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/lit/ - Literature

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10218353 No.10218353 [Reply] [Original]

Is the english language shit tier? I just find it so plain and easy to master. They need to invent a newer language for higher IQ people, as english is practically just savage grunts. Works for women and the like but smart people with complex thoughts, it's just a fucking joke that we're sitting around here using english.

>> No.10218359


>> No.10218366


Easy to learn hard to master. Write something bitch, I'll wager money that your vocabulary is tinier than your dick

>> No.10218369

>This language is shit! It's so easy to communicate in!

>> No.10218374
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OP here
I've decided to create my new language from the sounds Rick (from the show Rick and Morty in case your IQ is low) makes.
For example to express joy it will use a certain combination of wubba lubbas and dubs. Also check em

>> No.10218390

Very nice post, I really, really like it.

>> No.10218409
File: 277 KB, 380x346, check my wubba lubba dubs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wubba lubba dub, why don't you check my dubs

>> No.10218412

Came here to post about a rick and morty language for high iq people

>> No.10218415

> t. monolingual anglophone
Le fuck off, Bubba.

>> No.10218495

It's wubba lubba. Not bubba. I can understand why an non-intellectual would make such a mistake.

>> No.10218515

The English language is an Anglo corruption of true Aryan language. Deutsch sprechen.

>> No.10218526

wubba lubba lubba dubwubba lubba dub dub wubba dub lubba wubba?

(for those of you with low IQ, the above statement says: I concur wholeheartedly with your sentiments, and I wish to also participate in the creation of such an ingenious language for us humans with higher intellects than average plebeians)

>> No.10218561

I know you're baiting, but I can't help it.

Shut the fuck up, English is only easy for you because you speak it natively. English is one of the most difficult languages to learn in terms of spelling/pronunciation inconsistencies, and that's even with one of the simplest forms of the latin alphabet. Yeah some things are easier than other languages, but fuck you.
Languages aren't supposed to require a high IQ to understand (if you think IQ means anything you're retarded btw), languages are supposed to be accessible and understandable as a means of communication so people can focus on the meaning of words. Language isn't art, it's a tool. Why don't you go back to the dark ages where all the books are written in Latin so the peasants are restricted from knowledge you fucking faggot.

>> No.10219171
File: 68 KB, 600x435, borges @ poe's tomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Borges for one disagreed with you, and he was a published author who spoke and read like 5 languages. You, by comparison, are an anonymous shitposter.

Also, an English dictionary contains more words than any other and will be visibly thicker than comparable editions of other languages' dictionaries. The reason why is because there are multiple words for similar concepts, but with slight variations in connotation, leading to much more nuanced language use than certainly e.g. any Romance language. Oughta be perfect for an intellectual like you, OP.

>> No.10219174

>English is one of the most difficult languages to learn in terms of spelling/pronunciation inconsistencies

Lol are you a brainlet?
And that just makes English seem a shit language, not hard.

>> No.10219185

>english is practically just savage grunts

Here is no water but only rock
Rock and no water and the sandy road
The road winding above among the mountains
Which are mountains of rock without water
If there were water we should stop and drink
Amongst the rock one cannot stop or think
Sweat is dry and feet are in the sand
If there were only water amongst the rock
Dead mountain mouth of carious teeth that cannot spit
Here one can neither stand nor lie nor sit
There is not even silence in the mountains
But dry sterile thunder without rain
There is not even solitude in the mountains
But red sullen faces sneer and snarl
From doors of mudcracked houses

>> No.10219205

>easiest language in existance and burgers still can't comprehend your/you're and their/they're/there
activates my almonds

>> No.10219343

I dont mean to be mean, but ironically, this was unironically pretty bad

>> No.10219344

Water you talking about. Your making a big deal over no thing.

>> No.10219371


>> No.10219442

I dont mean to be nice, but unironically, this was ironically pretty good

>> No.10219618

The patrician is:
English as mother tongue
French picked up studying literature and living abroad
Latin from prep school

>> No.10219680

>no ancient Greek
forever pleb

>> No.10219731

third post best post

>> No.10219832

Learn sanskrit if you want a hard language

>> No.10219940

I think the language you're looking for is Farsi/Persian. I'm multilingual as it is, but I'm jelly of Farsi speakers. That language is so beautiful and magical-sounding.


>> No.10219953

>not german

German is so much fun, everything sounds super authoritative and angular.

>> No.10219985

Even native German speakers sound like they're uncomfortable when speaking it.

>> No.10220003

English is not my native langage and I see it as a wonderful tool for thinking logically. I wouldn't be able to explain how, maybe it's something in the syntax but it feels clear, concise and to the point. However there's this thing in the vocabulary where a lot of words seems really childish (things like "pop-corn" for example). So to me english is the linguistic equivalent of a high-functioning autist kid, where french for example would be the "artistic", well articulate but really pseud kid

>> No.10220032

>a lot of words seems really childish (things like "pop-corn"
native anglophone monoglot pleb here.
that's interesting. not sure I get it, though. can I have some more examples, please?
also, may I ask your native tongue?

>> No.10220129

Well pop-corn for the obvious "corn that pop" thing, even the verb "to pop" or idk, "to gobble"? It seems to me like words taken from a kind of baby language. Sorry I don't have more examples, it's late, I'm a bit drunk and tired. And I'm french btw

>> No.10220139

They're words that sound like what they mean you faggot. Pretty much every language has them.

>> No.10220176
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French has onomatopoeia, mon ami.

>> No.10220244

Yes but they stay as such, words and verbs are not made out of them. Or at least not as many. Besides I was not stating facts, just reporting some general feeling.
Yeah "faggot" is another of these baby words I was talking about. Doesn't sound and feel like a word an adult should use

>> No.10220264 [DELETED] 

I've always thought French makes everything sound like a lie. It sounds like a language that rats or weasels would speak.

>> No.10220267

>Doesn't sound and feel like a word an adult should use
to you famalam

>> No.10220913

That's an interesting way of spelling "Basic-Bitch White Girl who spent the first 30 years of life living off of Daddy's money"

>> No.10220943
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The true patrician is:
Lingua 1 Albanian
Russian by osmosis
Arabic via madrasa
learn English on 4chan and porngub

>> No.10220949

>The true slavic faggot
