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/lit/ - Literature

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10191149 No.10191149 [Reply] [Original]

/stack/ recent purchases

>> No.10191249

Kys stack spammer.

>> No.10191282

Is there any reason why one would buy the Catechism of the Catholic Church?

>> No.10191285

To read it.

>> No.10191313

to look like a fucking delusional schizophrenic having it on a shelf or reading it in public

>> No.10191727
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Just picked these up, where should I start?

>> No.10191742

OP, are you a new reader?

>> No.10191955
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cant decide where to start

>> No.10191975

I don't see any Greeks there, so you'd better start with a different stack. Half of it is trash anyways.

>> No.10191991

samefag attention-whore

>> No.10191994
File: 177 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-10-26-13-16-36-179_org.floens.chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong friendo

>> No.10192009

>I don't see any Greeks there
Why would anyone bother to read the ramblings of sexist old men that have been dead for thousands of years?

>> No.10192013

I don't think he/she needs to read the Greeks to fully grasp 1984...

>> No.10192020

Stop lying. That's clearly the same copy of The Brother karamazov

>> No.10192052

totally is though!

>> No.10192083

Well, I mentioned that half of the stack is trash.

>> No.10192092

Cbf to put up a picture but I bought a fat compendium of all the key sociological writings assembled Talcott Parsons. Whole thing is like 1500 pages. Only cost a dollar. Also bought Kwame Appiah's Cosmopolitanism

>> No.10192099
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>> No.10192166

Not knowing it's available online, free of charge and in its entirety:

>> No.10192183

is "mythology" by Edith Hamilton any good?

>> No.10192187
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The two books "as it is" and "the science of self realization" I didn't go out of my way to buy, a "traveling monk" walking down the street gave them to me and then asked for a donation, so I gave him 5 bucks.

I got The Last Days of Socrates, because we spent a whole semester reading that book in philosophy class, so I wanted to have a nice copy.

I also have End Game by Samuel Beckett coming in the mail, but I figure enough has come for me to make a post about it.

I also got a copy of folio poets edition of the poems of coleridge and wordsworth, which are awkward to try to lay on their side and include in the picture (they're in slip cases and the names are only on the spines)

>> No.10192196

Ah, I remember being 20 and trying to impress people with stacks of books I bought but didn't read.
>Don't know where to start
Just pick one faggot. You've got 2 masterpieces, 1 very good book, one useful book, and 3 pieces of dogshit. With half a brain and some focus you should be done with all of them in less than two weeks.

>> No.10192200

>be done with all of them in two weeks
Maybe if you're a dumbass "speed reader" and don't try to attain anything from the texts, or contemplate parts of it which meaning isn't immediately apparent. Fucking Christ.

>> No.10192203

>The two books "as it is" and "the science of self realization" I didn't go out of my way to buy, a "traveling monk" walking down the street gave them to me and then asked for a donation, so I gave him 5 bucks.
Hey same, it was a bizarre experience.
Melbourne local?

>> No.10192205

woah there philip roth
some of aren't retarded and have better reading comprehension than you
did your mommy tell you that even though you read slower than the other kids you're a special boy?

>> No.10192206

>Melbourne local
No, I'm from Cleveland. Did you get a hardcover book too? I only had a 5 so he asked for one of them back, I didn't catch what the title was.

>> No.10192212

Hare Krishnas are everywhere. I work in a used book shop in Sydney and we get at least two of those As It Is Gitas a week

>> No.10192217
File: 54 KB, 518x566, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some considerably good books that are around 100~ pages? Reading a book a day and are about to finish The Da Vinci Code (read small stories to compensate for the length) and was wondering what I can read after, preferably non-fiction though I am fine with anything.

>> No.10192220

Animal Farm by George Orwell, The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, Story Of The Eye by George Bataille

>> No.10192249

Shachnovelle by Zweig.

>> No.10192290

>recent purchases

None. I have zero urge to show off to people so I illegally download books and read them on an e-reader.

>> No.10192307

Read the former two though I didn't realize that Story of the Eye had that length, remember seeing it on on another thread seeing it as far longer for whatever reason. Will read it after >>10192249, thank-you for the recommendations. About to finish The Da Vinci Code, what did you guys think about it?

>> No.10192338
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Don't know how good this is though should I read through Kaleidoscope 2? Tried finding a pdf of Schanovelle and came across it. Don't know how good it is.

