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/lit/ - Literature

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10204609 No.10204609 [Reply] [Original]

Some exemplary writers are Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Chekov, Nabokov, etc.. The list goes on and on. Whenever I see a book written by a Russian author I am instantly intrigued as to it's contents. They seem to emphasize feelings very deeply (with sometimes cruel detail). I heard that this may be do to being hardened by their vast history of hardships.

>> No.10204617

My mom explained it to me.
It's a genetic suffering.
Russia is so shit, that a melancholy disposition is ingrained in their social collective. Good breeding ground for the arts.

>> No.10204626

There's plenty of good and even more bad Russian writers, just like in every great literary tradition. This thread will yield nothing but start an autistic pol/int shitfest.
t. pyccкий

>> No.10204629

captcha: stop now

>> No.10204632
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There is a good case for this.

>> No.10204657
File: 8 KB, 225x225, Marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes there is.

>> No.10204678

Marx was German, you fat fucking retard.

>> No.10204690

I was pointing out the irony of your post. Rand was a fucking Jew, not Russian. It's the equivalent of saying an Arab living in France is an authentic Frenchman, it's simply not the case.

>> No.10204695
File: 1.25 MB, 2144x3040, Знание.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russia is very cold and therefore people spend more time inside. Inside without modern media they have more time to read and write. This, along with the amount of large Russians that there are compared to a similarly cold place like Norway, is why Russia has a great literary culture.

>> No.10204708

It wasn't my post you responded to.
If the Arab was born in France to a French speaking family that act French, I think it is safe to call him French.

>> No.10204712

They're some of the worst. They're popular here because /lit/ is filled with whiny children who think 'muh suffrin' is good writing.

>> No.10204713

Shoo shoo, /pol/

>> No.10204721

Would you care to provide some examples of Good Literature that includes no suffering?

>> No.10204722

its contents*

>> No.10204723

>hates Ayn Rand
I don't think so.

>> No.10204731

That's not what I said.
Typical illierate russaboo.

>> No.10204736

>because /lit/ is filled with whiny children who think 'muh suffrin' is good writing.

Ok defend what you said.

>> No.10204738
File: 1.32 MB, 2592x1944, 1487112221066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a large Russian. You small insignificant people are nothing compared to me

>> No.10204743
File: 58 KB, 291x349, teleports behing you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up

>> No.10204744

In spirit maybe. An Irishman in China might perfectly adapt to the culture and even be a citizen, but at the end of the day he's an Irishman who's living in China. His blood is not Chinese and it never will be. All this being said, I'm not some stupid /pol/ ethnonationalist, I'm just stating reality.

>> No.10204747

I meant to say the large amount of Russians. Fuck.

>> No.10204750

prosto russkie umejut v pisatelskoe masterstvo, a ostalnie net

vot i vse

>> No.10204756

Alisa Rosenbaum aka "Ayn Rand", Jewish immigrant to the USA. Idolized William Hickman, a serial killer who murdered and dismembered little girls. Based her main characters, such as John Galt, on Hickman. Railed incessantly about social welfare, then spent years living on social security checks. Second-rate writer, third-rate "philosopher," textbook example of sociopathic and narcissistic personality disorders.

Truly great Russian writers would turn over in their graves at being associated with that talentless hack.

>> No.10204759

Beй нoт джycт юc Pyшиaн лeттpc?

>> No.10204762

Russians are practical with all things even their emotions.
This is why so many people find russian lit useful.

>> No.10204763

Look at /lit/, it is filled with whiny children obsessed with shallow 'muh suffin' realism.

>> No.10204778

Πλεβ τεϊςτ, μαϊ νηγγερ.

>> No.10204782

>that act French
the chances of this are negligible. very, very few arab families are so rootless and indifferent to their own heritage and culture that they're even capable of adopting another culture perfectly. the whole idea of easy, seamless 'assimilation' is a myth. it's a difficult, humiliating process of subjecting yourself to another people's ways, and it doesn't come naturally to people at all.

>> No.10204863

>Some exemplary writers are Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Chekov, Nabokov

Chekhov is the only ethnic Russian here. Tolstoy and Nabokov weren’t even Slavs.

>> No.10204918

Please explain how D, T and N are not Russian.

>> No.10204921

ti eblan?

>> No.10204923
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>> No.10204983

This. A Russian 12 year old girl is more Stoic than anyone here.

>> No.10205159

Dostoyevsky was Polish-Lithuanian, Tolstoy and Nabokov were Germanics with some Russian admixture

>> No.10205166 [DELETED] 

? Γαμώ το μουνί που σε ξέρασε, πουτάνας γιε.

>> No.10205223

Actually I tend to find Russian writers wallow in pathos to the point that it drifts into bathos.

Endless complaining and nihilism is not, to me, good writing.

>> No.10205227

dude If Dostoyevsky was really Polish he really hates his people hahaha, the hate for Pols coming out of his books is just astonishing

>> No.10205234

I'm sorry, what have you been reading?

>> No.10205311

>Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Chekov, Nabokov, etc

if you actually speak Russian and read the originals and not the english interpretation you will realize how shit they are

>> No.10205379

>Rusky lit, the only lit better in translations than than original form

>> No.10205384

Except Nabokov wrote in English (he could speak it before he could speak Russian) and translated his own works.

>> No.10205393

Russia literally had one century of literature. England and France have had almost a millennium.

>> No.10206114

>Muh Canterbury tales and Tristram Shandy

>> No.10206187


>> No.10206209

>the list goes on
does it?

>> No.10206399

This. Russians are also more passionate, sincere and have a rich history and culture to draw ideas from.

>> No.10206401
File: 77 KB, 690x720, 1508814765647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Russian translates like shit

>> No.10206405


>> No.10206534

Yawn http://www.objectobot.com/?cat=184
The fact that people keep bringing up what should be an obscure peice of information to smear Rand that sounds bad but isn't true is highly suspect. Really initializes my cashews man.

>> No.10207375

Such a small natio

Population of 140 million. What do you expect

>> No.10207549

>This is an obvious reference to a rather selective discussion of notes Ayn Rand made in her journals in 1928 about a murderer named William Hickman. Hickman’s defiance after his capture, and the reaction against him—a reaction she saw as being less about the evil of his crime than about his refusal to conform to social convention—caught her attention and caused her to work on a fictionalized version called The Little Street, a project she worked on for a while and then dropped.
>Hickman has been long forgotten everywhere else, but he will live forever in the minds of Ayn Rand’s detractors, because they can now cite her notes on his case as proof that she was an admirer of serial killers and probably a psychopath herself, which means that they can now safely ignore every argument she ever made. Isn’t that convenient?
>In fact, this is only proof that writers should burn their notes before they die, because inevitably some idiot is going to come along and use your half-thought-out ramblings as proof of what you really believed, in contradiction to the thousands of pages of meticulously edited work that you actually published. In this case, if we want to know what fascinated Ayn Rand about the case of a notorious criminal, we can look at what she actually said: http://thefederalist.com/2015/07/22/anti-ideal-a-critic-of-ayn-rands-lost-novel-proves-her-point/