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10205623 No.10205623[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does America have a culture?

>> No.10205626

Yeah, a shit one.

Not literature, though

>> No.10205639

Yes, we have mass shootings and obesity epidemics

>> No.10205642

America has many regional cultures.

>> No.10205648

Like what

>> No.10205652

is yurope like this too with the phones and all?

>> No.10205654

No. They have some regional flavor imposed by remnants of the past, but it's a sterile materialist shithole otherwise.

>> No.10205656

1984 and brae new world used to be fiction but now they have becomed non fiction

>> No.10205657

Jazz in New Orleans

>> No.10205658

Is it really that surprising when he live in this soulless, cultureless hell hole

When people have no reason to live, of course they are going to decay.

>> No.10205660

no. what is phone, brother?

>> No.10205661
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Culture is ceasing to exist everywhere

>> No.10205667

Gods, I don't like black people, damn.

>> No.10205671

this will be the aesthetic we are remembered for

>> No.10205682

>thom yorke
what did they mean by this

>> No.10205683

>Everyone is a sheep except me!
Didn't that stupid train of thought go extinct 10 years ago? Are you trying to revive it or something?

>> No.10205689

Why is Thom Yorke on the right and why is there an alien in the back

>> No.10205692

By aesthetic do you mean the tired, droopy eyes, the vacant, lifeless expression, and the boring Wal Mart clothes

Sounds about right.

>> No.10205693


>tfw America's greatest composer had to become a Muslim and then a Hindu just to get far enough away from American culture to produce something of value

>> No.10205704

That's because Hinduism is the closest we have to a correct religion in the modern world.

>> No.10205705

>when the truths 2 heavy 4 u

>> No.10205707

How ignorant do you have too be to believe that America has no culture. You clump things up too much bud, go out and visit different places around the state's and you'll be so enveloped in the mass amount of culture you'll choke on it.
P.s. you sound incredibly basic preaching things like this.

>> No.10205713

bug people

>> No.10205716

Implying its not Gershwin or Glass



>> No.10205717

yea and ugly brands

>> No.10205718

In my opinion, they need a couple of wars before they produce anything of value.

>> No.10205721

America is a conglomeration of cultures mushed together. It is impossible to "get far enough away from American culture." If anything all Coltrane did was expand it.

>> No.10205722

Hip Hop

>> No.10205726

waiting in line is boring, so fucking what.

>> No.10205730

Only reason you all think there is no american culture is because you were born here and live in the US and crave something else instead of exporing what you were given, a case of you want what you cant have, where as people from other countries move to America in search for another cultural experience.

>> No.10205731
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Whoa there friendo

>> No.10205733

They all dress like shit and they're chubby and waiting in line for disgusting fast food.

>> No.10205737

>t. has never heard of orthodox christianity


the fluoride stare (tm)

Yes, every group of people has a culture. It's a particularly poor culture; all of the worst anglo and germanic traits, but with none of the history or artistry.

>> No.10205738
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>a pop musician and a wierdo "minimalist"

No, it's still Trane




>> No.10205742

yeah bet you've never once had fast food, and there are maybe 2 chubbies in that pic, not even american but this is just pathetic.

>> No.10205744

>Kurt von Negut

>> No.10205748
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>R A D O · D E P V R O · E L E V O · E M V N D O

>> No.10205753
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How do you dress?

>> No.10205754
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>where as people from other countries move to America in search for another cultural experience.
Yeah I've met the types of people you're talking about. Foreigners who move to America and are very gung ho about the American way of life, capitalism, democracy, etc. They become enamored with fitting in and showing off their American identity.

I don't know what it is but in my experience they tend to be rude, selfish assholes desu

>> No.10205757
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*record scratch*

You fookin wot m8

>> No.10205761

fashionably, i'm european. ok i will give you the badly dressed bit, fucking americans and their baseball caps.

>> No.10205766

I'm from Texas. WE have a culture, but I don't know about the rest of the country.

