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/lit/ - Literature

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10210396 No.10210396 [Reply] [Original]

Do you highlight, write or underline your books? Those of you who have gotten books from your parents, does it annoy you when the book is highlighted or do you enjoy it?

>> No.10210399

I just mark a vertical line down the side of a passage I want to come back to.

>> No.10211554

>Do you highlight, write or underline your books?
I write all over them

>> No.10211561

Yes, if I like them a lot and want to understand it more. Sometimes I just don't feel like it and want to read and immerse myself without stopping every 5 seconds to write down some observation.
When I buy a book and it has highlighting and doodles and writing in it, it makes me feel kind of weird. I like looking at whatever insight that person had into what was on the page/what they thought of it, but it seems a little too personal, like reading their diary desu.

>> No.10211562

I used to but now I have rotted my brains and am a shallow reader

>> No.10211825

Brackets and some note on the side for what the passage is about. Also a highlight every once in a while.

>> No.10211836

If I want to comeback and read through a book again quickly I underline. The way I underline allows for a sort of speed read upon a second reading. It's very useful.

Highlighting/underlining fiction is goofy though and I hate it

>> No.10211887

Yeah but only non-fiction. Mainly when I'm trying to get a concept I might rewrite it in a corner or write down a hypothetical or question I want to think about or answer. Also if I want to check a citation or use that page/paragraph as a jumping off point for further reading I'll underline the relevant part and fold the corners.

If I got a book that was annotated it would be pretty cool. I might laugh if their annotations were stupid.

>> No.10211921
File: 189 KB, 688x550, Wallace_Books_DeLillo_004_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's super awkward when i read other people's notes. Like they're not understanding at all what they're reading. But i feel retarded when i reread my own notes too.

Overall notes can be useful tho, when you actually able to reach some insight on what you're reading

>Highlighting/underlining fiction is goofy though and I hate it
No. Why? Fiction and poetry can have complex structure and hidden meanings.

Pic related: owner was DFW

>> No.10211933

only the ones i get from the library

>> No.10212025

I use post-it notes.

>> No.10212044

I usually just use a notebook or if I don't have it I'll jot it down in my phone and write it down later. I can never bring myself to mark up a book, especially if I paid for it.

>> No.10212060
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same, along with highlighting but mostly post its

I'm more reluctant to write in a book if it's something I want to lend to others, my notes feel too personal lol

>> No.10212094
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Jesus fucking Christ, no. People making notes and dogearing and highlighting and shit in books are the absolute scum of society.

>> No.10212101

Why? If it's their book and they're the only ones planning on reading it, why shouldn't they write in it if they want to?

>> No.10212116

Of course, especially if they're expository works. I'll note the primary and secondary assertions, supporting evidence, and overall structure of the work. I'll also note the authors' goals and whether or not they achieve them. Might even reconstruct the argument in my own words in a larger note.

For fiction, I tend to be more lax. I'll mark interesting passages and turns of phrase and occasionally note recurring imagery and themes.

>> No.10212123


>> No.10212124

are 'prehighlighted' and noted editions sold, say for classics?

>> No.10212126

Disregarding the nasty business of defacing a book, it's just so incomprehensible. Like stopping a movie every few seconds to jot down comments and "insights". It's like voluntarily turning a pleasure into homework. If this is how people read fiction, then no wonder there is so little of it that has a good flow to it.

Also, the next time you read it, you'll be primed by the notes to read it the same way again, so you're just streamlining and solidifying your view of the work.

If you wanna write something, get a fucking notebook for fuck's sake.

>> No.10212134

Spotted the fedora who buys B&N leather-bounds and never read them.

>> No.10212140

Why would refraining from making notes stop you from reading a book?

>> No.10212141

uh, ok

>> No.10212152

just read. youre overcomplicating things which leads to faggotry.

>> No.10212153

>you'll be primed by the notes to read it the same way again

That's a good point. It turns me off as well that people would ruin a good clean book like that, but it only bothered me aesthetically until now.

>> No.10212159

Why would you want a product like this instead of buying a work with a thorough introduction and footnotes? You could use those as leaping points for engaging more thoroughly with the text yourself. Otherwise, your reading of the work and what you value would be colored entirely by someone else.

I'm not sure about others, but I'll read a book through once, and if I enjoy it and think it's worth more time, I'll then note elements that I enjoy and appreciate. If something stands out immediately, though, I'll quickly star it to revisit later.

>> No.10212163

no, if I want to remember something I just memorize it

>> No.10212177

do you take notes when listening to music or watching movies? it's just a book not a wild lion to tame.

>> No.10212224

You need to find smaller post-it notes if that's all you're going to write on one, my friend.

>> No.10212227

I only take notes on books that I have to write papers on. What's the problem with that?

>> No.10212247

ehehehe yeah I was fucking retarded in HS

>> No.10212499

Notes after the and before thre reading