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10222380 No.10222380 [Reply] [Original]

What are your opinions on utilitarianism? pic unrelated

>> No.10222393

I'm so utilitarian that I've realized we'd all maximize true happiness through deontological ethics

>> No.10222397

This but semi-ironically

>> No.10222412
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>all of ethics is really utilitarian!
>yeah, utilitarianism is just the most rational moral theory
>wait, youre a deontologist? why do you want less happiness and more pain??
>haha this guy Kant thinks we shouldn't lie to murderers, what an idiot amirite?
>why yes, I do have both my kidneys. Why are you asking?

>> No.10222417

>he still thinks "u can't lie to murderers" is an objection to deontology
>he doesn't think slamming the door in a murderer's face and calling the police is categorically moral

>> No.10222425
File: 21 KB, 381x450, 97036-004-E9B37C21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still has material possessions
>he eats meat
>he isn't working 16 hours a day to give more african children malaria vaccines

>> No.10222427


>> No.10222434

>he treats africans as ends

>> No.10222452

a common rejection of deontology is that you can't teleologically suspend the ethical under any circumstances because its categorical
the common circumstance being a murder asking you where your children are or some such nonsense
all individuals must be treated as ends, so you cannot "lie" to a murderer
but you can of course apprehend him, refuse to cooperate at all, or even tackle him (deontology doesn't entail pacifism)

>> No.10222459

on the other hand, utilitarianism forces you to teleologically suspend the ethical when it allows even one more dopamine molecule to be released

>> No.10222465

>Angloid “””””””””philosophy””””””

>> No.10222505
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>utilitarians are hypocrites so somehow this disclaims their principle

>> No.10222528
File: 993 KB, 1532x1200, 1463561300613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hedonism for the mob is now moral because the mob said so

>> No.10222704


That pic is taken in Spain, I would recognize that model of garbage container in a heartbeat.

>> No.10222808

it demonstrates that it's not a workable theory

how do you even do the "hedonistic calculus" anyways smfh anglos

>> No.10222818

eating pizza is a 1
having sex is like eating 2 pizzas
not starving to death is 5 pizzas
thats it
thats the calculus

>> No.10222912

so whats your take on the topic at hand bro

>> No.10222941
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I think this is the real problem. Probably either there is...

- one ultimate, objective value like "pleasure"
- an objective hierarchy of values
- a competition between values for dominance with people differing in what they value

>> No.10222945


>> No.10223399
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>> No.10223950

pic absolutely related

>> No.10224007

It's the philosophy for the mediocre in spirit. It's fucking retarded.