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/lit/ - Literature

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10207085 No.10207085 [Reply] [Original]

Hope this isn't just a thing where I live (Hungary)
I unironically used a Yoda quote ('Do or do not. There is no try.'), because I used to be a 'LOL SO RANDUMB XDDD' retard. Wish I could go back and change it.
What would you use if you could choose a new one? Here's mine: 'The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.'

>> No.10207101

I did not graduate.

>> No.10207120

>"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die." - Hunter S. Thompson

But really, no one is going to care about your high school yearbook quote. If that's the thing you want to go back and change from high school, you are fucking winning OP.

>> No.10207122

>This is what it is to be complete. It is horrible.
--Sylvia Plath, Berck-Plage

>> No.10207139

a quote from one of my friends. He learned the very basics of phenomenology in an intro philosophy class and tried explaining it to us in the next class we shared and his explanation became an in-joke to this day.

>> No.10207141

I wrote personalized quotes during signing for each person, all of which were my own and usually was significant to that person in some way. I spent over a week preparing for it too, writhing them all in advance on a notebook before giving them out. They all seemed to appreciate it and think it neet.
It now dawns on me now that it might have been pretentious but I am a rather pseud youth.

>> No.10207142

I copied what Kevin Chang said

>> No.10207143

That’s cool af bro and even normies could appreciate it
Well thought out/10

>> No.10207148

fuck I wrote a page-long monologue in one of my friend's yearbook's because I was convinced that was the last time I would see her and I was planning to kill myself the next year. It sounds pretentious as fuck.
She still quotes it sometimes because she can tell I regret writing it and I have to do conversational gymnastics to keep my other friends from finding out

>> No.10207149

top kek
post it if you can, my man

>> No.10207151

I used HL Mencken's "All men are frauds. The only difference is that some admit it. I myself deny it.", but realistically, no one cares

>> No.10207160
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I would have to get her to send me a picture of it and that would be unbearable.
Two lines I unfortunately do remember are that I would probably "get a foreign wife and die across the sea" and near the conclusion I wrote "Listen to Tom Waits and think fondly of me"
This was all written in light blue marker, and she wrote some happy HAGS-tier shit in mine

>> No.10207163

>when you start with the Greeks

>> No.10207165

That sounds like something I would do. Kinda cool though. I’m really glad this ex friend didn’t ask for me to sign her year book because I had a whole aphorism about how a snake’s skin serves it well but it must shed once it’s use has become old and no longer serves it’s purpose or else the snake will suffocate in it’s own dead skin. It was really about this unhealthy relationship she had with a controling and emotionally abusive relationship she had with another ex friend. Glad I didn’t write it, because now that time has passed I realize they’re both to blame.

>> No.10207179

fuck I graduated last week and forgot yearbooks exist until now

>> No.10207195

>i may be a virgin, but at least i don't ad hoc invent axioms to support my foundational beliefs.

>> No.10207275

>graduated last week
where fuck did you go to school

>> No.10207318

fucken Woolongong

>> No.10207339

"i missed my chance this time so I'll get you all during the reunion"

>> No.10207344
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That's, uh, pretty good.

>> No.10207386

Used a quote from Goethe before I got really into lit. I guess it was meant to be.

>> No.10207447

I quoted the angry trumpet guy

>> No.10207454

Do you still talk to either of them?

>> No.10207484

this is amazing, bro

>> No.10207503

used a Bible verse about caring for the less fortunate, that I don't live up to very well

>> No.10207648

I live in the UK so maybe it's a bit different - there was the header 'Final words:' and, as a depressed 16 year old would, I put something mega awful like 'Living is easy, it's the people who make it hard'.

Luckily, a glitch in the editing of the yearbook erased my quote and replaced it with 'Imogen', the name of a girl in my year. I was accused of making a joke but I took it in my stride. In reality I was annoyed, but in hindsight, definitely a big improvement. Now I wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.10207854

ah the birth of a new meme

>> No.10207877

i used ironic pop song lyrics b/c i didn't want to reveal my power level by putting a quote i sincerely liked

>> No.10207907

should I read some Plath?
I've seen many awesome quotes from her work, and I'd like to give it a try
where to start?

