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10218226 No.10218226 [Reply] [Original]

50 pages into pic related and i find Murakami's style atrocious. Does it get better / should i keep on reading?

>> No.10218271

The book does pick up but the overall style won't change that drastically

If you want an easier way to see if you're interested in his style of writing he has quite a few short stories available free online

Kafka on the Shore is amongst his weirdest so if you find that an issue but still want to try something by him Norwegian Wood is basically his only "normal" novel

>> No.10218481

The style is beautiful, go back to Harry Potter you pleb.

>> No.10218567

Are you the guy who posted this same question 2 weeks ago, except then you were 40 pages in? Then you should give up on reading, it doesnt seem like an efficient use of your time.

>> No.10218584

Harry potter readers transition directly to murakami and thinks it makes them enlightened and patrician to read ya fiction 2.0

you need to go back to r/books and kys

>> No.10218865

i read Norwegian wood last year and at the time i hated it.

Now remembering it , it was such a comfy reading, but don't expect anything "deep" from Murakami, he writes nice pleasant not overly stupid fiction but thats it

To make a comparison, his books are like sofia coppolla's films

>> No.10218933

really hits its stride on page 51

>> No.10219159

I don't hate it, but I like the short stories a lot better

>> No.10219354

what was with the switching to second person

>> No.10219394

Kafka by the Shore is a complete piece of shit. I read the whole thing and seriously regretted it. The writing is stilted and tedious and just fucking awful all the way through, and the story itself is mind-numbing and non-creative in its absolute essence. The main character is a pretentious pseudo-intellectual who fucks his mother. When I read it, it seemed familiar, and it wasn't until I finished that I realized that it sounded exactly like the stories I used to write back in high school, where the one-dimensional main character just wanders around doing absolutely fucking nothing, having absolutely no fucking worthwhile thoughts or motivations or feelings, before reaching a boring and totally predictable conclusion. The shit with that one retarded guy who lost his soul is moderately interesting. The entire story with the Kafka kid should be buried at the bottom of a pit latrine. This book is worse than John Green, Stephanie Meyers, and Mitch Albom combined. I would rather read the entire Dune saga, including all the sequels and especially the post-Frank shit, than read this book again. Murakami is a fucking HACK

>> No.10219903

He is a comfy writer. Nothing more.

>> No.10219919

It's lower case l lit. It's entertaining. If you aren't entertained by the time you get to page 100 (which fortunately doesn't take too long) then read something else

>> No.10220323

His style doesn't change - not even book to book really. You should read further and see if you warm to it, otherwise, just move on.

>> No.10220328

Norwegian Wood is literally, LITERALLY, his worst book.

It is absolute garbage.

>> No.10221896

The rest are good then?