10231632


>> No.10231644

is this a shill on a /lit/ board? FUck off. Seriously CIA eat a dick you aren't good at hiding your CIAness.
How much time did you spend at school just to be a watcher of some 4chan memes you fucking degenerate

>> No.10231665

How many vax vs unvax studies have been conducted by the CDC? Oh right, ZERO.

>> No.10231684

>Autism and other weird congenital abnormalities are rapidly climbing

No shit, look at the rising age of new parents.

Autism is caused by a pre-natal disorder

>> No.10231687

Those diseases only have a greater chance of coming back because we're importing third world refuse into our country.

>> No.10231694

I don't know if you're talking about Australia or the US but that's what they were both built from.

>> No.10231704

It's obviously a parody you dimwit lmao

>> No.10231742

Factually wrong, both were made up of first world Europeans.

>> No.10231807

there are still swamps and shit and billy joes bio hazzard extravaganza

>> No.10231840

Same on both

What kind of tv shows do you guys watch? I've started watching this one cartoon called "Rick and Morty" - it really fits my taste! Have you guys heard about it? I think you'd like it!

>> No.10231858

Imagine there’s an infectious disease spreading through your community. It leaves some people crippled; others die from it. Then someone comes along and says: “Here’s something that will protect you from this disease for the rest of your life. You and your family can have it, for free.” You would be very relieved, right?

>> No.10231871

no need to be so envious

>> No.10233143

>for free

>> No.10233209

you're wrong

>> No.10233212
File: 1.14 MB, 852x854, 1498090314981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do you think the anti-vaxxers are, as a population? Rich, poor? Liberal, conservative?

>> No.10233227

>“uhmm its like literally science so its good” reddit type
Their worship of capital-S Science has become a religion. They're so desperate to appear enlightened and rational instead of emotionally-driven and kneejerky that they enshrine anything presented to them by an authority, not knowing or caring that most science fields are as corrupt as any other industry. You see all sorts of HuffPo articles with SCIENCE CONFIRMS DRUMPH VOTERS HAVE SMALL PENISES headlines. It's their god.
Bring up IQ when they start worshiping "science and facts" and see how quickly they turn into a stuttering mess.

>> No.10233235

Well said.
Say what you will about the autism of 4chan but the result of true anonymity has produced a truly fascinating culture. I genuinely think there's great socio-anthropological value in the study of memes, discourse, and internet cultures.

>> No.10233237

Literally WHO?

>> No.10233245

There is a 0% chance he is serious

>> No.10233257

suspicious, inquisitive, parently

>> No.10233265

>vast, peerless intellect

>> No.10233267

This is called scientism.

In my experience actual working scientists (i.e. university researchers or similar) rarely have this attitude because they're much more familiar with science's limitations/flaws

>> No.10233270

fucking bitch, tits or gtfo

>> No.10233693

A 100% more like, Tao is always sincere.

>> No.10233712

>Racialist new sincerity is avant-garde

tfw you realize David Foster Wallace would be here today if someone had given him a copy of the Culture of Critique

>> No.10233738

He's always been fucking crazy. He's autistic. He looks like an overgrown version of those little snot nosed kids who ask you if you have games on your phone.

>> No.10233747


>> No.10233750

At least he didn't kill himself ironically.

>> No.10233779

I agree. Many even tend to become cynical about their own work because of it.

>> No.10233797


no you fuckhead jesus christ dont do that

>> No.10233821

No you dumbass. Australia was literally a dumping ground for violent criminals, and USA was a refuge for religious fanatics who weren't wanted in Europe.

>> No.10233892

That's what a vaccine is though. You get a little dose of the virus/disease and your body makes stuff to counteract it. Now the body is ready to fight the disease if you were to ever catch it

At least that's my limited understanding.

This shit it like White Noise or something. There's so much information that anything seems possible or plausible today.

>> No.10234557

Double blind studies are conducted for pretty much any pharmaceutical product
For the average person maybe. But somehow many people are convinced that they have to judge things they have no idea about.

>> No.10234594

Yet none of them believe vaccines cause autism

>> No.10235619

This is such a stupid comment. Look, there's nothing wrong with spouting conspiracy theories on your own time and when they're harmless. but spreading misinformation and asking parents not to vaccinate their kid could potentially leave that child at risk. This isn't about the whole dogmatic science thing( which I agree is annoying) its about how Lin is literally spreading ignorant, and frankly stupid, ideas to his fans that have the potential to hurt children. There's tons of information proving the whole "vaccine cause autism" theory false. Furthermore, Lin's own research seems narrow and unreliable.

>> No.10235651
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Would he be for or against vaccines?

>> No.10235677
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Another mind corrupted by the McKenna menace

>> No.10235771

Prevention is better than cure. Why risk the potential of a large scale epidemic for some minor inconveniences?

>Vaccines are now politicized
Ffs Everybody should be beating down this nonsense and if 'non-progressives' aren't on board then they can go fuck themselves.

Nah if anything they are probably fucked from the diseases that lurk in your country

>> No.10235774

This is such a stupid comment. Look, there's nothing wrong with spouting conspiracy theories on your own time and when they're harmless. but spreading misinformation and asking parents to vaccinate their kid could potentially put that child at risk.

>> No.10235919

>There's so much information that anything seems possible or plausible today.

