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10185672 No.10185672 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit finally finished this book. Amazing how it applies to any period of time. Any other warkino aside from Slaughterhouse 5?

>> No.10185681


>> No.10185698

Not quite warkino (unless you consider life to be war), but read Heller's Something Happened. It's different but in my estimation the better novel

>> No.10186415

Yes, read The Sword of honour trilogy by Evelyn Waugh.

I'd provide a pic related but I'm driving atm

>> No.10186427

Reading this right now as well. Really enjoying it so far as well.

>> No.10186444

>Any other warkino aside from Slaughterhouse 5?

Well there's War and Peace.
But it's not entirely about war.

>> No.10186458

Ill check them out

>> No.10186474
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>> No.10186803

The end of this book is the single greatest ending of all time. All that humor and hope and unexpectedness and pure chaos. I literally cracked up.

>> No.10186814

It's a destitute man's Gravity's Rainbow.

If you want actual warkino, watch Generation Kill.

>> No.10187159
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And Slaughterhouse-Five is a destitute man's Catch-22. But what is a destitute man's Slaughterhouse-Five?

>> No.10187175

I laughed outloud like a retard so many times reading this book. The final sentence didn't disappoint.

>> No.10187335

All Quiet On The Western Front and Storm Of Steel

>> No.10187731

>But what is a destitute man's Slaughterhouse-Five?

>> No.10187767

I found Something happened to be very boring. I think I read a fourth or third of the book, then lost interest. Did I miss something? Does ist get significantly better at some point?
Catch 22 wasn‘t too great either until I started seeing the bigger picture but in something happened that did‘t really help.

>> No.10187772

>catch-22 wasn't too great either
i think the problem is you have bad taste or maybe no sense of humor

>> No.10187787

The premise itself, an unpleasant man with a mostly pleasant life afflicted with extraordinary malaise spending 500+ pages of intense stream-of-consciousness prose circling the sewage of his most detestable thoughts trying desperately to understand what went wrong in his life to make him feel that way while returning to the same incidents over and over like he's stuck in some psychic mud is just done very well by Heller. I can see why you wouldn't like it though, it's plotless and depressing, not for everyone

>> No.10187788

I think you misread my post. I didn‘t like Catch 22 until things started making more sense as the different parts of the story became clearer. After maybe a fifth of the book it was an entertaining read.

I think I got to the same point with Something Happened, but there was no change in terms of enjoyment at all.

>> No.10187873
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I thought this book was brilliant. None of the humour of Catch22 but a very moving book.