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/lit/ - Literature

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10202827 No.10202827 [Reply] [Original]

literary confession thread

>> No.10202833
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I can’t read

>> No.10202837

I'm actually a neet dropout who's often too lazy to read

>> No.10202844
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I rate Stephen King.

>> No.10202846 [DELETED] 

I only come here to talk about Jews. I don't read

>> No.10202906

i read slowly and i put off reading for a week after i finish a book. i find reading very draining and i get sleepy. I struggle to enjoy the well loved classics.

>> No.10202916 [DELETED] 

I only come here to bitch about /pol/

I don't read

>> No.10202917

I like reading cut and paste Dragon fantasy novels.

>> No.10202924



>> No.10202961

I wish to read more. I have trouble keeping a straight path, a straight stream of thoughts. It's almost metaphysical diction of my existence. I want to learn more of psychology, philosophy, history, mathematics, physics. I want to write. I play multiple musical instruments and I want to get better at them. I'm obsessed with my job in automobile industry, I spend days thinking about improving the machines and processes we use. Sometimes I get things done and my superios notice, I'm slowly moving up and I think that's the only thing that keeps me from offing myself. I wish to read more. I love learning. All that and I spend most of my time browsing 4chan and playing computer games that I hate. It's getting worse. I've been read Freud's Interpretation of Dreams for more than four weeks and can't finish it. Oh, I wish I was better. I try and fail -

>> No.10202968

please, anon

>> No.10203274
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I gave up on Ulysses.

>> No.10203286

I finally got fully addicted to opiates and it's become hard to read and remember nonfic passages this might be the catalyst

>> No.10203303

I haven't read in years. I pretend that I have and just shit post on lit

>> No.10203324
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I own over a dozen books and I've read none. I only read borrowed books.

>> No.10203325

The vast majority of philosophy before Kant besides some of the big name is worthless drivel

>> No.10203331
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I only read politics to dominate my interlocutors during debates (especially when I know their theory better than them).

>> No.10203333

>The vast majority of philosophy is worthless drivel


>> No.10203970

I burned a copy of Joyce's The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man for kindling once. I also had a copy of Robopocalypse with me but spared it.

>> No.10203997

Tried googling this and could find anything on it. I've never read the term cut and paste novel before. Could anyone elaborate?

>> No.10204237

I think it just means that they are all generic and similar, so much so as to be "cut, copied, and pasted".

>> No.10204366

Not him but how would you restructure it? I have a “””journal””” and get tired of writing in it because I start most of my sentences with I.

>> No.10204381

I have a bad habit of having several false starts on large novels before getting through them.

>> No.10204412

I think there should be a fanfiction general on /lit/

>> No.10204428

I only read books in some vain hope that one will change my life for the better.

None thus far

>> No.10204434

I read the odyeseey like it was a children’s book

>> No.10204463

I actually read Infinite Jest

>> No.10204482

1) I read everything I really want to understand out loud, sometimes I read to my friends over skype/discord

2) I re-read books I like a lot many, many times

3) I keep a box under my bed filled with books that have some graphic and violent male/male rape scenes and masturbate to them, the books in this box as a rule are garbage, as I have several books on my normal shelf that have male/male rape in them but those are actually good books

4) fucking hate e-readers

>> No.10204542

Show, don't tell. For instance, instead of "I want to kiss Amy," write "Amy's lips revealed softness and seemed welcoming." For more action-oriented sentences, there's really no way around it. Just switch between active and passive voice when you can.

>> No.10204791

my social circle irl is generic liberal idpol sycophants, and I discuss lit from this perspective while I'm with them because otherwise I wouldn't have anyone to talk books with. is pretending to be a liberal for conformity's sake worse than being a liberal?

>> No.10204808

>1) I read everything I really want to understand out loud, sometimes I read to my friends over skype/discord
That's actually really cute

I don't have any real confessions or something like that. Maybe me being a brainlet who can't remember shit counts

>> No.10204814

I just came to lit and read slaughterhouse V. It was really fucking boring. Then I read blood music because it was recommended on the wiki and it was really good

>> No.10204821

Only read what you want to read, most important rule there is. People here will try to meme you into reading IJ and Finnegan's Wake

>> No.10204826

i read a lot, but i'm too fucking stupid to understand or retain most of what i read.

>> No.10204835
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I know that feel bro.

>> No.10204836

That sounds nice and all, but it's also very unambitious to give up because you don't like it. It's not a long book anyways. I'm not gonna read infinite jest though, I can see that one from a mile away...

