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10221803 No.10221803 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for?

>> No.10221835

I'm surprised HuffPo gave a positive review

>> No.10221843

Probably not the real quote. Anyway, people who buy this make me question the value of widespread literacy.

>> No.10221847

> Creator of Vice magazine

Isn't this Gavin guy some conservative Youtube presenter that's borderline alt-right and complains about cultural marxism? If it's him, this would probably read as one of those "I was one of you, so trust me, but then I grew up and embraced the opposite side". I'm probably gonna google his name and find out that it's someone else though.

>> No.10221854

It probably came out before people decided he was a Nazi. Gavin used to be pretty successful in media.

>> No.10221860

Being an irredeemable faggot

>> No.10221890

Its very funny throughout and oddly touching at the end.

>> No.10221898

Someone hit you over the head with it?

>> No.10221900

I love seeing people of my generation growing up and turning conservative and acting like they're being wise. Nigga weren't you told that would happen? Old people get selfish. Weren't you prepared for it? These people have no actual thoughts, they're purely driven by instinct and rationalising it.

>> No.10221918


All young people are losers

>> No.10221920

I am so sick of hearing people in their 30s and 40s talk about their own 20s.

>> No.10221936

My parents are staunch hillary supporters and think I'm some sort of wacko for not being one as well. Even my grandparents dislike trump because he used some language they don't approve of. The "two Corinthians" incident probably didn't help either.

>> No.10221940

>Old people get selfish
It's more that once you've acquired a bit of wealth you don't want cunts to take it off you. Young people haven't had time to get rich so naturally they are in favor of sharing. Gibs me dats mentality baka

>> No.10221952

Even so it shows that they have no actual principles and are/were just acting in self-interest.

I don't think there's anything left wing about Hillary. I dislike Trump and his supporters but she's hardly any better.

>> No.10221965
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>using 'alt-right' unironically

>> No.10221973

To be honest, a lot of conservatives view liberals as being selfish because they're willing to put the whole country at risk in order to fulfill their need to be seen as virtuous.

And liberals are objectively less charitable than conservatives. Being a godless atheist isn't exactly conducive to philanthropy.

>> No.10221991

Nobody sees themselves as the bad guy. That's just human psychology.

>And liberals are objectively less charitable than conservatives. Being a godless atheist isn't exactly conducive to philanthropy.
Warren Buffet says he's agnostic, Bill Gates too, Andrew Carnegie rejected religion, Chuck Feeney I can't find much information on but he's certainly anti-Trump and anti white nationalist, George Soros identifies as atheist. That's five of the top six most philanthropic individuals ever in terms of USD. The other one is a Buddhist. I know theists like to tote the argument that atheists are less generous because they don't believe in god so why would they be, but the facts don't support it. It's like saying bees can't fly.

>> No.10221999
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>not being able to enjoy a sincere and sobering moment at the end of a genuinely entertaining memoir

>> No.10222055

>just acting in self-interest
As are left wingers.
Well first of all, tell me: Is there some society you know that doesn’t run on greed? You think Russia doesn’t run on greed? You think China doesn’t run on greed? What is greed? Of course, none of us are greedy, it’s only the other fellow who’s greedy. The world runs on individuals pursuing their separate interests.

>> No.10222059

I said that those individuals are acting in self-interest. Throughout their life, changing their politics to suit. I am criticising their personal integrity, not their specific politics.

>> No.10222060

Lel what a faggot

>> No.10222067

>personal integrity
Dude you talk like a child. Sorry we can't all be as noble and flawless as you. It must be great knowing you're right about everything and will never have to change your mind about anything ever again.

>> No.10222074

I sincerely hope none of the people here who read this book paid for it. This is the kind of shit you either download as a PDF or read at Barnes and Nobles.

>> No.10222086
File: 717 KB, 920x601, snookums.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awww, snookums got an ouchy? there, there. mummy rub it better

>> No.10222091


A retard's words for retards that will give him money.

>> No.10222096

There's a difference between changing your mind and changing your mind as dictated by self-interest. Maybe the distinction is too subtle for you?

>> No.10222105

Not an argument

>> No.10222138

Sure it is.

>> No.10222158

No there isn't. There is no unchanging self to which you can have integrity. Every decision you have made was due to what you believed to be your self interest at the time. The old greedy you is as authentically you as much as the current you which is young dumb and naive.
You have never met anyone who doesn't act out of self interest and never will.

>> No.10222166

lol no. not even close

>> No.10222193

He's not conservative at all, he just says what every man is thinking all the time.

>> No.10222195

Nice Milton Friedman quote.

>> No.10222533

>The "two Corinthians" incident probably didn't help either.
I've heard actual, serious Christian pastors call it two Corinthians. It's not common, but it's an acceptable way to say it.

>> No.10222539

The facts do support it, you only listed five people. Conservatives donate more to charity than liberals do.

>> No.10222575


>> No.10222586

You know how Zizek goes on and on about donating as part of consumerism (Starbucks giving a fraction to poor coffee farmers or whatever) and how ideology is about people believing for someone else (Kids believing in Santa just so they wouldn't upset their parents, religion functioning similarily to this)?

Is it wrong that I want all of this, but state controlled? Higher taxes, higher donations. I guess Zizek would say that this still isn't enough because it is a Social-Democratic compromise that doesn't change the system, but I'd still take it over what we have now. Maybe Liberals feel the same, maybe they're just selfish, maybe both.

>> No.10222590

Was meant for >>10222539

Damned phone.

>> No.10222613
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A branding exercise. It's all my generation knows how to do. I blame Cold War Triumphalism.

>I am so sick of hearing people in their 30s and 40s talk about their own 20s.
You'll do it too. I can only imagine how much the next generation will despise you.
>Did I ever tell you kids about Gamergate?

>> No.10222698


>> No.10223960

>Gavin McInnes
pick one

>> No.10224214

book was brutally in need of a better editor, holy shit.

>> No.10225267

>before people decided he was a Nazi

Good joke

>> No.10225516

>using 'unironically' unironically

>> No.10226237

LITERALLY HITLER! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ym-gTzoJgo

>> No.10226242

I listed the top five most philanthropic individuals ever. You've listed ... zero.

>> No.10226245

Take every single conservative and compare them to every single liberal, and conservatives donate more on average.

>> No.10226246

Kek. I've got nothing to tell future generations though.

> Kids these days... Why, BACK IN MY DAAAAY we used to shitpost on a Nepalese Cavepainting Scribe Network all day and play videogames while our bodies rotted away. I remember with a passion how I used to watch Netflix and forget about the shitty outside world as it grew even shittier because nobody gave a fuck. You youngsters don't know what hardship and adventure are, being constantly connected to the Hivemind through your neural implants in your genetically modified immortal perfect bodies here on the Elon Musk Mars Colony. Have you ever even seen a touchscreen?

>> No.10226252

You keep saying things and providing no evidence.
>Bees can't fly

>> No.10226261
File: 403 KB, 642x476, NO_MA'AM_holds_Springer_hostage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10227259

>Did I ever tell you kids about Gamergate?

Shit, I probably will be that guy.