>> No.10205768

Jews have replaced our once high-brow culture with a supersexualized, low-brow nigger-tier culture because they're running our cultural institutions now, care zilch about the historic culture of whites, and want to weaken us spiritually so we won't oppose them and kick them out as we should.

But sure, keep blaming capitalism.

>> No.10205770


>> No.10205772

What part?

>> No.10205773

I thought Coltrane just moved to Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity.

>> No.10205777

>fast food
somebody hasn't tried McDonald's new buttermilk crispy chicken tenders with their new signature sauce.

>> No.10205778

>But sure, keep blaming capitalism.
Capitalism is one of the tools they use to do what you describe, moron.

>> No.10205779

Come to Nevada mate, youll see more culture then you'd care too see.

>> No.10205790

I'm dead, by far best thing posted in this thread.

>> No.10205791

>Rick and Morty
>Szechaun Sauce
>Dub Dub
>Pickle Ricks

>> No.10205799


Only the South.
Rest of the country is manufactured commercial bullshit. Entire thing is a giant fucking rat cage for (((big business)))

>> No.10205800

>mfw people from Australia or Mexico or Canada still make these jokes
>mfw when your one of them

>> No.10205804
File: 902 KB, 624x601, 1479930688125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is with all the Christshills on this site? You think you're smarter than mainstream Christfags just because you subscribe to a more obscure hipster flavor of Judeo Christianity? You're still buying into an Abrahamic scam so get the fuck out

>> No.10205809

Yes you dingus. Culture and "muh culture" are two different things.

>> No.10205818

Nope. He was briefly introduced to Islam through his first wife, but quickly developed a very syncretic outlook, studying everything from Plato to the Gita to the Jewish Kabbalah. I'm not sure if he was ever exposed to Ethiopian Orthodox (he was raised Methodist, so I'm not sure how much contact he had with non-Protty Christianity). But by the end of his life he had pretty much settled on Hinduism (after he died, his wife founded a Hindu commune and became a committed religious).


>> No.10205819

The symbolism of the bowed neck in that picture speaks volumes. It's inherently submissive, as if they are bowing to their new gods. Interesting.

>> No.10205825
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>Catholicism and Orthodoxy
>obscure hipster Christianity

>> No.10205832
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Kek why do dixiefags always pull this shit? I have lived in different areas of the south for about 15 years, and I can tell you first hand that it is every bit as much of a cultureless wasteland as as anywhere up north or out west.

>> No.10205834

Instead of dress like shit, thin, and working all day for disgusting slow food? The average human has always been little more than an animal. The real death of culture is the lack of worthwhile output coming from the top.

>> No.10205836

No, it's not. Capitalism is a malleable societal tool that in and of itself has nothing to do with jews.

>> No.10205840

Who do you think the wealthiest and most powerful capitalists are

>> No.10205843

>I have lived in different areas of the south for about 15 years

You're an outsider dumbass.
Obviously your kind imported your cancer and set up little carpetbagging hubs for you to larp in. Not the South I'm talking about.

>> No.10205848

When was the last time we had a Jewish President? Exactly.

>> No.10205855

raf simons rick owens, usually

>> No.10205856

Californian "Hollywood" culture out west, Hipster culture in the northwest, Dixie culture down south, etc.

>> No.10205857

I grew up in the south you fucking inbred piece of shit. Stop trying to make up excuses.
>b-b-but that's not the REAL south

>> No.10205861

Jews are middlemen and money managers, not titans of industry. Take away their control over money, and capitalism would look completely different, because it's not itself the problem, jews are the problem.

>> No.10205862

Why are Thom Yorke and Kim Jong Un in there?