It's an inevitable feature of the large scale society. Our lives are affected by an increasing number of factors outside our own control. For example, the complexity of the global world - even the sheer number of events - is more than any one person can understand. We are forced to rely on specialist sources to condense this information into a narrative so we can see how trends will affect us. Different sources present different narratives according to their own motivations. You can never be sure what you're getting is the truth. Indeed there are many versions of the truth.
In my opinion science is corrupted via its own scale. It's hard to know who funds what research, whether research is being suppressed, whether it's simply bullshit. Doubly since dissemination of politically important scientific results occurs through the global media complex.
In the end all you can do is trust your own eyes.

>> No.10236255

i be cry

>> No.10236262

If you're scum from the first world you're still from the first world, you dimwitted cunt.

>> No.10236268

Anti-vaxxers are like the anti-GMO crowd, they're pretty divorced from political correlations. You can find them in the appeal-to-nature hippy left, and the "don't trust anything ever" right

>> No.10236313

>all you can do is trust your own eyes
You can't. Everyone is specialized to a few of countless fields of expertise. And even within those there is more than enough room for error. How am i supposed to know if neonicotine based insecticides disproportionately fuck with pollinators? I'm not a biologist. All we can do is to inform yourself about the status of the current scientific discourse and hope its working properly. And even the capacity to do so is limited to a few problems we choose through personal interest.

>> No.10236388

Late motherhood, more frequent diagnoses and broader definition, etc. It's like saying there was no autism in the XIXth c.

>> No.10236398

people shat out kids until menopause in the 20th and 19th century

>> No.10236444

So we are basically a transgressive, post-Gramscian right and they are a bunch of faggots. Feels good to be right, anon.

>> No.10236447

And then they made pictures of their deformed bodies and heads.

>> No.10236473

>All we can do is to inform yourself about the status of the current scientific discourse and hope its working properly.
And hope that there's no agenda and that people capable of sniffing out said agenda are alert enough. And by that I don't mean "woke" /pol/tards, but actual scientists who aren't cynical pieces of shit.

>> No.10236725

>rapidly climbing
or we've broadened the definition of autism and diagnose it differently than we used to, leading to more people being diagnosed with autism while the number of autistic people is the same.

>> No.10236742

but it's the progressive liberals that are most of the anti-vaxxers

>> No.10237032

wholesome post

>> No.10237054

Go to bed Tao.

>> No.10237320
File: 54 KB, 750x653, when.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this never gets old

>> No.10238009

That's what I meant with hope its working properly. There's not just the problem of agenda since science became a career choice with a lot of pressure to publish. In my line of work there's the biannual chink publication about a breakthrough in battery technology for example. You can throw pretty much all of those in the bin without even reading them.

>> No.10238236

>mmr vaccine

this shit doesn't work i'm stuck in 4k get me OUT boys

>> No.10239220

who is this?

>> No.10239283
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the common thread here is "intellectually curious, scientifically uneducated".

>> No.10239357


>That's what a vaccine is though. You get a little dose of the virus/disease and your body makes stuff to counteract it. Now the body is ready to fight the disease if you were to ever catch it

I believe they kill the virus by heating it up, and the vaccine is the dead virus cells. Supposedly they don't cause harm because they're dead, and the body still creates the suitable antibodies.

>> No.10239382


Observe your number of hours played. Imagine what you could have accomplished with that time.

>> No.10239499

People have children later in life.

>> No.10239917

*adjusts headset*

he makes so much sense.

>> No.10239923

u fucking wot

>> No.10240476

It's obviously a parody of a parody you brainlet

>> No.10240706

Hi Tao! I recently finished Tai Pei and am looking forward to Leave Society. (Do we have a date on that yet?) While I enjoyed your novel I felt it lacked a satisfying conclusion. The first 1/3 of it made sense to me - the ramping up of the character and establishment of his life - though I may not have accurately represented it here, I think you accurately captured the kind of bored and slightly depressed sensibility common to the modern expereince. The second part also made sense, as Paul just spiraled into crazy drug abuse, not necessarily out of addiction -- though I felt that that was an element -- but more, again, out of a sense of boredom, alost nihilistic but not quite. But I think the novel kind of got caught in that cycle of drug use and depression, and while that was perhaps the point, I seem to recall some strange shroom trip at the end where Paul seemingly had an epiphany, which to me felt rather shallow and trite. I hope your next novel can improve upon that.

>> No.10242282

>how did the pedophiles get control of AI?

>> No.10242290

my parents were 22 and 23. checkmate, atheists.

>> No.10243518

>pop sci


>> No.10245061

It's not so much climbing as it's only recently been psychologically and socially accepted as a spectrum. More people are being classified as autistic, despite most cases being severely minor compared to how it was classified originally.

>> No.10246224

I expected better from lit. Most of you arent awake and have nothing of value to say. remember this thread 10 years from now and see if you feel like a dumb piece of shit. Im out, I now think most of you have nothing of value to say anymore.

>> No.10246255
File: 107 KB, 1024x1028, 1508962579847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of get what he's saying.

>> No.10246264


>> No.10246412

I would like to know what Tao's dad thinks about the possibility of free energy using interfering EM fields. Tao can you please ask him about it, and then relate to us his response?

>> No.10246426

>letter he wrote to his infant brother
>"I was born in 1983 and got around 10 vaccine shots. You were born earlier and got even less"


>> No.10246432

this is a nice picture

>> No.10246461

might want to add NPD to your list bro