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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 26 KB, 490x400, jacques derrida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10220600 No.10220600 [Reply] [Original]

You crack open De Grammatologie. As your hungry eyes lap up word after blasphemous word, it all becomes clear to
you: you come to understand the true nature of deconstruction, and what Derrida was trying to accomplish all these years, preparing the people of
the West for the New Age... it all makes sense to you now.

You step back, smiling, from the text. There's no need to be afraid, you
realize, for neither yourself nor the West are in any danger. It's all
right. It all makes sense. And when you raise your hands to your face and slowly
push the fingernails of your first and middle fingers into each eye, digging the
soft, bloody tissue out and dragging it down your cheeks in ropy smears... why,
that's all right, too.

It's the most natural thing in the world.

>> No.10220608

>implying any of us can "step back" from the text

>> No.10220910

All this scaremongering over someone who was just trying to introduce some slightly new ideas - not even that new really. Even if you take the more political of his material, like the concept of phallogocentrism, I don't see why people get so insane over it. It's not even like a value judgment, just a fact. You can see the playing out of phallocentrism in the Greeks - I'd go so far as to call it a defining characteristic.

>> No.10221106

You a confused true believer or jewish?

>> No.10221193

It's titled De la grammatologie, you fool. Rest of post disregarded.

>> No.10221379

actually one of the better endorsements i have read, thanks for making me want to read it now

>> No.10221387

there's a 5% chance you'll make it through Spivak's introduction

>> No.10221392

i read can the subaltern speak. not my cup of tea but i think i can manage

it's a question more of volition rather than the jargon. rending the skin off my face in dire ecstasy over the end of the world seems like an ok way to spend the weekend

>> No.10221395

Big things have small beginnings.

>> No.10221408

this is what I tell girls who see me flaccid

>> No.10221422

Why was he such a fucking poser

>> No.10221436
File: 161 KB, 400x286, 6p2kwil.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Here's your (((you))).

>> No.10221441

>It's not even like a value judgment, just a fact
well according to him "facts" aren't real things

>> No.10222284

>book about grammar
>severe threat to western civilization

Pick 2, my friend

>> No.10222343

>this photograph
>that face
>that philosophy

Can there be any doubt that Derrida was a psychic vampire, and we should thank the Catholic Church's special ops teams for putting him down in 2004?

>> No.10222348


>> No.10222349

Is something hindering you from being aware of jewish nature?

>> No.10222359

>It's not even like a value judgment, just a fact.

>a normative ordering of privilege and its relata is not evaluative

Film theory majors and /lit/ pseuds shouldn't be allowed near continental texts until they've done an undergrad degree in philosophy.

>> No.10222682

I can't tell if this post is satire or genuine cringe.

>> No.10223742

>I'm failing at applying binary thinking on this derridapost

>> No.10223774


>> No.10223780

This guy really hated White people didn't he.

>> No.10224975
File: 257 KB, 516x526, banana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derridaposting, 2017s hottest shit

>> No.10225175