>> No.10204849

t. Nietzsche

>> No.10204858

Holy shit i have this mentility too. Some books really hit a sweet spot but the magic vanishes after a while, even if I reread them.

>> No.10204869
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If in a book there's a passage or whatever I really liked I'll reread it and recite it aloud in as theatrical a way that I can muster. Putting on different accents and shit for characters. Hopefully the apartments next door can't hear me, but then again they probably think I'm a weirdo anyway so yolo

>> No.10204872


I unironically believe all fiction is real.

>> No.10204875


>> No.10204879

I was too mentally tired from a combination of work, romantic and familial failures so I stopped reading philosophy and got back to fiction.

>> No.10204881

Give me the names of some of the books in your boxes

>> No.10204904

I buy books exclusively based on /lit/ recommendations.

>> No.10204907

I sincerely can't grasp why people read stuff they agree with. I mostly read books and authors who challenge my views. Anytime I hear an author making a claim that angers me or shocks me, I have to read what they wrote. I go into libraries and look for litterature or philosophy that I reaaaally wouldn't want to touch, but still pick up the book and spend a few hours struggling with its content. Strong emotional reaction is the greatest indicator that something will be worth reading.

>> No.10204914

read Emotionally Weird.
Please. I'm getting kind of sad and I want to know I influenced something another person did.

>> No.10204949

I haven't been able to sit down and just read a book in several years.
I don't really know how to explain it... It's like my head is "cloudy" and I can't make sense of the words after a while.

>> No.10204954

Sounds like how ADHD feels like for me desu

>> No.10204958

Well if you promise me this book is not an absolute meme, I'll give it a shot. It's on amazon for one cent.

>> No.10204968

Good post, I'll remember that next time I go to the library

>> No.10204969

I feel like this board is split between classicists and pomo

>> No.10204973

I don't think it's a meme.

If you do buy it, thank you very much. You made a stupid shithead very happy.

>> No.10204984

BTW are you the drunk guy from the other thread?

>> No.10204993

Kiss it Away
Male on Male Rape: The Hidden Toll of Stigma and Shame
On Being Raped

that's just some of them

>> No.10204999

Yeah. Nobody's answering, so now I'm getting morose.

>> No.10205010

The quality of this board is proportional to how much people are talking about infinite jest.

>> No.10205011

Chuckled. Nice false flag

>> No.10205023

sorry, autocorrect

>> No.10205027

Cut out things in your life that require a short attention span. Stop browsing the internet aimlessly - delete apps off your phone that you use.

I can read for hours comfortably as long as my brain is operating at the right speed or in the right gear. Being on the internet wrecks your attention span.

>> No.10205040

Current state of lit

>> No.10205055

depends on what you mean by liberal

>> No.10205059
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I just bought Emotionally Wierd, if that makes you a bit happier again. Also gave me a reason to order some other books I had on my list for a long time, but hesitated because of my backlog.

>> No.10205061

What fiction works have you enjoyed lately?

>> No.10205078
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You're a good guy anon. Thanks a lot, and I'm glad I helped a little bit.
I honestly hope you enjoy it.

>> No.10205086

Thomas Mann books, also reading Thucydides.

>> No.10205147

The only ones that have made a lasting impression on my have been Bolaño, since then I've been searching for anything close to him (mainly Latin American lit) but nothing comes close

>> No.10205153

liberalism in the classical sense encompassing both the republican and democratic american political parties

>> No.10205160

assuming you've tried Borges, lispector, Neruda, Pessoa (not SA though), etc?

>> No.10205172

Where do you rank 11.22.63? I'm interested given current events, but normally struggle with King.

>> No.10205224

I’m a slow reader, and so usually I only read something like 10-15 full-length books a month.

>> No.10205262
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a book every 2-3 days is slow reading

>> No.10205263

Despite finding it quite important, I think 'The Art of War' is boring as fuck.

>> No.10205461

Yup loved Borges, Lispector sort of underwhelmed me but I've only read her short stories, Neruda not so much and Pessoa threw me into a depression, because while I loved the melancholy, it was a sort of peripheral life that unnerved me.

>> No.10205485
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> I only read something like 10-15 full-length books a month.

How will your brain retain all that. Are one of those who read just for the sake of reading? Why do you even read?

>> No.10205493

I only read prose

>> No.10205844
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I only browse /lit/ because I'm searching in vain for inspiration to write something.

