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/lit/ - Literature

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10198634 No.10198634 [Reply] [Original]

> favorite book
> favorite musician/band

> Thus Spoke Zarathustra
> Death Grips or Joanna Newsom (can't decide)

>> No.10198640
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Paradise Lost

>> No.10198645

Absolutely fringe normie tier answer OP

>> No.10198650

How come the people who post in these "lemme show off" threads always have the most embarrassingly banal taste?

>> No.10198652

Brothers Karamazov, maybe. Either that or Blood Meridian.
Honestly cant pick a single artist/album, but top tier bands for me rn are The Body, Street Sects, GAS, 0PN that sorta thing.

>> No.10198657


Post your answers, faggot.

>> No.10198669

I fucking hate myself for the answers I'm about to give:
Infinite Jest
Beach House

>> No.10198670
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Paradise Lost is the greatest text ever written, sorry for appreciating it. Should I pick a more obscure answer next time to impress you?

>> No.10198673

Infinite Jest is dope, but Beach House is not.

>> No.10198680

Cuttlefish bones, invisible cities, Cantos by Leopardi

>Self hating
>Likes IJ
Checks out

>> No.10198691
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Best narrative poem: Dante
Best poetry: Blake
Best Novel: Proust
Best Playright: Shakespeare
Best nonfic writer: Hegel
Best overtures and piano sonatas: Beethoven
Best piano concertos and string orchestra: Mozart
Best choir/mass: Bach
Someone call me a pseud and disagree so I can discover more music

>> No.10198707

A Thousand Plateaus

>> No.10198710


Beach House makes me want to kill myself. Too depressing. How do you listen to this?

>> No.10198720

Nice I'll have to look up your book now

>> No.10198721

Oh it's Deleuze, 9/10 picks doug

>> No.10198724
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Paradise Lost, Ulysses.

Pretty basic bitch but thats the truth.

>> No.10198725

man's search for meaning

talk talk or bark psychosis

>> No.10198733

Paradise lost isn't obscure at all. Its required reading in the 10th grade for fucks sake.

>> No.10198737

Pale Fire
Steely Dan

>> No.10198752
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Stan Rogers

>> No.10198764

Read my comment again, you couldn't figure it out the first time also
>Its required reading in the 10th grade
No it's not, in the UK? Do you mean like the Odyssey were you read a couple passages in a dumbed down translation, yeah that completely invalidates it's worth

>> No.10198766

he didn't say it was

>> No.10198770

>yeah that completely invalidates it's worth
That was sarcastic by the way, I know you have a hard time understanding 4chan comments

>> No.10198779

>The facebook feed, live journal and other social media of the person i am stalking
>TV static

>> No.10198807
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The World of Yesterday by Zweig
Clark (of warp records)

>> No.10198813

you from NC?

>> No.10198829
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Count of Monte Cristo

Radiohead or Husker DU

>> No.10198842

>brothers karamazov
>probably eyehategod rn
nice taste
meh taste
abysmal taste

>> No.10198859



>> No.10198867

>having a single favorite
You'll never learn /lit/

>> No.10198877

>Brothers Karamazov as favorite novel
>Nice taste
It's good but obviously unfinished, replicates all of his previous work and is pseuded so fucking hard

>> No.10198882

meh taste I must say

Why can't you be more like

>> No.10198887

>Sufjan Stevens
>The Recognitions

>he's never had a single work of art call him by name
I hope you find happiness some day, anon.

>> No.10198907

Live had more than one. That's my point you dumb normie.

>> No.10198909

not guy you're replying to but for the sake of the thread you can just pick one of your top favorites like I did and probably most did

>> No.10198915

Libra - Don Delillo

>> No.10198925

>Brand New

>> No.10198926

And what is the point? If I say Don Quijote and The Beatles what does it say? There's still The Iliad and Mahler.

>> No.10198930

The Beatles and Mahler are kind of shit gimmicks desu.

