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/lit/ - Literature

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10199543 No.10199543 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you plan to participate in NaNoWriMo this year? Has anyone done it previously, if so post about your experience.

>> No.10199547

Let me check.

... no, I don't seem to have any dicks in my mouth or asshole. Still four days to go until November so I suppose there's a chance I might turn into a massive faggot between now and then but I doubt it.
I'll let you know if anything changes.

>> No.10200794


I did it back in 2003 and 04, but didn't get very far. It was mostly fun just to talk with others in the IRC and avoid writing and review others' work

>> No.10200882
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>start writing
>remember why I don't write
>repeat in a year

>> No.10200903

Did it in 2015 for the keks, writing self indulging mess with story inside a story, stopped after 10k words after 3 days to focus on my actual project. Don't have the time to write two novels at the same anymore but looking forward for the writing related threads coming with it.

>> No.10200911

God, fuck you for reminding me this is coming. Fuck you for reminding me of the deluge of people which will inevitably ask me to critique their shitty first drafts.

>"I'm writing a long novel about multiple characters with no clear protagonist across three years of WWII with shifting perspectives about one character's spiritual awakening"
>So are you going for more of a Brideshead thing, or a War and Peace in WWII, or a more comic novel like Catch 22, or
>"Silly anon, I haven't read any of those!"

God, I don't dislike the idea, but holy FUCK are the kind of people it attracts unbearable.