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10197537 No.10197537 [Reply] [Original]

i'm one third into this. it's a pretty fun and engaging read although i think there are implications and metaphors i'm missing since i'm not all that familiar with wittgenstein and derrida (i only have a slight awareness of modern linguistics and poststructuralism basics). i'm wondering - what's up with the alphabet chapter tagging?

other than that, what did you think of it? how is it compared to IJ?

>> No.10197564

I actually hated it. I had only read DFWs nonfiction and bought into the whole idea of him being some kind of genius, then I read this and nearly pulled my hair out. It's just so ... insufferable.

>> No.10197734


Broom of the System is like everything wrong with pretentious MFA students trying to write their "experimental literary masterpiece," except done in a way that actually managed to make me laugh, so I give it a lot of credit for that.

If I have a problem with the book, it's mainly that I don't really give a shit about any of the characters, since the characters are really just there for Wallace to explore philosophical concepts. Rick can be a funny character, but I never really connect to him as a human because of the way Wallace writes the book.