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10222748 No.10222748 [Reply] [Original]

Is simplicity the end goal? Is complexity just a means to reach a simple end?

I was watching my 7 month old son a few moments ago. He was playing with a ball. As My wife would bounce it up and down, he would laugh hysterically. The sheer joy he had watching such a simple thing was a beautiful thing to see. But then I started to ponder on what's really going on inside my son's mind and body.

Millions of actions, millions of complex mechanisms keep his body alive and functioning. Trillions of information sent throughout his CNS, just to steer the body and help either create or hold (depending on your religious beliefs) his extremely complex consciousness. And all for what? A human mind/soul with, when boiled down, the most basic needs and wants.

Consider all of the toys, advancements, and marvels man builds...just to make his life simpler. We drive cars, that abuse many laws and complex functions, just to make are travels simpler. We use complex machines that run complex logic to help make our daily communication, work, and leisure a much more simplistic endeavor, just so we don't expound so much energy.

Why do so many of you read such complex, philosophical jargon, and ponder the complexities of life? Just to make things simpler for you and your peace of mind. In the end, it's about simplification. We take simple, singular concepts and wrest and twist them into plural complexities, just to look back around to simplicity.

This might be the most basic thing you've ever heard but it was amazing to behold, for a simple mind like mine.

Or maybe I'm just retarded. Am I retarded?

>> No.10224723

>>Jargon is the problem. Most authentic philosophy has simple concepts but the academics like using terminology that makes it less accessible.

>> No.10224740

Of coure life is self-evident.
No one needed any philosophical bullshit to be happy for hundreds of thousands of years.

>> No.10224807

Very good thread. The manner in which it was expressed was very apt. You should start reading up on complexity theory.

Economics is literally built on this pseud notion of reducing complexity whilst only creating greater variables and greater complexity. Modernity is also built on it.

A book I would recommend to you that focuses on complexity from the standpoint of civilisations:

The Collapse of Complex Societies by Joseph Tainter.

There's a PDF copy of the latest edition on Libgen. It should tickle your appetites.