>> No.10198931

Could of picked better literary examples to

>> No.10198934



>> No.10198937

A Canticle for Leibowitz
Elliot Smith

>> No.10198941
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The Virtue of Selfishness
Children of Bodom

>> No.10198957

Awful, very bad choices, embarrassing

>> No.10198977
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They are the best Melodic Death Metal band on God's green earth phallusmancer

>> No.10199016

Captain Beefheart

>> No.10199018


>Either Anna Karenina or The Once and Future King

>Frank Sinatra/Yes

>> No.10199024


I'll go ahead and say that you're probably more read than I am. BUT

Best narrative poem: Paradise Lost
Best poetry: Edgar Allan Poe
Best Novel: Anna Karenina
Best Playright: Arthur Miller
Best nonfic writer: Ralph Waldo Emerson

>> No.10199034

what I say to girls
>joy division
what is true
>this heat

>> No.10199084

Frank Sinatra...pbbbbbbtttttttffffffffffff

That guy is worthless

>> No.10199109

Emerson is great, incredibly underrated in our shit American educational system, you could argue he is a better poet than Poe

>> No.10199119

Self Reliance is perhaps the best essay ever written

That essay literally fuels me

>> No.10199131
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I am the owner of the sphere,
Of the seven stars and the solar year,
of Caesar’s hand, and Plato’s brain,
Of Lord Christ’s heart, and Shakespeare’s strain.

>> No.10199249

Best Narrative poem: Browning
Best Poetry: Rilke
Best Novel: Melville
Best Playwright: Shakespeare
Best Philosophy: Kierkegaard
Best Symphonies: Sibelius
Best String Quartets: Shostakovich
Best Piano Sonatas: Scriabin
Best Piano Music: Chopin
Best Violin Concerto: Dvorak
Best Modernist Novel: Broch

>> No.10199253

how can you enjoy the lack of complexity in sufjan and also hold the recognitions as a favorite?

>> No.10199270

>Stan Rogers
My fucking /out/nigger

>> No.10199289

Good god I know this feel. It's torturous isn't it?

>> No.10199294

All Quiet On The Western Front
Thee More Shallows

>> No.10199300


>> No.10199303

Lol stop stalking people you fucks hahaha
Turn off those feels and do something else

>> No.10199308

There's no off switch for these feels anon.

>> No.10199315

Self Reliance man, some girl (or guy) ain't gonna solve your puzzle for you. Those are just convenient images perpetuated by culture to keep people marrying and procreating beyond any real connection. To keep you desperate for that "other person".

Forget that mess

>> No.10199333
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>Death Grips or Joanna Newsom
I hope your mother dies in her sleep.

Favorite Book: The Idiot

Favorite Musician: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDPT-lM4EWU (pic related)

Bonus, theme song of my life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZqket_suHw

>> No.10199341

You seem to lack the belasic self-awareness to realize that most people who do this sort of thing understand that perfectly and despise themselves for it.

>> No.10199345
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Nice, Rilke is great (you speak German)? Putting Brown above Homer, Dante ,Milton ,Tasso ,Virgil is beyond retarded though. Never heard of Broch and gonna have to disagree with those music choices except for maybe Chopin, who has so many good Piano pieces it's hard not to pick him. But then there's Rach to. Sibelius is beautiful but kind of feels like a one trick pony, Movies scores have ruined Dvorak for me, his Requiem isn't bad but compared to Mozart, Haydn and so many others.... Shostovich is talented but not my thing

>> No.10199349

He's just a namedropping pseud, don't worry about. He picked Kierkegaard as best philosopher.

>> No.10199361

I was getting high on my own supply a bit I think.
Yeah, I have analogous experiences in memory now that I consider.

>> No.10199411

The wanting of change within ourselves does not always correspond with our ability or willingness to make it so, even if we know our suffering is self-caused. That's the truth for so many people. Those who do not understand this are blessed, at least for a while.

>> No.10199428

>Those who do not understand this are blessed, at least for a while.
Blessed with the promise of deep disruption inevitably down the line isn't so blessed to me but I know what you mean, ignorance is bliss for the time being
but the time of compensation occurs soon enough
if you, or rather I, wanted to get metaphysical about it, all suffering is "self-caused".
The missing factor here is memory.

