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/lit/ - Literature

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10185198 No.10185198 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for some Frence literature about anything that isn't depressing. Doesn't need to be something that everyone knows about.

>> No.10185562
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How about "Jacques the Fatalist and his Master" by Denis Diderot? It was funny and I didn't wanted do kill myself after reading it.

>> No.10185635

Jean Racine

>> No.10185714

Can I read Flaubert if I finish the French tree on Duolingo? Seriously how difficult is Flaubert? How about the symbolists and Hugo?

>> No.10185729

Cyrano de Bergerac (the play)

>> No.10186178

In relation to this anon's inquiry, how effective is duolingo for language learning? I'm pretty much fluent in French but I haven't finished the duolingo French tree. On the other hand, I've finished the German tree but denser German texts can still be quite challenging for me. I learned French in highschool and college but only did one year of German (and this college level).
It seems to me that Duolingo can only get you to advanced beginner - lower intermediate level (A2-B1). I believe it can be useful as a basic practice tool alongside a Grammar book. Does anyone have any evidence to expand on or contradict this?

>> No.10186189

Zola's Germinal is great

>> No.10186200

de monfreid

>> No.10186207

how's your porridge?

>> No.10186346

Looks good, thanks.

>> No.10186399

Artaud's Heliogabalus is a fucking blast, highly recommended to everybody

>> No.10186409

If you just want some laughs, read anything by Ionesco.Though you have to have heard a good deal of French language before, to feel some of the "chutes" which are greatly dependent on the rhythm of French.

I'd say ubu (3 shirt plays by Alfred Jarry) is good theater too.

Camier, mercier and their bicycle is nice if you're into that humor, but I can imagine it can be a little depressing if you're not.

Then read Céline. Not particularly funny or anything, but he's based, and even though he didn't like Jews, he's one of the best writers we have.

>> No.10187250

I've done the French tree in duolingo. It gives you an okay understanding on most of the more common aspects of grammar and leaves you with a couple thousand vocab. By itself it really only sets you up to read things with simple grammar and small vocabularies like the news or Wikipedia articles.

>> No.10187266

Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie
Le Mystère des Cathédrales
Les Demeures Philosophales
Les Récréations hermétiques
Méditations sur les 22 arcanes majeurs du Tarot