>> No.10192396

i d recommend 'after virtue' by macintyre

>> No.10192595
File: 2.92 MB, 4160x2340, IMG_20171026_131450057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sobrados e Mucambos Vol. 1 e 2 - Gilberto Freyre
(Brazilian sociology)

Don Quixote de La Mancha Vol. 1 e 2 - Cervantes

Historia y antologia da poesia espanhola Vol. 1 e 2 - Sainz de Robles
(History and antology of spanish poetry)

Il duomo di Monreale
(photos and history of Monreale Cathedral)

>> No.10192611

i like

>> No.10192659
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>> No.10192671


The Greeks

>> No.10192697

>The Conquest of Bread

Why does that book have such an epic title for something that is probably another 19th century anti-capitalist book about DUDE STARVATION AND COLLECTIVE FOOD PRODUCTION AND SHIT

>> No.10192714

Plenty of books are available online in their entirety but people still buy them for a number of reasons

>> No.10192719
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Most of these should be around that mark

>> No.10192783


Try Finnegans Wake

>> No.10192846
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>You've got 2 masterpieces, 1 very good book, one useful book, and 3 pieces of dogshit.
Am I supposed to guess which one's which?

>> No.10192865

Why do you have to be an ILLITERATE FAGGOT?

>> No.10192901

>the official "i started reading /lit/ two weeks ago" -starter package

>> No.10192925

I'm not the one that said it but I'm gonna guess the two masterpieces are Ulysses, Brothers Karmazov, the very good one is Master and Margarita, the useful one is Russian course and the rest dogshit,.

>> No.10192938

I work in a used book store, and more often than not we have to turn away any books that were sold through book fairs and the like because we cannot resell them, so seeing all of that scholastic is a little triggering to me...

>> No.10192954

Never heard a bad word about Stoner though; it seems to be almost universally loved. Ulysses, on the other hand...

>> No.10192962
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I also work in a used bookstore and my manager has never informed me of anything like that. We have a bunch of scholastic shit for sale right now. Are we going to go to jail?

>> No.10192990

lots of things are universally loved but are not masterpieces. I don't think universal acclaim is what makes a masterpiece. I think a lot of what makes a truly outstanding work is the impact it creates. By that standard no one can deny Ulysses success.

>> No.10192992
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If you look on the back it usually tells you that the edition is only available for distribution through the school market. It’s kinda the same as selling advanced readers copies, at least at my store. It’s just our policy.

>> No.10192993

To be fair though, I have not read Stoner.

>> No.10192999

>It’s kinda the same as selling advanced readers copies

We sell those too!


>> No.10193001

are you enjoying freshmen year at uni so far?

>> No.10193017


Probably not but the store owner could get a huge fine

>> No.10193035

Yeah, I don’t know if anyone would care really but I would think if you are profiting off of ARC’s and the publisher were to find out, they might not be too happy about it.

>> No.10193141

Actually I'm not in school and when I was they didn't talk about stuff like this.

>> No.10193831
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Why don't you read the letters of famous people and good writers? It's like Wikileaks but you are reading the unfiltered remarks of good people, not scoundrels (for the most part). Is seven dollars a pop too much for these?

>> No.10193848

I got a 25 euro giftcard.
Is The Pelopponesian War translation by Finley the best out there?

>> No.10193860

if you want them and read them, theyre a good deal...if not theyre $7 overpriced

>> No.10193871

Ya, I agree, but I'm starting a small used book operation, just wanted to get a feel for pricing

>> No.10193898

>Is seven dollars a pop too much for these?
The Dickinson one is $33 new on Amazon.

>> No.10193938

Ya, but you can snipe them on ThriftBooks for 4. A lot of them retail around forty, that is why I thought they would be a good product to sell used. I just didn't know if there was a general appeal for letters or if I am just strange for enjoying them.

>> No.10193995
File: 2.06 MB, 4032x2318, B421C650-ACB3-4CAA-BB07-FFBA35F9A08F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my hands on Journey to the West and Woman of the Dunes.
Pretty happy with it.
(The chinese collection isn’t absolute shit now)

>> No.10194041

Are you german and read most of your books in english or the other way round?