Using your imagination, supposing you could do anything. Would you ever modulate / renew your memory?

..The short answer is yes, and thus we find ourselves.

>> No.10199451

Our perceptions are the dualistic key to both our ideological salvation and our metacognitive doom.

>> No.10199455

> favorite book
The Waste Land
> favorite musician/band
Either Tchaikovsky or Bob Dylan

>> No.10199473

Dorian Gray

>> No.10199476 [DELETED] 

>metacognitive doom
I like that two wording

metacognitive salvation - ideaological doom

>> No.10199852

Sinuhe egyptiläinen (the egyptian in the states)
nujabes, daft punk and Judee Sill are some people I enjoy

>> No.10199856

about to read this one, had to ask the library to acquire it. hope ill like it.

>> No.10199857

>Brave New World
>Kendrick Lamar

bully me

>> No.10199863
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A hero of our time

Alice in chains

>> No.10199868

Ready Player One
Led Zeppelin

>> No.10199872

Karamazov or Ficciones
Bach or Kraftwerk

>> No.10199875

>all these tryhard pseuds picking classical music

>> No.10199881

Master and Margarita
Belle and Sebastian

I'm a simple person.

>> No.10199893

The Grapes of Wrath
Iron Maiden

>> No.10199897

Milk & Honey
Cardi B

>> No.10200013

>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>Can't pick a single favorite artist, but my top 2 albums are American Football & Deathconsciousness

>> No.10200021
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The Farseer trilogy
Sparklehorse (rip)

>> No.10200027

>Taras Bulba

>The Pogues, CCR, Of the wand and the moon

>> No.10200028
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the bible

>> No.10200170

fiction: The Lord Of The Rings
band: Bathory
poetry: Blake
plays: Shakespeare
non-fiction - Nietzsche

>> No.10200173

>best melodeath
t. nu-male

Also, melodeath is shit and so is your taste.

>> No.10200200

The Black Obelisk (Remarque) or King, Queen, Knave (Nabokov)


>> No.10200240

My favorite novel has gotta be "Crime and Punishment" for overall impact on what was my teenage mind and opening the doors to existentialism and other Russian literature.

Favorite poet is Theodore Roethke with "The Waking."

Non- fiction goes to C.S. Lewis' "Mere Christianity."

Animal Collective is my favorite band hands down.

>> No.10200280

hahaha you are a living meme. How old are you? 17? I bet you think you're very smart even though you get bad grades

>> No.10200311


> critiques Death Grips and Joanna Newsom
> posts totally unoriginal wannabe 60s rockabilly trash song about being a lonely faggot who isn't cool

nice, anon

>> No.10200328


I'm 20 with a 3.97. And I think I'm smarter than most people but I'm certainly no genius.

>> No.10200349


I could give reasons why I like those musicians. I discovered Joanna Newsom when I was in middle school and it took me a long time to actually get into her whole discography but she always stuck with me even when the artists I liked were changing. She's one of the most technically proficient musicians I've ever heard and perhaps the greatest poet of our generation. I listen to her only maybe a couple times a month but she's still one of my favorites.

As for Death Grips, well, they slowly grew on me. I still haven't listened to a lot of their discography because so much of it is hectic. But I appreciate their violence, creativity, primal sort of energy, etc. I always come back to them out of curiosity and find something new I like. But once again, I listen to them pretty rarely. They demand a certain headspace. Usually for me, it's anger and despair all in one.

But I don't know. I like a lot of music. I just put two that have impacted me profoundly and never really get boring for me.

>> No.10200394

The Once and Future King
St. Vincent
>tfw patrician as fuck

>> No.10200400


St.Vincent is hipster garbage though. Nothing patrician about that.

>> No.10200498

That's the music that resonates with me, anon. I found them while feeling terribly alone living in some shitty fucking Army barracks, picking up hot rodding, and going through a bad breakup. Could've been a marriage, but I wouldn't ask her. Fuck marriage, it's for selfish plebs and delusional normies and only creates suffering.

