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10204180 No.10204180 [Reply] [Original]


The Trial


The Castle


The Judgment



>> No.10204257

his short stories were his best

>> No.10204758

Agree that the Castle is his worst. It has some really great moments but overall could have been condensed immensely.

>> No.10204771

This. Specially his shorter, more aphoristic ones are great.
The Silence of the Sirens and The Truth about Sancho Panza are my favourites by him.

>> No.10204920
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Pan/Growth of the Soil

Wanderer trilogy



>> No.10204985
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Distant Star


Everything published posthumously (except for 2666 and The Insufferable Gaucho; The Woes of the True Policeman is decent but just a draft of other works).


The Savage Detectives


The Skating Rink

>> No.10205025

meet me at st. olavs plass and fite me irl faggot

>> No.10205049

Go easy on The Castle, he literally didn't finish it and it's still better than 90% of books ever written

>> No.10205068


He didn't finish The Trial.
He didn't finish Amerika.

They are both on the list.

What's your point, fella?

>> No.10205083

>better than 90% of books ever written
You're setting a pretty low bar there desu

>> No.10205112

Well I already read The Trial. I guess I have no reason to read anymore of his books.

>> No.10205144



It's on every high school curriculum in Norway, and Hunger is way better.

Maybe poor folk
Karamazov(still a great novel)
The double

>> No.10205146
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Is there someplace I can find the Wayfarer trilogy in English? I really liked Growth of the Soil and want to read his later stuff, bad or not.

>> No.10205178


The Gay Science


Will to Power


Thus Spoke Zarathustra


Twilight of the Idols

>> No.10205182

>The double
My fine feathered negro

>> No.10205215

Someone do Tolstoi pls

>> No.10205247


>Wanderer trilogy

I was going to fite you for this (and not putting Mysteries in the best category), but realized you're not entirely wrong. I still think some of his really depressed work is his worst, the most striking example being The Last Chapter. That is not to say that it is bad, far from it. It's pretty damn good. It's just not what he does best.


There's a distinction to be made here. Hamsun wrote both a wanderer trilogy, which is semi-autobiographical and fairly melancholic. It consists of Under the Autumn Star, A Wanderer Plays on Muted Strings, and The Last Joy. Those are from his middle period, i.e. after the youth works of the 1890's (his best, I think) and before his mature period beginning with Growth of the Soil (1917).

The Wayfarer trilogy (also known as the August trilogy) on the other hand is fictional and from his late period (1927-1933), and consists of Wayfarers, August and The Road Leads On. Despite being from the mature period where Hamsun was more and more disillusioned and cynical about modernity, the trilogy channels the very best of him, and is quite comical and warmhearted in spite of the world-weariness you can discern under the surface.

I think they're all translated into english with the tiltles I've posted here.

>> No.10205275

Old Man and the Sea

Farewell to Arms

For Whom the Bell Tolls

The Sun Also Rises

>> No.10205278

The Names

>> No.10205283
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forgot pic

>> No.10205288
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The Castle is the best you ass

>> No.10205313
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butchers crossing

just finished reading the big 3, all i would recommend

>> No.10205362

Lol no

White Noise

>> No.10205391

I never understood what people see in Mysteries. Don't get me wrong, it was a great read (like everything that Hamsun wrote) but it kinda pales in comparison to the rest of his oeuvre.
>Pan has better prose.
>Hunger has better character exploration.
>Growth of the Soil touches on costumbrism better.
>Victoria has a better love story.

Did I miss the point? Help me see the light.

>> No.10205395
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Winter of our Discontent
The Pearl
Grapes of Wrath
Travels with Charlie

>> No.10205404
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Pale Fire

Bend Sinister


Invitation to a Beheading

>> No.10205407

i agree. the castle is very cozy and true to life.

>> No.10205440


While I'll agree with the point about Pan (honestly the best lyrical prose I've ever read), I disagree with Hunger having better character exploration. Nagel is such a massive enigma - seemingly both completely transparent and totally opaque at the same time. I think the fact that he embeds more into society than the protagonist of Hunger does really allows him to shine. They share the same madness of modernity, but I think Nagel is the more unforgettable character.

That said, I do find it hard to pick and choose between his early novels, I think they're pretty much all among the GOAT.