>> No.10194481
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Dubs gets to choose which one I read first

>> No.10194528

You think anyone gives a fuck to roll for that

>> No.10194538

Paradise Lost & Regained
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
The Canterbury Tales
The World of Yesterday
The Corrections
The Last of the Mohicans
The Sound of Waves
The Sheltering Sky
Os Sertões
The Western Canon
Film Theory and Criticism 3rd ed
A Short History of the Movies
Five Dialogues
The Republic of Plato translated by Cornford
A History of Western Philosophy by W.T. Jones

Got all of this for $9

>> No.10194541
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>> No.10194703

Might as well just repost the same pic over and over.
There's no variety here whatsoever.

>> No.10194828

Meditations obv, throw out the rest

>> No.10195077


I reference it all the time.

>> No.10195140

what did they mean by this?

>> No.10195185

Tira aquela foto esperta, meu camarada.

Alce, onde você conseguiu esses livros tão baratos?

>> No.10195254

>freshman year

>> No.10195609
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>> No.10195814

>implying that Leviathan isn't there just for show

>> No.10196075

Read Lolita at a children's park.

>> No.10196094

Rerolling for this

>> No.10196133

to find really cheap books, all you have to do is live somewhere that doesn't have a criminal organization for a government. Sinto muito irmão

>> No.10196170

How is your BK so small..?

>> No.10196184

T. godless bugman.

Imaging being so arrogant to believe that God doesn't exist.

>> No.10196209

just the angle anon

>> No.10196228

Hang yourself and die as you lived: a slave. Perhaps you'll meet your maker.

>> No.10196272

Read Dominic Levin's , check out his Russia vs Napolean too.

One of my favorite Kremlinologist/historians.

>> No.10196282

>abridged huck finn

>> No.10196285


T. bugman. Never has an original thought, just regurgitates drivel from widely-read thinkers. It must suck resenting your cultural roots and being so soulless you reject any form of higher spirituality as long as it isn't some new age bugman philosophy like "optimistic nihilism". Dude, everything is absurd. Dude, were all gonna die. Dude, life has no meaning. Go and watch Rick and Morty, eat some colourful cereal made of God-knows how many hormone damaging chemicals, take a bong hit then when you're done neck yourself, bugman.

>> No.10196302

A lot of assumptions and projections in your shitpost, faggot; as expected. I'm sure you had plenty of original thoughts while reading 2000 year old thoughts. Take a leap of faith in the sewers, maggot. Or stay, but make sure to lurk more. Spewing shitposts full of buzzwords doesn't help you fit in. You're not special for doing what you're told, and only when it suits you. Neck yourself.

>> No.10196342
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>Implying i'm religious.
Lol at this reddit-tier argument template. Pointing to non-existent buzzwords like you aren't a Redditor. Please go back, bugman.

>> No.10196393
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what does this mean?

>> No.10196924



>> No.10197130

Voltaire by Candide

>> No.10197149

It's just a book trying to debunk the "nature is selfish xD". It just posits that no human civilization would exist if it weren't for co-operation, which I'm sure you equate to "collectivism".

>> No.10197157

What's Beckett's poetry like?

>> No.10197252
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Rate my stack.

>> No.10197318

It's much more arrogant to think that there was a god who created man in his own image. The idea that man came about by chance is much more humbling

>> No.10197336

honestly stack threads would be better if it were stacks of books that people recently read instead of recently purchased.

>> No.10197339

Idk yet, I buy books before I read them.

>> No.10197826

stoner is a book for people who don't read good books

>> No.10197838


>> No.10197842

books are a stoner for reading people

>> No.10197890

people for a reading are stoner books

>> No.10198078
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Thoughts on these editions?

>> No.10198261

They serve their purpose.
I have two of them and they are worth what you pay for.
Just be careful and they should last.

>> No.10198392

What are the everyman hardbacks like?

>> No.10198619

>Believing in God meaning believing in a religious conceptualisation of God.

>> No.10198632

In the binding? Similar to the Library of America series, except the cloth backing has bigger threads.

>> No.10198704
File: 163 KB, 720x960, newest boosk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these for my birthday.

>> No.10198708

ask for some new shoes for your next birthday

>> No.10198712

how about you jump of a bridge

>> No.10198726

those are steel toed boots.

>> No.10198732

Easily the worst stack thread I've ever seen.