>> No.10207914

>Niggers gon' Nig.

>> No.10209427


>> No.10211069

name rings a bell
>its not enough for me to succeed, others must fail
now wheres my diploma in memeology?

>> No.10211090

Colossus and Other Poems, Ariel, and then The Bell Jar.

>> No.10211216

To the sodomy dojo, and step on it!

>> No.10211228

I had a quote picked from the end of "Of Human Bondage", but never turned it in.

>> No.10211237
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>Her oily smarts inspired me

>> No.10211319
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Same here, anon.

>> No.10211334

I spit out my drink at Tom Waits. I'd love to read the whole thing. Sorry, anon.

>> No.10211348
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>> No.10212033

"Rich dark chocolate, peanut butter and raisins" - Goerge Zimmerman
I browsed /pol/ alot back than, the actual quote was from a nature valley snackbar

>> No.10212050

I went to an arts high school. The yearbook was run by students with one teacher supervising. We were told to express ourselves however we wanted in the yearbook. They gave us the dimensions of everyone's "grad write up" and we could do anything we wanted in that space (little bit bigger than a business card).

I Photoshop'd my face onto a hundred dollar bill. Other people were more creative, but there wasn't really any cringe.

>> No.10212608

No. The worst one did something really shitty to me that triggered me into reverting back to a horrid mental state. The other just watched, and abandoned me without even bothering to think wjat happened or ask. We new each other for years as well. I don’t understand how any human beong can act so important to you and then drop you at the tip of a hat. It’s disgusting.

>> No.10213562
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>"You must imagine myself happy, to asume otherwise would be an act of bad faith"

I think its pretty cringy but no mater how many times I look back at it I can bring myself to hate it.

>> No.10213574

I didn't have a quote but I was famous for my "most memorable moment" which was less an attempt at garnering attention as it was pure autism.


Looking back though I bet you more people remember 9/11 than their "most memorable moment" at the time of graduation.

>> No.10213601

time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.

>> No.10213621

>it is not enough that I should succeed. Others should fail.

Pretty stupid, but as of right now I can't think of anything smarter.

>> No.10213625

There's always the classic

Rosa Parks

>> No.10213678
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A quote from a song off an album I really identified with: "If you never break, you'll never know how to put yourself back together" -Real Friends.
My senior year, I broke and put myself back together. I buzzed my hair and grew it back out, I went on Accutane, and I emotionally matured a lot in other areas.

>> No.10213686
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its all meaningless. Generations come and generations go. No one remembers anyone who lived in the past and no one will remember those who come in the future after them

>> No.10213761

>"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is my plan."

>> No.10213920

"I wish I developed like my grades"
t. Barely graduated

>> No.10213925

"I just wanna kill shit"

jk I didn't graduate

>> No.10213928

I didn't use anything.

>> No.10214024

Mine was a Camus quote: "When man submits to God to moral judgement, he kills Him in his own heart. And then what is the basis of morality? God is denied in the name of justice but can the idea of justice be understood without the idea of God?"

Instead of attributing it to Camus, I attributed it to this aspie quasi-friend who is still doing the final year of high school again two years later. (it's called year 14 in Australia) I wish I could change it.

>> No.10214035


>> No.10214051


>> No.10214306

>Ask not the elves for advice, because they will tell you 'yes' and 'no'.

>> No.10214368

>Even electronic brain pancake crystal elderly.

>> No.10214530 [DELETED] 

I always liked this quote. Hunter S. Thompson earlier works are great.

>> No.10214557

I've always liked this quote. Hunter S. Thompson earlier works are great.

>> No.10214571
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"Welp, we're home free now."

>> No.10214771
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>graduating high school
get out normies

>> No.10214780
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>having quotes

>> No.10214782
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>What quote did you use in your high school yearbook, /lit/?

>> No.10214820

When the red river is a flowin' take the dirt road home.

>> No.10214835

"I have no mouth, and I must scream."
As someone who's grown up an unwilling mute, this is rather fitting.

>> No.10214861

Even then, it's an incredibly cringeworthy line given the context.
You could've at least made a joke out of it, I have no mouth and I must graduate or something.