>> No.10205443

white noise is the pleb pick

>> No.10205455

Read Mary? That's his worst. Way underrated's The Gift, overrated's Ada, which reads as unintended self-parody. Dead-on with his best, and a respectable list nonetheless.

>> No.10205469

I haven't read Mary or King, Queen, Knave. And I should have put Ada for Overrated. Still don't really think Pnin deserves the status it seems to have.

>> No.10205470

Yeah, I agree in part. I think that in Hunger you explore the character in his own head: through his own actions and soliloques, whereas in Mysteries you are watching him through the eyes of others: What other people think of him, and how are they going to percieve his actions and motives is always more important than the actual action or soliloque.
I prefer Hunger in the end but I can see how it can be a matter of taste.

If you liked Pan's prose, I'd recommend you To the Lighthouse. Dunno if you've already read it, but it has a very interesting prose style in the first half, whereas the second is full of lyrical passages about the passing of seasons and the nature that surround the house.

>> No.10205502



>> No.10205503

I'll do Tolstoy shorts-
Family Happiness
Aloyosha the Pot (least memorable)

>> No.10205518

Pnin's a *sweet* novel (for a mean novel) and does conclude pathetically, but youre right. Perhaps a little maudlin.

>> No.10205548

My bad i thought you were a fellow anglo who misremembered the title of Wayfarers

>> No.10206867
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The Fall or The First Man
The Rebel
The Stranger
Exile and the Kingdom

>> No.10207031

no way


butchers crossing


>> No.10207053
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Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship
Wilhelm Meister's Journeyman Years
Elective Affinities

>> No.10207905


Old Man and the Sea


The Sun also Rises


Farewell to Arms


Island in the Stream

>> No.10208012

Someone do Plato

>> No.10208025

>tfw highly educated but honestly can't do this because haven't read enough books by any single author

>> No.10208053

His posthumous poetry collection The Unknown University is great btw

>> No.10208063


The Aphorismis, his Diaries, The Hunger Artist, The Trial

>the sadly unfinished





Diaries and Aphorisms

>> No.10208069
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Infinite Jest, non-fiction


Brom of the System, Pale King


Hideous Men


Infinite Jest

>> No.10208075
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Too difficult because his works have so many different audiences. Grad students might be interested in something like the Phaedo while casual readers might prefer individual parts of the Repbulic or the Apology etc.

>> No.10208101

you're missing his first.

>> No.10208104

i'd say EA is his worst desu

>> No.10208111
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Trilogy (if that doesn't count then Molloy)


Krapp's Last Tape


Waiting For Godot



>> No.10208272

Pretty spot on, my darkies.

>> No.10208283

Different anon. Right, it's a tale. Probably shouldn't figure at all. I'd go Dichtung und Wahrheit greatest, Lehrjahr underrated. The first anon did a pretty good job, however, given that this is almost entirely a subjective venture.

>> No.10208409
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Blood Meridian

The Road

All the Pretty Horses

No Country for Old Men

>> No.10208426
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Benito Cereno


The Confidence Man


>> No.10208436

Did you forget Endgame because you're a mongoloid or because you haven't read it yet?

>> No.10208654

Agree about Skating Rink, but the original short story is better than Distant Star, and some of his posthumous stuff, while not his best arent bad. I have not read Third Reich though. would you call that one bad?

>> No.10208681

I liked Cosmopolis, but it wasnt as great as the rest. Even Americana was better.

>> No.10208690

That's a rare DFW, mind if I use it?

>> No.10208718

I agree that Broom is bad, but it was probably not as bad as Everything and More. And kind of unfair to call a unfinished posthumous book his worst.

I do not think Infinite Jest is underrated. In my opinion Oblivion is underrated.

>> No.10208721

Literally how can you not like The Castle. It was such a joy to read.

>> No.10208743

Save it, it's all yours my friend!

>> No.10208755

Come on now. I really liked it, but there were extremely tedious parts, such as K.'s conversation with the Barnabas' Sister about their family's history
And it ends mid-sentence

>> No.10208761

Can someone do Dostoyevsky? Just finished reading crime and punishment and the ending honestly made me start believing in god

>> No.10208768

Wasn't tedious to me. His portrayal of the characters and his dialogue was entertaining to me, as it is in all of his stuff. The Castle is one of my favourite Kafka things.