>> No.10199332

big if bait

>> No.10199417
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Dude, I also bought the Bhagavad Gita and SoSR from a random dude walking around. Now I feel scammed. I actually gave a $10 donation. Now I feel stupid.

>> No.10199864

the haunted mask goosebumps is pretty good, from what I remember.

>> No.10199878
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I dont know what i feel about this meme book.

>> No.10199908

>also sage, fuck you

>> No.10200370
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>> No.10200384

All NYRBs have value, even if they aren't the highest quality literature, there's typically cultural and historical value in reading them, so 9/10

>> No.10200460

Why would you buy a book about poor White People written by a wealthy professor of African American studies?
Seriously just think about that when ever you're reading that.

>> No.10200472
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>Brothers K
Dude same

>> No.10200769

Buy No Longer Human, was a very good read and is pink

>> No.10202223

What, White Rage? I dunno what you've heard about the book but it really isn't about that.

>> No.10203726

Thanks for the cringe lad

>> No.10203732

Can't wait to see you get punched out at some ANTIFA-rally.

>> No.10203760

Skam, möjligtvis?

>> No.10203773

you fucked up

>> No.10203790

>reading books that confirm your view of the world
>not using books to see if your worldview holds up to counterarguments

>> No.10203833

How do you know he hasn't already read books like that?

My latest batch included Keynes General Theory and Piketty's new book, doesn't mean I'm a leftist who only reads leftist books.

>> No.10203842

>a compendium/anthology of author X
>the author is X

just put the editor as the author, or alternatively change the title

>> No.10203847
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>cornford edition of the republicc

>> No.10205260

Borderline gaudy.

Hey, Perks isn't a bad epistolary.

How thick is that edition holy

>> No.10205279

um, tv-serien?

>> No.10205287

Yeah, i did enjoy the movie when i saw it a long time ago. Thought i would read it this time. But, im a bit doubtful since its a YA book, but w/e. Think ill enjoy it

>> No.10205340

>YA book
I would say Perks falls along the same murky lines of Catcher In The Rye and The Hobbit.

>> No.10205389

>buying the JPII catechism
enjoy your heresies

>> No.10205466
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Picked up all of these at a yard sale the other day.

>> No.10205483

i wana fuck u in the butt so bad oh

>> No.10205522

Yes, I love it. She retells the ancient greek stories in an entertaining way.

>> No.10206338

I had to "read" Leviathan in freshman year. I just listened to a podcast about it, did better than most of those who struggled through it.

>> No.10206388

are you a girl

>> No.10206495

Which podcast? Also
>struggling through Leviathan

>> No.10206547

>negative page numbers

>> No.10206646

>keep buying books that I know I probably won't ever read
fuck you /lit/

>> No.10206715


>> No.10206726

>want to buy a copy of lolita
>scared guests who visit my house will judge me for it
I knew a girl who had a copy of it displayed on her shelf pretty openly but I suppose that's different.

>> No.10206779

I love that this is a meme now. Newfags fall 100% of the times.

Also, it makes me chuckle everytime

>> No.10206879

Just get more than one of his books and put them next to each other. No one will think anything of it.

>> No.10207035

my eyes

>> No.10207052

/lit/ truly is the worst board second only to /his/

>> No.10207054

pls be in london

>> No.10207132

at least you are reading dr king
I give you that

>> No.10207152
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>> No.10207322
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Inevitable door stoppers.

>> No.10208535


>> No.10208544

Kill yourself

>> No.10208584
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I got them all shopping thrift stores.

>> No.10208595
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I've bought all these books but haven't read a single one. Where do I start.

>> No.10208607
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>> No.10208651

Start with that one right at the bottom of the stack. Slide it out.

>> No.10208652

whoa this guy says bugman a lot? i bet he's really smart and reads autistic mercury!

>> No.10208685
File: 3.96 MB, 4032x3024, 20171030_101415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an old copy of Gibbon's Rome in 6 volumes thats at least 100 years old. A small child took it and scribbled on the inside with a marker.
Is it fucked or is there any way to relair it? Fortunately its only a couple pages of the table of contents but im still pissed.

>> No.10208689


>> No.10208846


>> No.10208948
File: 3.33 MB, 4032x3024, 20171030_125255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its probably my fault for leaving it out with a down syndrome child in the house. I left it on the table in my room because I was reading it, and when i woke up this morning it was gone. Found it in her room next to marker. God forgive me.

