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10197319 No.10197319 [Reply] [Original]

Should you read authors that you suspect you won't like?

I'm asking because I'm considering reading John Green. Based on everything I've seen here, I know it will be painful. And I'm writing a novel that I want to be a mature alternative to Le Cheerio Man but I haven't actually read his books in their entirety. So what do you think, /lit/?

>> No.10197331

If you read 50 books a year from the age of 20 and live till you are 80, thats 3000 books. Do you really want to be throwing trash in there you KNOW is trash?

>> No.10197365

You have a reason to read them if you plan on capturing his audience.

For everyone else there is no reason. There are just too many decent to good books out there to waste time on anything less. Let us know if you find out that he's actually gold, though.

>> No.10197743
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Anyone else?

>> No.10197764
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I avidly read and anotate the people I am opposed to politically.

Currently reading Bernard Friot's Vaincre Macron.

>> No.10197802
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This is the only thin i got from the john green meme team

>> No.10197841

just fucking read his book Paper Towns. it's only like 120 pages of YA branded shit custom made for people who love reddit and tumblr, just like all his other stuff. You'll get the idea of what he's all about and if you need further research on this guy move on to his other books. You should be able to finish it in a fucking day if you're not some ADHD retard autist. Unless you're one of those people who claim to be a writer but you don't actually read, in that case who the fuck cares what you do because you'll never be an author if you can't get through a book like this quick and easy without making it a big issue.

>> No.10197910
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Anon pls calm down with those burning accusations. I read way more than I actually write.

>> No.10197992

Didn’t he spend time working as a minister or military chaplain or some shit? How can he justify promiscuity and call himself a Christian?

>> No.10198047

His Christianity is nothing more than a cozy accessory, like Rowling's

>> No.10198053

ffs do they play into the nu-male cuck memes are is there truth to it

>> No.10198146

I cried my eyes out when I read looking for Alaska

>> No.10198195

Consider that your time on this Earth is limited, then make your conclusion

>> No.10198560

John Green is a creep and needs to stay away from young girls.

>> No.10199399

Life too short for shit books

>> No.10200154
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>at the Barnes & Noble Starbucks
>there's a copy of Paper Towns just sitting on the table besides me

>> No.10200180

It's probably easy reading so why not? If you want to write as alternative JG, you need to read JG. Don't be like those pussies who never crack a Rand book but diss on her endlessly. It's fucking grating.

It's probably not painful so much as boring and saccharine. I'd read plenty of pleb trash. I even tried reading the Bible, but that shit just goes on and on and the plot is a fucking mess.

>> No.10200191

Ehh if you want to be able to discuss why you dont like the authors work, id say go for it. Example, currently reading Atlas Shrugged, its fascinating in a dumpster fire kinda way.

>> No.10200504

what, you've never hate read anything before?