Here, try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ts-4DhxQxKE

Other favorites are Kat Edmonson or JD McPherson or early Neko Case (The Virginian, Furnace Room Lullaby). To be honest I did like Joanna Newsom like 15 years ago. Death Grips is just okay. Killer Mike is better. Kool Keith, however, has the mastery.

>> No.10200519
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Most patrician post coming through make way.

Theory: Bachelard's Poetics of Space
Artist: Tame Impala https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBzrzS1Ag_g
Philosopher: Pseudo-Dionysius
Essayist: Emerson
Poet: Tennyson
Cookbook: Mallman
Novelist: Barth
Sci-fi: Bradbury


>> No.10200546
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Book of Disquiet

>> No.10200548


haha I just wanted to insult your music because you insulted mine but no, I feel you. Sometimes music finds us in the right moment. Especially when we're going through breakups. That shit sucks.

I'll check out the other artists you mentioned

Have you heard On GP and Beware by Death Grips? Those are the songs that really got me hooked.

>> No.10200577

>On GP
Just listened to it. Weird energy. Feels like this track could have a spot in my brain, but I'm old so Flogging Molly already occupies that space.

I first listened to Exmilitary a few months ago. This was the strongest track imo, mostly because I liked what they did with the Janes Addiction samples.

>> No.10200854

>King, Queen, Knave (Nabokov)
You like this one more than Ada, Pale Fire and Lolita?

>> No.10200857

>Being such a pleb you can't even fathom people enjoying classical music

>> No.10200865

The House of the Dead
Michael Prime

>> No.10201377

The Trial
Meat Puppets

Literally kys

>> No.10202415


>> No.10202428

El Troiacord
The Catalan National Anthem

>> No.10202495

Unironically stephen king's The Mist. It's what made me love reading.

Hans Zimmer

>> No.10202515

The Divine Comedy
Guns N' Roses

>> No.10202576

This but Richard D James

>> No.10202590

The Quiet American
Brand New

Judge away boys

>> No.10202620
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Infinite Jest
Neutral Milk Hotel

>> No.10202628

Annie Clark's lyrics are extremely good.

>> No.10202676

i don't care what people think about me, why else would I post such a list?

>> No.10202686

>The Road
>God Speed You! Black Emperor

>> No.10202688

how have you never heard of Broch? Anyone can pick the typical "greats" but what is the point? Have you read Browning's long poems? I would assume you have not read Sordello so you have no place to speak on the matter, you would simply be parroting boring opinions.

I've never liked Haydn, Mozart has a few pieces I like.

>> No.10202694

only retards cannot appreciate classical music

>> No.10202734
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Suf is bae

>> No.10202895

fair enough

>> No.10202926
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> Bram Stoker Dracula
> Hanafugetsu

>> No.10203461

Haven't read Ada or Pale fire yet. Lolita, while superb, feels a bit too dense towards the end. The Defense is close second though.

>> No.10203466

>Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.10203836
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Book of the New Sun

>> No.10204034

This sails right on by..
Woman in early-mid 30's?

>> No.10204043

Def an oldfag--

>> No.10204053

What? She's a monster guitarist, but hung that up to become a bad punning, minimalist Madonna. Great ass, though.

>> No.10204068

>Infinite Jest

>Electric Wizard

>> No.10204099

This is way too cute to criticize, its earnestness and weirdly non-smug self-satisfaction actually brought a tear to my eye. But when asked this question in the future merely respond that Bachelard's essay on Nietzsche in L'air et les songes is simply the best essay on Nietzsche EVER, and that your fave band is merely the Velvets. No one will doubt your patrician status..

>> No.10204407
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> Ride The Tiger
> Nine Inch Nails

>> No.10204523

>Atlas Shrugged
>literally every power metal band from before 2000

>> No.10204537

Why do people like you always omit Ovid in your 'super-obvious greats'? His writing is more important than any one persons. Metamorphoses is comparable to the Bible.