>> No.10208962

>Its probably my fault for leaving it out with a down syndrome child in the house
Looks like there were two kids. Whatever, it looks cute. It's not like you'd read it anyway.

>> No.10208973

commit to it, anon. real men don't admit their mistakes. hand the kid the book and a marker and say, i don't believe you were finished with this, young sir/madam, and then walk away with a clear conscious knowing that the world makes sense.

>> No.10208995

Is this how revisionist history works?

>> No.10209001
File: 106 KB, 321x486, 50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how every fucker here assumes because I bought and read these books that means I automatically agree with this worldview. I've also bought and read Mein Kampf, am I the next Hitler?

>> No.10209028

You are a toxic retard.

>> No.10209180


>> No.10209271

>You are a toxic retard.
Is this post-ironic lack of self-awareness or are you just a toxic retard? Regardless, you should kill yourself immediately.

>> No.10209277

Mein Kampf is a great book
you should read it again and burn those other ones

>> No.10209461


>> No.10209612
File: 64 KB, 736x618, 9fd853dee9c109dab2bbc664ea5bdce0--kyojin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read Mein Kampf
>Burn the others ones

I know this was likely intentional but I'd like to believe it wasn't simply on the basis of how funny the irony would be.

>> No.10209909
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Which next?

>> No.10209918

those are genuinely the ugliest editions i have ever seen of those works
read Gravity's Rainbow, pussy

>> No.10209964
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found at a pop-up market

>> No.10210157

Who gives a fuck what they look like, they cost me like £1 a pop

>> No.10210328

>work in a library
>have never once heard of them giving stuff away for free
you lucky bastards

>> No.10210345

Burn that copy of Joyce you complete moron

>> No.10210624

I sure hope your entire shelf doesn't look like this

>> No.10210786
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I have a feeling we've had cross words on this webforum before.

>> No.10210839

Burn your house with your family inside, retard.

>> No.10210923

where would you recommend starting with lovecraft?

>> No.10210970
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>wordsworth classics

This better be ironic.

>> No.10211242

>tfw /lit/ actually cares this much about what books look like.

What do you recommend I do as a poor student unable to afford fashionable hardcover books or a kindle?

>> No.10211272

Counting all volumes, how many pages the collection has?

>> No.10211314

I'm same as you mate, couldn't really give a shit what the cover looks like

>> No.10211549

I recommend to stop caring. Don't let the spergs make you feel insecurem it's the text that counts. You'll have more time and money to build a better looking bookcase in the future, if your vanity needs it.

>> No.10211570
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>> No.10211670

Go to the library you fucking lampoon retard

>> No.10211773

She t h i c c

>> No.10211854


>> No.10212309
File: 3.15 MB, 3024x5376, IMAG1125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't remember why I bought this but I have a bunch of new books coming....

>> No.10212388


Only the retarded hipsters from /lit/ give a shit about covers, as they want to show what they "read" without actually reading anything.

>> No.10213110

i like to write in the books desu

>> No.10213126
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>> No.10213694
File: 1.99 MB, 4128x2322, Halloween haul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these yesterday. I've never seen that edition of On the Road before.

>> No.10213705

>my nigga got the right Karamozov translation

>> No.10213733

How is On Politics? I was going to purchase it but the Author having devoted seemingly most of his life to Anglophone Liberalism made me rethink it.

>> No.10213838
File: 446 KB, 571x584, almost every page looks like this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I just got it. It is very well written. And I prefer opinionated writers to dry fact after fact.
I bought it cause a long-winded reviewer complained: "How can you be a classical liberal after the 2008 crash."
The author is obviously an "anti-marxist". But I didn't get it for 'contemporary politics' which is (presumably) where people say he is too opinionated.
He's a former Oxford professor; you won't find many, if any, factual errors.

>> No.10213864

AND DO NOT get it in paperback, it has the area of a fucking 400 page book but three times thicker.

>> No.10214715


>> No.10214895
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currently reading top one.

for a book about boredom, its really boring

>> No.10215555 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10215992
File: 2.03 MB, 4032x3024, 5490ED94-841D-4C2C-B00D-BA123F8E7F60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you apply for a vanguard account and buy these books but all you’re gonna do is put $1500 in s&p500
It’s a start at least. House of leaves not related