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/lit/ - Literature

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10202389 No.10202389 [Reply] [Original]

>wants to write something interesting
>has no interesting life experience
Explain yourselves

>> No.10202399

“A writer needs three things, experience, observation, and imagination, any two of which, at times any one of which, can supply the lack of the others.”

- Faulkner

>> No.10202400

Sometimes I eat a lot of corn and drink blueberry juice so my poop looks like starry night sky in Ardennes in early spring.

>> No.10202402

b-but i want to save western civilization from liberals like the great men of the past like Shakespeare Dante Cervantes Dostoevskij Homer and Norman MacDonald

>> No.10202404

Bugs...easy on the assumptions

>> No.10202409

Literally just make that shit up

>> No.10202413

My work is actually Seinfeldian. I write about nothing.

>> No.10202419

How kafkaesque

>> No.10202446

Copy paste from other writers changing some words, places, characters and maybe giving to the stories another final.

As every author does.

>> No.10202449

Who needs life experience when you can just experience fiction?

>> No.10202452

TIL Nabokov literally molested young children

>> No.10202457


We know, Nicholson, we know

>> No.10202462

t. soyboy

>> No.10202466

>t. soyboy
What does this mean?

>> No.10202473


>> No.10202475

it's just another /pol/ buzzword that has similar meanings to nu-male, beta male, mangina, cuck, and bugman.

>> No.10202479

Thanks for the explanation

>> No.10202574


>> No.10202979

>NEET imagining what the outside world is like

>> No.10202987

My writing is introspective.

>> No.10203037

>has no interesting life experience

>> No.10203040

Being an above average student from a dysfunctional family who squandered their potential playing video games isn't interesting tbqh

>> No.10203209
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bruh mediocrity and squandered potential is the amongst the most interesting subject matter of all. Everyone can relate to it but it's extremely hard to put into words

>> No.10203777

Give me examples of writers who are

>Experienced + Observant
>Experienced + Imaginative
>Observant + Imaginative

>> No.10203803
File: 26 KB, 200x445, 41E2298A-CFE0-47BA-A007-37BB403132BE-4545-000004572B2A5639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone locked inside a cell for the entirety of their life writing a book on what they augur the outside to be like based on murmur in the cells around them could make for an interesting novel though.
Has this been done already?

>> No.10203826
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>wants to write something, for the sake of writing something
>has not had a trauma
>has not seem the error of his ways
>no personal growth
>no redeeming insights about life
you just read books, that's all you do

>> No.10203850

>>Experienced + Observant
>>Experienced + Imaginative
>>Observant + Imaginative

>> No.10203888 [DELETED] 

I know this is just shitty bait and you're going to handwave away any examples posted but whatever.

>Experienced + Observant
Jack London - wrote about his time in the yukon and aboard fishing trawlers and whatnot

>Experienced + Imaginative
JRR Tolkien - WWI vet that incorporated that into LOTR along with all of his studies of linguistics

>Observant + Imaginative
George Orwell - noticed the trends in eastern yuropoor and extrapolated it out to a plausible extreme

>> No.10204688

Worked for Georg Louise Burge

>> No.10204691

the only good way to write

>> No.10204697

he went blind and fell headfirst into political intrigue

>> No.10204704

Why don't you have interesting life experiences? Most people do without even trying or wanting them. It's not even that difficult to force some, just take more risks, do the things people tell you not to, hang out with the wrong crowd. Step out of your comfort zone and shit happens.

>> No.10204710

yaaas, i got two :3

>> No.10204725

Move to a new country, make some friends and ask about their lives, do something you retard. Also you can work on prose and become a proficient writer before you have experiences.

>> No.10204834

Does this count as experience? :

Being relatively well off but being socially outcasted for your homosexual sibling and your own autism, trying to be a Filmaker, directing a shitty but expressionistic film, alienating yourself with your work style but getting slight applause from strangers at its screening. Followed by successfully seducing a girl in a relationship over texts, then meeting her and having a nice fling for a week. Then have one of your bi-polar friends manipulate you and this girl you had a fling with, to basically save bi-polar friend from having to move back in with her parents. Worsening the relationship between you and this girl you had a fling with, while bi-polar feeds your insecurities. Then having a falling out with both, becoming an object of propaganda, and realizing just how embarassing and "cry for help" your autistic behavior has been throughout your entire life in a period of newfound and ongoing isolation.

tl;dr: I don't know why I'm even asking.

>> No.10205028

>Experienced + Imaginative
joyce easy. well read to the maximum, lived in different countries, knew about 14 languages and basically created a whole new dimension in literature

>> No.10205036

My diary.