>> No.10204545

>Norwegian Wood
>Cities Aviv

How fucked am I?

>> No.10204571
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Jorge Ben at the moment

>> No.10204595

Epic poetry: Author of Nibelungenlied
Poetry: Yeats
Novel: Joyce
Nonfiction: Schopenhauer

Musician: Ariana Grande

>> No.10204677
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brand new

>> No.10204717
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>Les Chants de Maldoror

>> No.10204740

>muh experimentality
>muh 2.5 classics to virtue signal
The quintessential pseud.

>> No.10204789

How does it feel being such a philistine?

>> No.10204792

>Gombrowicz's Cosmos
>Susumu Hirasawa

>> No.10204793

How does it feel being such a philistine?

>> No.10204804

>A Canticle for Leibowitz
>King Crimson

>> No.10204841

I know you are but what am I?

>> No.10204956

>The Crying of Lot 49
>Queens of the Stone Age

>> No.10205192

A philistine

>> No.10205203


>> No.10205211

Spacemen 3 is the only band

>> No.10205217

you sound cute.. but i'm listening to sf as i write this

>wuthering heights

>> No.10205221


>> No.10205286
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Fahrenheit 451(most applicable of the trilogy, Soul Music otherwise)

Brand New

>> No.10205299

A Confederacy of Dunces
Pat Metheny Group

>> No.10205752

Silver Mt. Zion

>> No.10206705

Dream of the Red Chamber

>> No.10206737

Los sueños

>> No.10206775

Paradife Loft
pre-2000 GWAR

>> No.10206924

> Crime and punishment
> Morphine

>> No.10206936

That .gif makes me sad

>> No.10206943
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>Revelation desu
>Giuseppe Verdi

>> No.10207025
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>> No.10207067

Infinite Jest
the mountain goats

>> No.10207099
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>Novel: Moby Dick
>Play: The Pillowman
>Non-fiction: Truth and the Comedic Art
>Band: Gojira or Budos Band

>> No.10207251

Infinite Jest

>> No.10207256 [DELETED] 

Infinite Jest

>> No.10207263

Book: Brave New World
Band: Radiohead
Album: Hail To The Thief

>> No.10207431

The Bridge on the Drina

>> No.10207495

I can't really argue with you, they're probably the best band. You probably have the best taste.
funny guys.

My favorite book is stoner and my favorite band is the fall

>> No.10207566

finnegans wake
les rallizes denudes
i really wish i was joking

>> No.10207693

Again, around–a pause, a sound–a song
A way a lone a last a loved a long
A cave, a grave, a day: arise, ascend
(Areion, Rharian, go free and graze
A shore, a tide, unmoored–a sight, abroad
A dawn, unmarked, undone, undarked (a god)
No time, no flock, no chime, no clock, no end
White star, white ship–nightjar, transmit, transcend
White star, white ship–nightjar, transmit, transcend
White star, white ship–nightjar, transmit, transcend
White star, white ship–nightjar, transmit, trans-

>> No.10207697

>Jim Croce

>> No.10207722

>thank you for your time
>youve been so much more than kind
>you can keep the dime..

>> No.10209051

The Soft Machine
Soft Machine

>> No.10210550


>Frank Ocean

>> No.10210552

Hey I helped in the studio when they were recording their new album. Jesse is a sweet heart

>> No.10210616

The Pale King
Godspeed you black emperor

>> No.10210630

>King Crimson/Talk Talk/Gentle Giant

>> No.10210700 [DELETED] 

The point in picking greats is that people usually read them first and they set a standard that is hard to succeed, they are great for a reason you goofs true pseudry is picking lesser known works and claiming you can discern their greatness over centuries of critics and intellectuals

>> No.10210703
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>how have you never heard of Broch?
>Google Broch
>Entire first page is on obscure stone age structures in Scotland

>> No.10211254
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>favorite work is TSZ
>"I want my music to be comfy and unchallenging"

>> No.10211259

Try Haydn if you like classical. Guisseppe Scarlatti if you want more

>> No.10211283

> The Cloud of Unknowing
> Big H

>> No.10211287

>the Idiot
>neutral milk hotel

>> No.10211299

>Children of Bodom
>best anything
Jesus, anon, did you just migrate into the metal scene from "metalcore" or some such horrible garbage?