>> No.10206410
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anon no

>> No.10206421
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Im more invested in looking like someone who enjoys literature and the arts in general than in actually enjoying it. I rather talk about books and poets than reading them

>> No.10206500

Jean Genet?

>> No.10206567

i found finnegans wake to be absolutely hilarious and beautiful, and had no trouble with it. now tristram fucking shandy, on the other hand...

>> No.10206693

i've read tens of thousands of books and don't know the names of any of the authors or works.

>can only recognize the feel of the book after 2-3 pages in
>can't recall a single quote from any of them, yet somehowi fully comprehend the relationships, conflicts, and concepts
>syncretise various aspects and concepts into my own writing

and as a kicker, i didn't into formal education or homeschooling.

>feels like having the entirety of tvtropes lodged in my brain

>> No.10206745

i wanna listen to you reading on skype :3

>> No.10206750

mind sharing the books that you keep on the box??

>> No.10206755

i just read what i want

>> No.10206759

I wish stormfaggots were deported on an Island so they could try to build their white utopia. I'm not joking, I'm genuinely sad that these people will never amount to anything in life and they will spend their entire existence loathing everything and everyone.

>> No.10206932

You're unsuccessful.

>> No.10206950
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My ability to express my writing skill is a tad sharper on the computer than it is with a writing utensil on paper. I have a feeling it's because of the speed, but it's also because I use the computer too much.

I recall that Nietzsche's writing style changed, subtly, when he became proficient with the typewriter

I can imagine a future where handwriting is considered primitive. In the far future we probably won't even have to type, but it'll instead be an interface between the brain and the computer.

>> No.10207003

I confess that the first novel I ever read in grade school just for the hell of it was "Freckles," and I liked it. Please don't bully. Thanks. I'm glad I got that off my chest.

>> No.10207049
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Reminder that women have lust towards writers and writers are plebeian enough to succumb to it.

>> No.10207057

I used to read all the time, but now I read strictly non fiction audiobooks. I think I like other people thinking for me, and I pick and choose the opinions most appealing

>> No.10207059
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I’m a pseud.

>> No.10207077

Marcel Proust has to be most boring writer I have ever read.

Nabokov can write a sentence like no other but cannot seem to shut the fuck up once he does.

Dostoyevski is more fun to discuss than to read.

Same with Umberto Eco.

Samuel Beckett kicks Joyce's ass as far as themes and language.

I would rather powerdrill my dick than read Milan Kundera ever again.

Julio Cortazar is for teenagers.

The only worthwhile beat is Burroughs.

The entire romantic period is steaming cow dung.

>> No.10207078

I feel compelled to get multiple books each time I go to the library, but I only read 1/5th of most, finishing 30% of them, the rest sit there on my desk for two weeks. I always say that I enjoyed them if asked on returning.

>> No.10207090

I love buying books but I never read any and just putem them in my shelf

How do I stop this? ,_,

>> No.10207128
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when I know a book is supposed to be good I can't start it. It took me about 10 years to get around to reading Moby Dick (which I loved and had good reason to think I would love) and the vast majority of the worthwhile books I've read were read before I knew they were respected.

>> No.10207136

i read less than 10 books in my entire life i come here to shitpost

>> No.10207203

I read a lot of self-help and business books because I feel like I'm wasting time reading stuff for 'pleasure', although every book I read for pleasure takes half the time of the others.

>> No.10207247

this desu

>> No.10207253

also this desu

>> No.10207417

underrated as fuck

>> No.10207522

I throw away every book into the trash after i read them.

>> No.10207560

Whenever I write a story I usualy goe strait into the edgy.
I like writing edgy stuff.
Sex scenes and murder are way too soft for me, I go full edgeness, rape and genocide mode.
I try to make some of the most vilanous characters into relatable people.

>> No.10207596

I'm a slow reader and I haven't read nearly as many books as I'd wish I had.

>> No.10207622

ill pay shipping if you send them to me

>> No.10207652

I haven't even passed the Greeks yet because I constantly get sidetracked by shit like Arendt, history books, and novels.

>> No.10207681

I like to ERP

>> No.10207706
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I cannot stand fiction and read only non-fiction.

>> No.10207716

i only read Hard Case Crime books

>> No.10207724

I unironically love the Dresden files.

>> No.10207731


>> No.10208038

That's how much I read in an year desu.

>> No.10208060

The only Joyce that I enjoyed was the first part of Portrait. Everything else seems like tryhard wank to me.

