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/lit/ - Literature

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10197671 No.10197671 [Reply] [Original]

so i just joined a book club with a few co-workers at my new job so i can connect with them better. the girl who organized the club chose this for the first book. i know nothing about it. how fucked am i?

>> No.10197687

Just read it and find out. Even if it's garbage, reading garbage can still be a valuable experience if you take the time to really investigate what it is that makes the book garbage.

>> No.10197706

yeah i was gonna read it either way, but this is true. have you read it?

>> No.10197729

No, I haven't

>> No.10197761

Don't ever let what we call 'womemes' here decide what to read. Suggest Kevin McDonald's Culture of Critique series

>> No.10197776

form your own impression of the book, then have fun discussing it
i have no idea why you'd want to prejudice your experience with the opinion of others before reading it

>> No.10197786
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>joining a book club organized by a female

>> No.10197787

the fact that it's a memoir of some woman overcoming adversity in her life made me extremely skeptical. as i said, i'm gonna read it regardless. but my experience has already been prejudiced by my own personal doubts. i was just curious if anyone on this board had read it/had an opinion

>> No.10197792

Bet he hasn't even read 'on women' by based Schoppy

>> No.10197794

heard good things about it

>> No.10197796
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>New York Times Bestseller
>WINNER of the Samuel Johnson Prize
>COSTA Book of the Year 2014

>> No.10197827

it's about death you fucking retard, its not about somebody overcoming the adversity of eating kale or some dumb shit. jesus

>> No.10197833

>being this much of a brainlet

lmao @ ur life

>> No.10197884

you're saying this like i should know what it's about. i only read a brief synopsis online and it said it's about some lady learning how to deal with the death of her dad and becoming a hawk trainer or some shit

>> No.10198014

Just bring some meme wine and some condoms. Book clubs are pussy buffets

>> No.10198033

the only two cute girls in it are both in long term relationships. one of them is married
>tfw cucked from the start

>> No.10198035

No one here has read it of course since it is contemporary /lit/ and neo-lit is ignorant of contemporary literature, but if you check warosu it is very well reviewed over time.

>> No.10198046

I read it and liked it

>> No.10198048

Not the nest place to ask, people here only like the safest possible top 100 novels of all time, and have no imagination.

>> No.10198579

I read half of it. It's non-fiction, about the author's interest in goshawks. Interesting enough, but not so interesting that I wanted to read the second half.

>> No.10198633

This book gives me more information on hawks than I care to have

>> No.10198703


>> No.10198719

Joining that club seems like a dumb idea, what if someone takes a friendly debate or argument about a point in the book the wrong way? Seems like the type of environment where everyone will just nod their heads in agreement to whoever is the most popular.

>> No.10198769
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>"Its the Moby Dick of Falconry"
>"Dark Sould meets Hawk trainer simulator 2014"
>"A heartfelt tale about overcomming adversity, written by a woman"

>> No.10198793
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>joining a book club where you'll inevitable be roped into reading lowest common denominator pop pleb laytrash so that it's accessible to all the members in honor of the god of impulsivity
What a fucking train wreck. Do you at least get to take turns choosing books? Good luck, my guy.

>> No.10198798

Inclusivity, my god.

>> No.10199247
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>Do you at least get to take turns choosing books?
yeah. i'm gonna try for the next one and i'm gonna choose some potentially kino sci-fi. i've heard nothing but great things about pic related.

>> No.10199267

Thought it was great. The book is about falconry as told by a falconer. Intense relationship with father. Tells about how they into falcons. 7/10 gave it to a bookstore after i finished. have fun

>> No.10199287

cool this was encouraging.

>> No.10199644


Go fuck yourself roastie

>> No.10199649

Recommend Snow Crash instead

>> No.10199921

I liked the parts about training the hawk and TH White.
The virtue signaling and moral fagging was repugnant.
Also she badmouths JA Baker’s The Peregrine as bloodthirsty and calls TH White’s politics ‘unfortunate’

They keep telling me I should read more women so that I’ll be more empathetic but the more women I read the more insufferable they seem.

>> No.10200064

Recommend Lolita instead..

>> No.10200230

i might do this. i haven't read any stephenson yet and i'm definitely interested in exploring cyberpunk beyond the sprawl trilogy