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10186540 No.10186540 [Reply] [Original]

Why does anyone prefer the postmodernist philosophers to Nietzsche?

>> No.10186671

Have you read them?

>> No.10186691

Foucault and Baudrillard, summaries of others. So, why?

>> No.10186723

Because people are too weak for his philosophy so they get the watered down "social" (for the ones who can't into abstraction and art) and "leftwing" versions of it
Thats why you see people LARPing as subversives while asking welfare from the state and spend it all in weed for the "squad" in instagram

>> No.10186768

Because they build on all of his ideas and the idea of the Superman is incoherent?

>> No.10186796

I wouldn't say build on. Some of them seem to bastardize his ideas, the better ones merely illustrate some of them further like Baudrillard. But everything can still be found in Nietzsche and in a more elegant form on top of it.

>> No.10186798

Bataille best flosser

>> No.10186871

>implying Nietzsche wasn't the herald of post modernity, its first and most amateur philosopher

>> No.10186930 [DELETED] 

Why do people regard him as a philosopher when he's clearly a poet ?

I haven't read him yet, but from discussinv with people who read him, and reading some of his most memorable quotes, he strikes me as a romantic.

>> No.10186952

You can call him the herald, but it wasn't his intention at all.

>> No.10187232

Why does anyone prefer Nietzsche to the Greeks?

>> No.10187235

Go back to watching YouTube videos please

>> No.10187241

Why do Nietzche fans pretend he's not the most popular "philosopher" in the world?

>> No.10187468

because you have to be a sociopathic power hungry person to identify with him at a politican, social level

>> No.10187478

/lit/ is no better than tumblr

>> No.10187486

Why would you pick one over the other....? They're like 80yrs removed and different movements in way different times. Am I missing something or is this just a Petersonfag

>> No.10187684

>muh wille zur macht
>Muh Übermensch

It's philosophy for beta cucks that want to be alpha.

>> No.10188711

how come anyone after reading nietszche still advocates for communist ideas, material well-being and rights?

>> No.10188717

fuck off traditionalist/reactionary scum you aren´t any better than those commies and capitalist
you all steam from the same pool of shit that is modernism

>> No.10188802

Nietzsche WAS postmodern, YOU IDIOT!

>> No.10190107

>nietzche wasn't a postmodernist

do you even guenon?

>> No.10190221

It would be in accordance with either
>Contemporary propaganda and/or culture