>> No.10208080

I over-identify with male protagonists and authors

>> No.10208082

i enjoy fanfiction.

>> No.10208659

I want to read, but it's easier to watch Youtube.

>> No.10209541

Do you really write "Amy's lips revealed softness and seemed welcoming" in your journal, anon?

>> No.10209566

waddup me

>> No.10209587
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I like to read but i always end up wasting too much time on 4chan so that i never get to read actual books

>> No.10209602
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It's a good thing that 4chan posts are even more than traditional literature

>> No.10209773
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>I don't read books
>The last book I read was a structural steel codex
>I don't want to .pdf books for fear of being distracted by pr0nz and kitties
>No money for books
>I simply read autistic works of fiction from this site.
>This is my second time browsing this board
I just want to improve my writing if I ever want to expirement with writing.

>> No.10210046

I wish I could read more but I'm way more invested in music than I am books. I can only read books when there is music playing in the background. All of my favorite books are shitty entry level books from my 12th grade AP english class. The hardest I've ever cried to any form of media was when Helen died in Jane Eyre.

>> No.10210048

>>No money for books

>> No.10210184

I fucking love murakami books

>> No.10210187

I would guess changing the subject of the sentence so it isn't always about you but instead of what you're talking about. Or instead of saying "I've been reading" say "reading x for four weeks has been touring and I can't finish it." Just play around with the ordering of your sentence.

>> No.10210214

My nigga right here

>> No.10210225

>When Helen died in Jane Eyre

I thought I was the only one who loved Helen Burns

>> No.10210231

I have pretended that Catcher in the Rye is my favorite book on several occasions to get laid. Never made it more than halfway through the book.

>> No.10210242
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I had sex with Tess Garritson .

>> No.10210247

how was it?

>> No.10210416


>> No.10210443

I gave up on the Sound and the Fury... twice
Absalom, Absalom was pretty incredible though

>> No.10210473

Is this some metaphysical twisting on the meaning of real or are you going to pull some quantum mechanics faggotry out of your ass?

>> No.10210515

Quads confirm

>> No.10211262

I copy/paste /lit/ posts and memorize them for future use in arguments so I can appear smart.

>> No.10211268

sounds gay

>> No.10211295

i'm calling the police you crazy bastard

>> No.10211311


I thought i was the only one

>> No.10211370
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I made someone get into philosophy by directly sending them to Kant instead of starting with something less complicated.
A liberal too, like an atheistic liberal who knew nothing about deities, morality or 'transcendental axioms'.

I feel like such a cunt.

>> No.10212820

>fucking hate e-readers
why tho

>> No.10213383
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I don't actually enjoy literature and only read to be/appear more educated. My reading list basically consists of all well known literature roughly sorted by popularity.

>> No.10213401

I only read manga

>> No.10214158

I unironically like IJ. It's a fun read and it actually shows some insight on anxiety and depression

>> No.10214275

I hate reading at home, usually I go to the library because the temptation of my computer is too strong otherwise. The library is a wonderful place by the way, I seriously enjoy being there

>> No.10214734

Witty....easy on the carrots

>> No.10214766

I could never get into philosophy, except for Schopenhauer. I liked reading World as Will and Representation, because it was very bleak yet well-written in its descriptions and the philosophical system as a whole really speaks to me. Yet every other philosopher strikes me as self-absorbed. I find myself thinking, where do you get off assuming your thoughts are so concise and beautiful that you allow yourself to pull all this stuff out of your ass? Nietzsche and Stirner were the worst in that regard. I just don't get why the ramblings of individuals are supposed to hold any truth and sway over the life of others.

I also think that with continuing advances in the sciences, especially psychology, philosophy will eventually be obsolete. I know the sciences are indebted to philosophy with the scientific method and all, but I just feel like everything has been said already.

I hate Pynchon and Gass with a passion, I cannot possibly understand the appeal of stringing together random words. All po-mo literature, except for some Vonnegut and DeLillo sucks.

I don't read poetry except for Yeats, Rilke and Heine, but I fantasize about being a well-received and famous poet rather than fantasising about being a novelist. I hate myself for not being able to get into poetry and philosophy properly and think prose is the most brainlet literary art.

>> No.10214799

me too

>> No.10214839
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>claims to have read Schopenhauer
>believes science will make philosophy obsolete

Did you even read the first volume of Will and Representation?