>> No.10205297

>Most people do
[citation needed]

>> No.10205304

I feel this way about painting.
What can i paint if i only know the internet?

>> No.10205348

It's called use of metaphor. Any profound or seemingly profound idea may be condensed to a metaphor, and then the metaphor expanded into people, places, things, or times.

>Stockholm Syndrome
can be turned into
>The life of a general serving under Kim Un

From here you create events and characters to fill his story with based on other relative states or ideas. And then from there the story becomes research; and that is where all writers who aren't serious fail

>> No.10205350

Melville on all three accounts you pleb

>> No.10205370

>Then having a falling out with both, becoming an object of propaganda
howd that happen?

>> No.10205380

>What can i paint if i only know the internet?
what havent you seen on the internet?

>> No.10205383

>Experienced + Observant

>> No.10205396

Not much i guess.

>> No.10205477

>Observant + Imaginative

>> No.10205647

That was a word vomit, doesn't really correlate, but I fell into "le redpill" shit hard since all this falling out stuff happened around the election. Just wanted to feel like a part of something, so I went with whatever was gonna piss off as much people as possible. But it was an error, I don't relate to most political types.

Weirdest thing about it all was the girl I had a fling with reunited with her dad in a hoarder house that I drove her to in Connecticut. Then we found out he was a pedophile, which was mainly why she left back to her hometown.

>> No.10206001

damn, sounds like a good story for your next film. And you had a falling out with both because of politics? And dont talk to either anymore? but that girl got away from her dad again?

>> No.10206130

Thanks anon, I'll consider that. And no, it just wasn't working out between me and the girl I liked for various reasons. She dissociated pretty hard when that revelation about her dad came. And bi-polar girl had pulled the "how can I trust you" card multiple times to the point that I knew our friendship would be locked in a cycle of these episodes so I just ended it.

And yeah he calls her still, from what I've heard, but she's far away from him. It sucks, he was a victim of pedophilia as a kid, the cycle continues I guess. Hope he got the help he needed.

>> No.10206349

I left a war thorn country
Saw the people left behind and their life broke apart
We moved to America, I became an American, got a good job went to college
The family I left behind are literally stuck in a 1960s Russian village and I get to live like a king in the US
Go back home
See family, we have nothing in common anymore
Can not speak to my family, they live as fishermen in Russia
They live in an old village that my grandfather built after the germans left
I'm literally living in the Us and am an engineer in the big cyber security company
How the fuck did I make it this far

>Some of us have interesting lives

>> No.10206533

>slavshit rapefugee becomes a neckbeard faggot
wow...it's fucking nothing

>> No.10206556

That's why I'm writing a book triology that follows all of the elaborate 4d chess keikakus of President Trump as well as a few of his exploits following him learning about ayylmaos and other top secret info only the elites get to learn. Book 1 ends with him being elected. Book 2 is the first term. Book 3 is the 2nd term.

>> No.10206627

"A Novel is a confession to everything by someone who has done nothing." --Mark Twain

>> No.10206634

Your family has a more interesting life than you now.

>> No.10206642

Go fuck yourself. My mom immigrated from Czechoslovakia and I would never even think about disrespecting my ancestral homeland like that. What kind of pussy ass faggot slav are you?

>> No.10207131

>tfe lack observation

>> No.10207169

I think if it's put poetically it can be quite interesting. The one issue I think is the video games aspect. Talking from experience you basically become removed from reality when playing video games, allowing you to switch your brain off and not critically think about your situation. I could definitely write about the times I've wallowed in self loathing and my thought processes there, but there is nothing on the time I spent brain dead while playing video games worth writing about.

>> No.10207191

>I will never have Chateaubriand's life
>I will never be a cadet from a noble family who saw the revolution first hand, went to the wild america and met Washington, followed Napoleon until he killed the duke of Enghien, travelled into the middle east, met the tsar Alexander 1, witness the 100 days, then the Bourbons coming back, then another revolution leading to the july monarchy, etc...

>> No.10207193

how did he disrespect them? Sounded like he was stating facts. I hope he uses some of his lotta money to buy them some things at least.

>> No.10207258

>emigtation and being a dull traitorous kid working in STEM
>"interesting life"

>> No.10207267

>Experienced + Observant
>Experienced + Imaginative
>Observant + Imaginative

>> No.10208665


>> No.10208677

>Experienced + Observant

Dostoyevsky, Conrad

>Experienced + Imaginative

Burroughs, Goethe

>Observant + Imaginative

Kafka, DFW

>> No.10208686

My favorite writers tend to be the ones who spent most of their time reading and writing, not adventuring.

