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10192415 No.10192415 [Reply] [Original]

is "good omens" by Neil Gaimann and Terry pratchett the best book ever written?
1. It's hilarious
2. It's suspensful
3. The cover looks just so good
4. The authors literally look like a bad and a good angel
5. It's literally perfect

>> No.10192420

It's ok.
I read it twice and find it drags a bit towards the end.

But, I mean, it's not high literature or anything. Most of Gaiman's stuff tends to lack depth. Pratchett sometimes gets there with discworld.

>> No.10192437

you're right, it's not high literature
that's why one shouldnt be too harsh towards it
plus you actually managed to read it twice and not die from boredom

>> No.10192464
File: 10 KB, 190x270, Michael Palin And Now for Something Completely Different (1971) 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Gay as a treefull of chimpanzees on nitrous oxide."

>> No.10192651
File: 335 KB, 479x486, 22549950_1959277790979375_5071934855089332532_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga that's not even the best Pratchett book ever written.

>> No.10193114

i really enjoyed it

>> No.10193373

I couldn't get through it. It was funny at times, but i felt like it tried way too hard. I found it very confusing.

>> No.10193410

>tfw sauntering vaguely downwards

>> No.10193476

turbopleb parrot

>> No.10193617

What's it? I really like the watch novels but that's probably due to angua

>> No.10193633

thought the spanish inquisition part was funny. the witch girl was slight waifu material. absolutely loathed the rest.

>> No.10193658

Night Watch by Pratchett is better.

>> No.10193670

Is that the one with the gonne?

>> No.10193688

Objective Pratchett rating:
>Elder God Tier
>God Tier
City Watch
>Great Tier
>Good Tier
>Okay Tier
>Shit Tier
>Below-Shit Tier

>> No.10193739

Most of the watch novels and all of the Death novels are significantly better than Good Omens.

>> No.10193895

>>Elder God Tier
This. Most of Discworld is frankly garbage.

>> No.10193905

Pratchett himself kinda admitted his illness wasn't helpful, most of his late works has been a mix between him and his assistant after all.
The one about vampires is the worst but is still kinda right, would recommend to kids and teens instead of Twilight.

>> No.10193910

They're still Discworld, just not in series.

>> No.10195402

To bad we won't get more of those. Am through with the death novels and almost with the watch ones. I hope rincewind and the witches will still be worth the time.

>> No.10196033

Not sure if it's the greatest book in the world.
Might be just a tribute.

>> No.10196048

There are a few repeated scenes in the last three books (the one I remember in particular was to do with the wizards), you can tell he had the joke written down in his notes and it got re-used accidentally.

I like Tiffany and the Witches, they're all strong women and interesting characters. They're better than Moist's Boy's Own Adventure shit written in a hurry to try and modernise AM before Terry died.

>> No.10196055

epic. simply epic

>> No.10196059

>Moist's Boy's Own Adventure shit written in a hurry to try and modernise AM before Terry died
Two of the three Moist books were written before he was even diagnosed.
>I like Tiffany
These are actual children's books and not very good ones at that.

Your opinions are shit and you're a faggot.

>> No.10196073

Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the Moist books but they were definitely written to be a reader-self-insert-wish-fulfillment type thing. The Witches were warm portrayals of social rejects that were none the less important to the society around them and sensible people.
Tiffany much the same and a good role model for little girls because the writing doesn't treat her like an idiot, despite her being a flawed character. If she had the popularity of Hermione we'd all be a lot better off.

>> No.10196087


Amazing Maurice is unironically one of my favourite stories of all time

>> No.10196097
File: 45 KB, 535x577, ca0804a6febfb1fd1193a61fe4ad9d1a.535x577x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn eat a nice juicy roasted rat on a stick with ketchup in a cozy Morporkian dwarf tavern
Why even live?

>> No.10196114

>you will never have a qt werewolf gf