>> No.10205863

Have you ever been to the actual rural south? My parents live there, it's not some fucking Norman Rockefeller painting. It's more disgustingly captive to corporatism than any northern city.
The vast majority of southern rural towns are now strip malls. A "city" will contain a Walmart, a Lowe's/Home Depot, a Publix/Ingle's/Kroger, and an archipelago of casual dining chains and fast food orbiting them. 90% of the city's residents are fat fucking hams who migrate into this system to get groceries then return to their scattered, isolated ranch homes.
Their clothes, their food, their appliances, their entertainment, and their entire identity is purchased exclusively at Walmart.

>> No.10205865


>> No.10205869

>wealthiest and most powerful capitalist
Lmao do some research kid

>> No.10205875
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>I've lived in different areas of the south for 15 years
>I grew up in the south you fucking inbred piece of shit.

Reported for being underaged.
Lick me, dickhead.

>> No.10205883

I lived in the south from age 5 to age 20 you stupid queer

>> No.10205888

>Go and make disciples
Just living out the Great Commission, my mentally ill friend. Anyways, is there anything more pitiful than a white man saying that Hinduism is the truth? Something like Zoroastrianism or Paganism would have at least sounded cool.

>> No.10205889

Take away jews and nothing fucking changes. I would really love to know more about your jew-free capitalist fantasy land. Do consumers suddenly become hyperintelligent and know what's in their best interest? Do vampiric corporate interests disappear and turn into charitable goodwill for all mankind because a handful of semitic desert people no longer hold you down?

>> No.10205899
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>the irony of this awful post
Hinduism is Indo-European in origin. It's far more white than your nasty semite religion.

>> No.10205906

>grew up in the south
>imported by his 50 year old petite-bourgeousie yank parents when he was 5

>> No.10205910

>Take away jews and nothing fucking changes
Of course it would. And it's beyond stupid that you believe capitalism is some kind of evil machine that makes its own decisions and that humans have no control over. Are you even trying to think?

>> No.10205916

This is the true south. These dixiefags romanticize it and make it sound like some amazing conservative white paradise which couldn't be farther from the truth.

>> No.10205952

I didn't say capitalism is a consciously evil machine, but you'd have to be blind to deny that it rewards evil behavior. It does not reward hard workers or people trying to make the world better for their children. It rewards people who spread the influence of corporations to degrees previously impossible, destroy anyone who tries to compete, and make decisions based on financial concerns at the expense of everything else in existence.

>> No.10205955

Capitalism is fine, the problem is that our system of government is extremely vulnerable to pressures of the capitalist class. If we had hereditary titles of nobility, for example, our 'elites' wouldn't be entirely comprised of avaricious charlatans; if they received generous remuneration from the public treasury, they wouldn't be dissuaded from running an efficient regime of taxation + provision of public goods.

>> No.10205963

Im from NJ and for some reason there has been a sudden influx of a ton of southern pride from people born like 25 minutes outside NYC. What the hell is this shit? They all dip, shoot guns, hunt, attach confederate flags to their pickup trucks (in which a contest has begun to determine who can get the loudest and biggest tired one), preach white male philosophy, and go out of their way to degrade women.

>> No.10205968
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>Americans complain about America thread
>80 replies in 1 hour
Truly makes one ponder

>> No.10205994

eurofags cant meme

>> No.10206004

Why wouldn't it work like that when it did before? You aren't thinking here. You understand the jewish problem, okay, but you still have this leftist perception of what capitalism is in your head. Capitalism is whatever the people in charge want it to be; it's bad because the people in charge are alien jews who hate whites; take them out and put in a European aristocracy with a sense of stewardship and they can create incentives to make it work for the people instead of against them. To think that this human system is predetermined and will look the same regardless of who's in charge is completely illogical. Institutions are reflections of the people running them.

>> No.10206007
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>tfw you realise that the American Empire will collapse in your life time

>> No.10206010

American culture is a simulation of culture

>> No.10206025

>preach white male philosophy
S*utherners aren't even that white at this point. They're like half Anglo/Scots Irish and half Mexican.

>> No.10206037

We used to, but it's been by and large abandoned.