>> No.10211391
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The Velvet Underground

This doesnt paint me in the best light.

>> No.10211401

Berlioz. Particularly the Symphonie Fantastique, with the notes that explain what each segment means

>> No.10211409

>American Psycho

>> No.10211991

Probably Have a Nice Life, I don't tend to think about what artist is my favorite.

>> No.10212007

excellent taste in music but you need to read more

>> No.10212058
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>pic album at random from this image and start listening
>it's random clinking noises and distorted voices
>absolute nonsense

I seriously don't know if you guys are joking with these answers or not.

>> No.10212179

>The Tin Drum
>Rappers, so I'll do top 5 in no order:
Andre 3000
Mos Def
Lupe Fiasco (really hit or miss though)

>> No.10212382

>absolute nonsense
>Being this pleb

>> No.10212391 [DELETED] 

>Question Concerning Technology

>> No.10212396
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Galatic Pot Healer

>> No.10212401

>Divine Comedy.
>I dont listen to music.

>> No.10212436

Brand New

whomst are you...I just saw BN two weeks ago

>> No.10212441

so many brand new fans feelsgood

>> No.10212450

Snow Crash


>> No.10212958
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> Call of the wild. Jack london

> Marty Robbins

>> No.10213774

idk, brand new sucks. they are so boring.

>> No.10214072
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Tom Waits

>> No.10214087

the clown

>> No.10214095

My favorites are excactly the same. What is your favorite album from him?

>> No.10214099

The Violent Bear It Away
The Beatles

>> No.10214281

The Count of Montecristo

>> No.10214392
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The Odyssey
Strapping Young Lad

>> No.10215298

The Picture of Dorian Gray
Godspeed You! Black Emporer

>> No.10216249
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>Either/Or (Pts. I and II)
>Will Oldham

>> No.10216259
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The Ego and Its Own

John Fahey

>> No.10216277

10/10 would friend. it's always nice to know with whom you share a board.

interesting mix of cool music and overhyped shit. hmmm.

>> No.10216283
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>comfy favorite fiction
dubliners , V., or redwall desu
Toland's the rising sun
camel or animal colllective
sufjan stevens

>> No.10216326
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hp lovecrafts Necronomicon, the collection of stories not a damn prop

Death Grips, Electric Wizard, or Black Sabbath

>> No.10216329
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this is my post... its between necronomicon and Tolkein's LOTR

>> No.10216636

I didn't want it to be my favorite poem but goddam it's 1000% the best poem I've read.

>> No.10216650

The Outsider
Wax Fang

>> No.10217117

your book choice is posturing, no secure mind would hold fahey in the same world as stirner

>> No.10217123

Either/Or is one of the best books ever written so I'll check out Oldham, her better be good anon, don't let me down

>> No.10217135

so agreed

>> No.10217145

Why? The Ego and Its Own woke me from my dogmatic slumber, and Fare Forward Voyagers is my favorite album. I see no reason to doubt the security of my mind.

>> No.10217166

Pale Fire
KOOL A.D., the best rapper in the world

>> No.10217541

Impossible choice.I dont think he released an album i havent liked,but i guess Rain Dogs,or maybe Saturday Night

>> No.10217547

Nice. Also, obviously real answers unlike half of these.

>> No.10217579

The Paper Menagerie by Ken Liu

Streetlight Manifesto

>> No.10217737

The Fall

Woods of Ypres


Probably one of my favorite classical artists... someday when i am rich i will get a huge wall sized mural of Yard With Lunatics... reminds me of my teenage years

>> No.10217782

portrait of the artist

medtner (hearing that piano quintet for the very first time through a live performance was the most moving thing i've ever experienced in my life, tears streaming down my face when i stood up for applause)

>> No.10217790

Lissen to “The Train” and return renewed.