>> No.10208771

I'm not him, but I really enjoyed The Third Reich. And I don't know if you care about this, but the plot is minimal

>> No.10209038

dpnt mind. So it's more philosophical/character driven? I just like the fact that it has to do with board games and Bolaño's love for them.

>> No.10209100
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Dubliners, A portrait of the artist as a young man, Ulysses, Finnegans wake


Dubliners, A portrait of the artist as a young man, Ulysses, Finnegans wake


Dubliners, A portrait of the artist as a young man, Ulysses, Finnegans wake


Dubliners, A portrait of the artist as a young man, Ulysses, Finnegans wake

>> No.10209110
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>> No.10209114


>> No.10209125

I disagree

>> No.10209135

I actually think Dubliners is his best. But I have no idea why Dubliners is so highly rated. in comparison, Dubliners his most underrated work is so overlooked.

>> No.10209181


I forgot The Third Reich was a posthumous work.

I was talking about books like The Secret of Evil and the most recents El espíritu de la ciencia-ficción and Sepulcros de vaqueros.

>> No.10209243
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Can one be more pseud ?

>> No.10209250


>> No.10209259

Best the odyssey

Worst the iliad

>> No.10209323

Correct. I can't stand Kafka for more than 20-30 pages.

>> No.10209363

That's not "correct," that's just your own little problem to deal with.

>> No.10209408
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Glass bead game
Beneath the Wheel
Narcissus and Goldmund

>> No.10209470

Cool thread, doing Roth

American Pastoral

Great American Novel


Sabbath's Theatre

>> No.10209620
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Anna Karenina

Ivan Iliyich


War & Peace

>> No.10209653

read Murphy and kinda hated it. should i try trilogy?

>> No.10209665

Why didn't you like the Kreutzer Sonata? I really liked it myself

>> No.10209671

Hajdi Murat is his best

>> No.10209892

Chekhov's longer works:

Three Years
The story of an unknown man
All of his plays
The Steppe

>> No.10209920

Most underrated's The Crossing by far. Arguably his best *novel*.

>> No.10209950

yeah, it's a psychological thriller. it has that thing that bolaño does very well in his prose that even when nothing is really happening plotwise, the mood is eerie and unsettling

>> No.10209951

I did like it, all of his shorter fictional works are great. That's why I parenthetically described his 'worst' as least memorable. Master and Man, Father Sergius, and Hadji Murad will be the finest for many anons, no question. He's like Hoffmann in this regard, not one bad story, novella, or tale.

>> No.10210055
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various shorter dramatic works


How It Is

>> No.10210057


>> No.10210087

Pafko at the Wall


End Zone

>> No.10210097
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A Frolic of His Own

The Recognitions

Agape Agape

all contrarians will have to tell me what book Gibbs was reading in the bathroom in the closing pages of the book in addition to supplying a new ranking

>> No.10210115

The Sleepwalkers by Hermann Broch
The Recognitions
Agape Agape
Agape Agape

>> No.10210154

All his stories are fucking short stories

>> No.10210232

The Unteleported Man
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

>> No.10210674

had to read All the Pretty Horses way back in school so I doubt it's really that underrated but I agree with BM as his best and DEFINITELY with The Road as his most overrated.

>> No.10210869

Best is Investigations of a Dog. Shit is fuckin dense.

>> No.10210872

the audacity of that nigger, to wear a tie, writing what he did. He deserved golden laurels and a toga

>> No.10211309


>> No.10211329

After writing Murphy he realized he would never be Joyce and completely changed his writing style

>> No.10211338

>Ivan Ilych
Trash opinion

>> No.10211388

Short stories

The Great Wall of China

Investigations of a dog

In the penal colony

A fratricide

Investigations of a dog and A Report to an academy are the worst

>dude anthropomorphic animals lmao

Literally Air bud tier

>> No.10211421

Where would you put Endgame? It fits into none of those categories hence the exclusion. Obviously I've read it you 'mongoloid'.

>> No.10211424

thanks senpai

spot on

>> No.10211428

I would give Molloy a whirl. Very interesting book.

>> No.10211441

did you read those? I'm kinda looking forward to see young Bolaño's work, even if it's not there yet.