>> No.10206040

Nothing will fix capitalism. You need to lose your attachment to a system that takes every good civilization and commodifies every aspect of it to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
/pol/acks love to talk about safeguarding western culture, but fail to see that the greatest threat to it is not your jewish bogeyman, but the financial incentive to turn every facet of culture into commodity and every opportunity for art into a vehicle for advertisement.

>> No.10206042

The only one worth a damn on that list is Melville.

>> No.10206051
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Wrong. The Finns are the meme masterrace.

>> No.10206052

I've never posted on pol but am beginning to believe you're pedaling falsehoods out of convenience. Capitalism is a human system that will look different under white/jewish/Chinese etc leadership. To say it's always going to produce the same results is retarded, and the problem with capitalism now is that jews are pulling the levers. Get off your Landian spergtrip.

>> No.10206057

Is this some sort of sick joke? The South was the first to go.

>> No.10206064

Please elaborate on what you imagine capitalism will look like when you finally remove the one thing holding you back.
All I can imagine is you looking at it as the flaws worsen and steadily finding more and more groups that are totally ruining it to blame. Guys, let's remove the uh... Irish next. That'll get it going.
Repeat until every human ethnic group is exterminated and you realize my point.

>> No.10206093

>what the hell am i doing here

>> No.10206097


Consumerism and retardation.

>> No.10206101

We have examples of this, of people like Henry Ford and others who cared about the people below them, wished to help them earn a respectable living, and produce a quality product. That you think capitalism is and always will be some despot-led dystopian hellscape is purely a result of the jews who have subsequently reordered that system and incentivized it against whites (and probably you reading Nick Land). That's what is clouding your understanding here.

>> No.10206102

>tfw finnish exchange student qt is coming to my lab next week
How do I seduce her as an american?

>> No.10206123

I can attest to this sadly. I was born in eastern europe, moved to USA when I was a kid. Most of the slavs that move to america fall into two categories: the self-hater, or the culture shocked.

The self-haters come to america already with a post-communist jaded attitude looking for opportunity to be rich and eventually become full blown americans because they have access to bigger houses, cars and excess wealth. They really are selfish assholes in that they really make an effort to show off to everyone "Hey look at me I'm living the american dream". They abandon their old culture completely, unless they are at a football match or something, then they become flag waving nationalist retards.

The culture shocked don't last long. The move to america and have grown to dislike the place. They save up money and move back within 5 years. I think I'm beginning to fall into this category with every passing day.

>> No.10206133


Thank capitalism.

>> No.10206155

Where do you live where there are large influxes of European immigrants? It's typically very difficult for Europeans to immigrate to the US.

>> No.10206162

Show her your collection of guns. Have a nice dinner together in one of your country's characteristic locations, for example McDonalds or Walmart. Make sure to reminder her that her country is a communist shithole and an orwellian distopia. If you want her to taste the full american experience, shoot her and make her pay the 3billion shekels medical bill. Make sure to call her a cuck several times.

>> No.10206166

>Henry Ford
you mean that guy who wanted to distract everyone from him being a rich douchebag so tried to get Americans to hate the jews?

>> No.10206184

Most Eastern Euros are concentrated more in urban/suburban areas of New York, California, or the Midwest. There was a big influx in the 90's, but not really any more new immigrants these days.

>> No.10206186

But it's too late, anon. Look around. Your culture is now based on which brand of phone you have, which brand of shoes you wear, and which brand of superhero movie you prefer.
Non-stop advances in materials, manufacturing, communication, and advertisement mean enormous monolithic companies that Henry Ford would be scared to even dream of are reality. The place you're from doesn't matter. You shop at Walmart, you eat at Subway, you drink at Starbucks, and every other product you use throughout your day will be traced back to another multinational conglomerate subtly prodding you to buy more.
Identities have long since shifted from religion and origin to brand loyalty and sexual orientation. This is the endgame of capitalism no matter who pulls the strings because this is objectively the most profitable strategy - you turn every human on earth into your target demographic, and you sell to them. The fact that it took this long to get there has absolutely nothing to do with who controls the money, it was all a matter of scale. Technology let this scale go up indefinitely, and there's no going back now that it reaches around the entire world.

