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10189907 No.10189907 [Reply] [Original]

>Being has not vanished: but, firstly, Essence, as simple self−relation, is Being, and secondly as regards its one−sided characteristic of immediacy, Being is deposed to a mere negative, to a seeming or reflected light −− Essence accordingly is Being thus reflecting light into itself.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.10189939

Here's another question. What are the benefits of reading Hegel?

>> No.10189957

So I can lord myself over the lesser people by having read the most incomprehensible texts in western cannon, duh. Seriously though, Hegel is where it begins and ends. Philosophy has been a series of refutations and reformulations of Hegel since he published Phenomenology of Spirit.

>> No.10189967


What does he say that's useful to know?

>> No.10190019

I'm getting to understand, but I think you need to read word for word, group by groep. Making sence of something that was just a raw thought
can be hard...

>> No.10190034

What kind of a question is this? His conception of history as a dialectical process literally changed the face of Europe. Pick up a book you brainlet.

>> No.10190062
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>tfw I'm going to be taking a whole class on Hegel's Logic with one of the top 3 Hegel experts in the world
>tfw I'm into constitutive phenomenology
>tfw it's going to be like doing the fusion dance with Vegeta


>> No.10190068
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the thesis-antithesis-synthesis aspect inspired marx, and by extension much of latin america, east asia, and northern europe to try the spiciest meme in economic history
hegel wasn't an economist though, the my understanding of t-a-s was that he saw society kind of scooting it's way towards absolute self knowledge, which is a prerequisite for *real* freedom

If you're just doing what you want, oblivious to why you want it, you can hardly consider yourself to be free - and from the study of history we can observe patterns that let us understand a bit of what's happening in large scale human social development

can't really say for sure though since I just listen to modern lectures of his writing, I can't read this shit >>10189907

>> No.10190072

>tfw will never enroll in Hegel’s school of wizardry

>> No.10190088

Being as in "you as being (ego)"/ sence of self

>_Essence_, as simple self-relation, is being
Knowing yourself as yourself is acknowledging your existence, not only your existence but also identifying with yourself.

>> No.10190102

Essentially put, Hegel was mad as fuck at how people defined being as a fixed state. So he brought Heraclit back and affirmed essence as how an object changes throught its history, or to put it in terms typically associated to Hegel, how an object produces its antitheses and changes itself.

>> No.10190174

gerorg FW hegel aka "Fag lel" is not my contemptorary. he is idealist sophist and probbaly a charlatan as well :DD. Will and REPRESENTATION not spirit and SUBLATION ok. praise Kant.

>> No.10190332
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My attempt.

I took the liberty of including the preceding passage. Also, as a preliminary note which help frame this is, Hegel was very concerned with ordinary perception and wanted to make a consistent
explanation for our ordinary perception.

>The terms in Essence are always mere pairs of correlatives, and yet not absolutely reflected in themselves: hence in essence the actual unity of the notion is not yet realised, but only postulated by reflection.

This is a part of the Aristotelian (check out his history of philosophy to see how hard Hegel jerked off to Aristotle) notion of how substances, i.e. individual things like you, me, dogs, plants, artifacts and so on, exist,
and is an ontological claim by Hegel who believes there ARE separate and distinct things which exist in certain ways within an Absolute whole.
That is, there is a thing which is unorganized and has potential to be many ways, with these potentials working as opposites. For example, something can become larger or smaller,
this colour or that colour, here or there, etc. At the same time however, something being in one way does not remove its capacity to be in other ways - hence neither correlative can be absolute or total,
especially in the case of finite things.

>Essence – which is Being coming into mediation with itself through the negativity of itself – is self-relatedness, only in so far as it is relation to an Other – this Other, however, coming to view at first not as something which is, but as postulated and hypothesised.

Being is something which exists without qualities (but capable of them), and Essence is what makes this thing BE a certain way, and realizes this certain way. What Hegel is describing here is that Essence actualizes a certain capacity within Being.
Within the concept of the being is its own intrinsic way of existing which must be taken on its own terms (contra Kant, in the sense that a priori standards/terms is considered to presuppose too much), and the Other
mentioned here is another way this thing could have been, and that we are aware of this other way of being by relating our wider knowledge, a greater Whole, to this particular instance. Accordingly, difference is understood in relation to speculation based on evidence available to us.

>Being has not vanished: but, firstly, Essence, as simple self-relation, is Being, and secondly as regards its one-sided characteristic of immediacy, Being is deposed to a mere negative, to a seeming or reflected light – Essence accordingly is Being thus reflecting light into itself.

Essence and Being are here made into a compound - a simplistic way to put this is that the FORM of a chair, which is to say all the qualities a CHAIR is said to possess, are put to WOOD. It is now immanently a chair -
the wood exists as a chair, but it still has the capacity to change, to be other things. Being is not consumed in being actualized, and is a necessary condition for something and not secondary.

>> No.10190349
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What did he mean by this?