>> No.10208701

It would've been interesting if you'd already killed yourself.

>> No.10208705

>life experiences
>take more risks, do the things people tell you not to, hang out with the wrong crowd

That's completely unneeded and actually uninteresting, most people on the globe have done that, and it leaves them in a sense disabled, and lacking.

I found that isolation and social independence was actually far more useful, being dependent on other people clouds your judgement and restricts your vision. I think Schopenhauer wrote about this, people in groups think and act in groups, and their whole way of thinking is changed. Being alone for an extended period of time puts things in perspective, cures any predisposition to pandering, or other habits adopted for the reason of being useful in a group. Not to mention that it hopefully fosters at least some sort of a genuine taste and worldview.

>> No.10208716

I don't see why the two things should be mutually exclusive. Getting into trouble and spending long times alone go hand in hand.

>> No.10208725

They're not, getting in trouble is just nearly completely useless and can be counterproductive

>> No.10208734

It can be counterproductive, but if you're trying to have interesting life experiences then it's a better bet than doing nothing. Taking risks can entail a whole bunch of things.

>> No.10208783

When my goal is to succeed in the ethical side of life, and only if that part is satisfied succeed at writing/creating, taking risks for the sake of taking risks is completely idiotic

The act of creation for me is done in the search of bettering myself in the ethical sense, it is not a goal in it of itself
which is why I do not need an LSD trip, "interesting" life experiences, and am wholly satisfied with living a quiet life, because even such a life presents enough moral challenges and gives the most time for the bettering of my craft

>> No.10208795

I grew up in apartheid South Africa and have lived in eight different countries including: Kenya, India, Morocco, China, Spain, the United States, and Canada. By any measure I have had an extremely experienced life but to be honest it bores me to death talking about it and I make a point of not writing about any of it. If someone is perceptive and imaginative they can turn any experience, no matter how mundane, into something fascinating to read. The world is an incredible place and any random square mile can offer an intelligent and committed writer an inexhaustible supply of inspiration. If you look around and sign and say that your life is boring and that you have nothing to write about, well, I'm sorry, but you are not suited for fiction, because a fiction writer must be both the miner and the gemcutter. You will fail unless you are capable of seeing a prototype of beauty or interest inside the rough rock of your life. Sort of like how happiness is not pursued or found, but rather created intrinsically. Writing is the same way. The writer must create the content inside himself. Personal experience may shape what that final content looks like, topically or stylistically, but everyone has a life experience, and everyone who is willing to commit their life to carving that rough stone will succeed.

Now, if you read "success" as "everyone calling me a genius," you can see yourself out, because I have nothing else to say to you.

>> No.10208803

That's a very admirable life plan but it has nothing to do with the point at hand.

>> No.10208811

maybe the point at hand has no importance and only serves as a rough guideline as to what this thread should be about

>> No.10208823

We were already on a tangential topic about how to have the interesting experiences that the thread only alluded to, then you've jumped in here to virtual signal about your "ethical" life plan.

>> No.10208852

The point I made was that what most people here mean by interesting experiences are not a prerequisite for being a writer, not only are they nearly useless but can be counterproductive, by the potentiality of being immoral or limiting your time/faculties

I thought the order of importance of values I presented was a no-brainer? Or do you sacrifice morality for the sake of your art?

>> No.10208881

>what most people here mean by interesting experiences are not a prerequisite for being a writer
I agree.
>not only are they nearly useless
That's completely unquantifiable.
>blah blah blah morals
Questions of morality are an issue for an ethics thread and I find it absurd that you'd go into this thinking otherwise. It's also irrelevant given that joining a charity that hands-on cares for the homeless would be a big step outside of the comfort zone for a lot of people on this board, as well as putting them in interesting and potentially risky situations.
You give off very strong holier-than-thou-with-no-concept-of-relative-morality vibes.

>> No.10208891

>blah blah blah morals
>proponent of relative morality

oh boy, sorry I triggered you

>> No.10208896

Maybe you shouldn't venture so far out of the catholic general thread.

>> No.10209229

That's because you're a pseud who enjoys the mental masturbation of other pseuds desu

>> No.10209265

absolute fools can still be funny

>> No.10210175

>get blow the fuck out
>"did i le trigger you? xD"

>> No.10210228

>novel is seinfeld episode written like lovecraft story

>> No.10210453

>novel is lovecraft episode written like a seinfeld story