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10201741 No.10201741 [Reply] [Original]

I'm an avid reader of Foucault, Deleuse, Derida, and other french philosophers who taught me a lot about the interactions between knowledge, power, identity, and how those influence and are influenced by social constructs...
Recently, I've understood the notion of identity my master Deleuze tried to describe in his life time: to Deleuze, difference is not what differs from identity, but it is identity that emerges from differences. He basically inverted the metaphysics here, wow, a bit like Einstein with strong equivalence principle, fascinating...
Let me cite wikipedia first, and I'll then explain my arguments.
"Apparent identities such as "X" are composed of endless series of differences, where "X" = "the difference between x and x'", and "x'" = "the difference between...", and so forth."
So basically, for Deleuze, there is no intrinsinc essence of things, just ways to compare them and their differences up to infinity. Doing that, Deleuze is sending identity to infinity.
Now, if we apply this very bright idea in mathematics, we can also send the "identity" of a real number to infinity, and thus, show that the reals we all believe on are all social constructs...
Indeed, let r be a real number. Then, one can perfectly send this r to infinity as follow: r = 1+(r-1) = 1+1+(r-2) = 1+1+1+(r-3) = 1+1+1+...
As a result, all real numbers are equals to 1+1+1+1... so they are all social constructs. Is this a proof that formal systems work because we believe in them rather than absolutely?

>> No.10201974

obvious shitpost

>> No.10202084

>he realizes that mathematics are a human construct
>in a shitpost nonetheless

Up your game famalam, everyone knows that the sciences are just a human interpretation of the world us

>> No.10202096

>my master Deleuze
>Let me cite wikipedia

Go back to /pol/ or whatever shithole board you came from. Or, try actually reading these people instead of memeing because of a wiki article.

>> No.10202119

If you can't help yourself from posting in shit threads, SAGE.