>> No.10217796

>The Sorrows of Young Werther
>Richard Wagner; Television

>> No.10217932

I'll have to read pale fire

>> No.10218257

i'd be careful with oldham — he's got a lot of different styles. his early thing was about rustic, faulknerian weirdness (incest, generational strife) rendered in biblical [KJV] warbles; his later stuff is about the chthonic contentment of old age and is a little simpler-seeming. generally, his middle period is the most critically acclaimed.

like kierkegaard (and i just put this together), he adopts pseudonyms and viewpoints which are fragments of his own but not representative of his total religiousness. what's your favorite music? are you as obsessed with don giovanni as A was?

>> No.10218300

lmao typical D&G-er

druggies who listen to "electronica"

>> No.10218348

>Notes from Underground

>> No.10218514


>BTW I hope you win an Oscar for The Disaster artist, that would be fucking amazing ayyy lmao

>> No.10218516

Anna Karenina
John Maus

>> No.10218521
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>The Picture of Dorian Gray
>can't choose between Borodin and Stravinsky

>> No.10218665

>The Cure

>> No.10218729

the wizard knight
the ocean blue

>> No.10219678

Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan

>> No.10219909

>Man without qualities
>Either Sun Kil moon or Joanna.

>> No.10219917
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The Sound and The Fury

>> No.10219977
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>tfw you realize /lit/ is full of pretentious teens with no taste of their own

this >>10204792 is the ONLY post with any resemblance on any original taste and got 0 replies

what an awful board full of plebs

>> No.10219995

The Mountain Goats and Howl, if you count Poetry. If you want a book, then Probably Moby Dick

>> No.10220262


>> No.10220287

life is a dream from calderon

i like vivaldi best, bach is good, i never understood why people like beethoven
usually i listen to folk music tho

>> No.10220298

You disgust me

>> No.10220309

lol sorry /mu/ but you can't be pretentious about music it takes no effort- oh my you sat down and listened to ambient clattering? What an intellectual feat

>> No.10220327

>i never understood why people like beethoven
It's the power

>> No.10220339
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>Petersburg by Andrei Bely

>> No.10220342

its just not subtle enough, doesnt sound harmonic, doesnt have the flow
still beats that autist wagner tho

>> No.10220380
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wtf the fuck had you been watching/reading anon?

>> No.10220455

I've been to /mu/ only like a couple of times, I don't care about any of the music they post there, I was in a rec thread and listened to a couple of things they rec'd and there was nothing of interest to me

most of my music taste comes from the same yt channels which rip music from nolongerforgottenmusic and I still have to go through like 100 vids to find something I like

and I'm no music expert in any way or form yet everything posted ITT is either shit or basic

>> No.10220507

>Notes from the underground
>modest mouse

>> No.10220522
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>original taste
what did the author mean by this

oh right yea poseur forget i asked

>> No.10220557
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>claiming a book you've read one time is your "favorite book"

>> No.10221268

thanks, I've been listening to his Bonnie Prince Billy persona and I like it a lot.
Music I like? I tend away from vocal music, including opera.

Recently it has been Bartok, Scriabin, and Chopin for classical and John Fahey for recent music. Bartoks Rhapsody for solo piano in mixolydian is one of favorites, and nocturnes.

>> No.10221269

>Philosophical Investigations

>> No.10221271

i was just being provocative, sorry

>> No.10221485
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Book: Neuromancer
Band: Talking Heads - Remain in Light

>> No.10221493

Something Wicked This Way Comes


>> No.10221687

The stranger


>> No.10221817

my guy

>> No.10222081
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The Stranger
Pink Floyd

I even have a gf now too fuck

I'm sorry

>> No.10222089
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Bouquet de France
MC Paul Barman


>> No.10222121

>and the ass saw the angel
>alison’s halo

>> No.10222129

Bone Machine and Real Gone are up there. Sins of my father is the best piece of music I ever heard

>> No.10222374

I like you :)