>> No.10206190

What? Ford was an honest man who wanted to better his society through leadership and by helping people understand the jewish problem.

>> No.10206199

What do you think it means for America to have a culture? Is it not simply descriptive? In what way could the answer be no?

>> No.10206204


>The Jewish problem

Jesus Christ. It's really time for you retards to go back to your idiot containment board.

>> No.10206212

Your perspective will continue to be flawed as long as you remain tethered to this fatalistic capitalist phantom machine theory you've obtained by reading too much Nick Land. The perspective you're advancing, which completely ignores how different humans produce different results and have different interests that dictate what those results look like, is absurd. Capitalism in and of itself is not the problem.

>> No.10206213
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The idea is that America has a culture the way that pic related has cheese.

>> No.10206217

finns arent euro, theyre eurasian.

>> No.10206230

I've never read a page of Land or even gone to his twitter page in my life. Stop sweeping aside points you dislike by invoking a meme. I'm just talking from experience as an American.
You keep saying that others (I guess The Ideal White Man) will produce different results with no explanation of what these will be or what their wise leadership will change to make these results possible.
My assertion is that capitalism is impartial to who is in charge and will always select for the most cutthroat, expansionist, profit-driven strategies. They will rise to the top and employ the most efficient path upward they can whether their executives wear necklaces with a star of david or a cross.
"People are different, white people will do it right" is a silly dream.

>> No.10206235

So is American culture good, if we define good to be based on the opinions of denizens of a pseud tryhard literature-related internet board?
It's still a bad question.

>> No.10206240

American culture is soulless and artificial by any possible metric.

>> No.10206246


>i dont belong here

>> No.10206247

Except capitalism doesn't select for people, government policies select for capitalism. Capitalism works within the parameters set up by national leaders. The current system is so perverse because it's been tweaked to be that way. But nothing is inevitable here. Also, yes, whites are much greater proclivities for morality and honest dealings than a middle eastern group like jews. There's no question white people would create a better system if they were allowed to -- they did before.

>> No.10206252

america has cultures but not culture

>> No.10206255

I thought finns like mccdonalds?

>> No.10206270

I don't get it. What insight am I supposed to glean from this pic?

>> No.10206272

That the west is a diverse consumerist zombieland.

>> No.10206279

If you're talking about pop and working class american culture, then sure. It's guns and walmart shithole. But don't pretend that pop culture isn't shitty in most countries. I'd say that true american culture is based on the ideals of frontier style freedom, and an individuals right to pursue their own destiny. As harmful as this turned out to be in the evolian sense (by denying the existence of a permanent aristocratic class) it would be absurd to say that it doesn't have an appeal on some level.

In a sense what you see with rednecks and walmart is the wreckage of a failed dream.

>> No.10206280

Because we have phones?
Because Thom Yorke drinks starbucks?
Because we like ice cream?

I don't get it.

>> No.10206282

phones starbucks and ice cream are a retarded thing to base your identity on

>> No.10206291

We've advanced to the point that capitalism is the driving force for policy change, not the other way around. Elections are now a show of identity politics horseshit to disguise the fact that there is no real difference between the neocon policies of all candidates.
That actually leads me to the problem with your "whites will save it" idea: if all of the most powerful politicians in America are white and have been since its founding, where do all of these moral issues come from? Either the white men in charge are too stupid and incompetent to set up your ideal system or they have sold themselves and their country out, proving that your perception of moral superiority was a sham from the start.
That was the best hope of a meaningful culture we ever had, and I would say it was a good one, but when the frontier disappeared, so did the dream. It lead to all sorts of problems, perhaps most destructively now the "never trust experts, my opinion is as good as anybody else's" mindset.