>> No.10215811

>if you read a work of philosophy you must adapt the whole opinion of the author into your world view
>it's impossible to pick and choose among a philosopher 's teachings

Love this meme

I know that philosophy has the prerogative to supply all-encompassing explanations in abstracto, which science cannot, since it will always be limited to what lies outside of the qualitates occultaea and can't investigate into them but in my opinion, science will do just fine to give us a framework for our intents and purposes

>> No.10215818


>> No.10215837
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me 2

>> No.10215853

That's called ADHD, you pretentious retard

>> No.10215857

can I join this discord?

>> No.10215869


Will you read my book now

>> No.10215961


intellectual burn out

>> No.10216490

I actually read really slowly, like it takes me an hour to read 20 pages

>> No.10216937

>Hopefully the apartments next door can't hear me
They can. I also did this until I turned 19. Then My spirit and confidence was broken.

Sometimes, when I am alone, I still read Ezra Pound outloud while doing an impression of Yeats.

>> No.10216957

I've started 3 books in October and didn't finish any of them. I think I'm losing interest in reading

>> No.10217040
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What were they? Do you think it would help to just focus on one?

I never read more than one fiction book at a time.

Could you try switching things up and reading some short stories? That always helps me when I am in a slump.

I wish you luck no matter what, Anon.

>> No.10217107

Obscene Bird of Night
Tin Drum
Guns Germs and Steel.

I just got bored of each one. Maybe I'm just too stressed to read right now

>> No.10217136

Black Swan and Antifragile made me depressed and I'm a complete retard at explaining it.

>> No.10217429
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Guns, Germs, and Steel is interesting but remember that the author tries his very best to pass his theory off as actual fact. Diamond is dangerous because he is very good at convincing and asserting rather than proving.

>> No.10217687

I hate 90% of books written in the first person.
Like, just by default. It immediately feels self-involved, uninteresting, and even a little tacky to me. Can't really explain it, just seems like an easy way out to give needless introspection.

>> No.10217693

>Guns Memes and Steel

You don't have to feel bad about not finishing that one.

>> No.10217713

I write other people's term papers for them. For free.

>> No.10217714

I started "He rapes his sister, Phoebe." And I genuinely think this is both the chief valid reading of their relationship and essential to enjoy the text.

>> No.10217928

You should have said, "I like to make super pretentious, show offy posts as an anonymous poster on /lit/ to stroke my massive ego."

>> No.10218048

Every poster. Your post is redundant

>> No.10218075

I have a hard time to read unless I specifically engineer a period of time to do so
Like before work I have an hour plus sitting in my office so I read always then
Then latter in the day I have another half hour so I also read at that time
That guarantees me nearly 2h most days. More if I read during normal hours but if I don't at least I got that time in reguardless

>> No.10218094


I love Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.10218117

I'm a huge brainlet pseud but I read a lot and am a good talker

>> No.10218126
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I really only read non-fiction and technical papers because I was a STEMfag getting a PhD but I read Olive Kitteridge and it made me branch into fiction. Now that I'm done with schooling I've read so many awesome things I missed out on and owe a lot of it to you guys on /lit/.

Thanks guys.

>> No.10218133

I say that Joyce is my favourite writer but I still haven't even finished Finnegans Wake

>> No.10218157
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I think /Cliff/ is comfy to watch...

>> No.10218191

How is that a confession? He's dreamy af.

>> No.10218241

Get off /lit/ Cliff and get me my coffee

>> No.10218284

It's the internet my man. Jerk off less often and only use the internet for necessary tasks that require focus.

>> No.10218483
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is anyone else awestruck at the sheer breadth and depth of human thought? neither in a naïve sense nor in a pessimistic one, but simply that there will — if you so choose — be a wealth of knowledge for you to uncover, an endless, inclusive coterie of literary companions, and humor that remains fresh throughout centuries.

i get this same feeling when i discover new, good ambient music: there are many people out there who are not trying to overcome nature nor deny it, but simply wrestle with it, head-on and toe-to-toe. their wrestling grease might be our chrism.

>> No.10220031

I don't like Anglo/Western literature

I like to read memoirs and recollections

I think Russian Lit and Soviet Lit is prophetic in a way

>> No.10220158

Stop playing video games and masturbating.

>> No.10220178

Whenever I get into a reading slump I just go for a popular thriller or YA novel. I like how you can read them quickly without having to think too much and afterwards shit on them for being trash.

>> No.10220202

Cesar Aira

>> No.10220716

I feel bad for you. I was a NEET for a year. You need to force yourself to write essays and learn to read critically. With all your spare time, it shouldn't be a problem.