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/lit/ - Literature

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10184509 No.10184509 [Reply] [Original]

What's going on with this Crime & Punishment novel?

300 pages in and there's been a little bit of crime and literally no punishment. Total horseshit.

>> No.10184515

Maybe if you'd hurry up and finish the fucking prologue, you'd get to the Crime AND Punishment.

>> No.10184525

> he judges a novel's title after only reading half the novel
> he doesn't realise that the punishment is literal and metaphorical

All the awkward interactions he has is punishment enough, and THEN HE GOES TO JAIL

>> No.10184543

maybe you would be better suited considering toys for tots like mario as the classic of your medium instead of being challenged ethically and intellectually? please go back to /v/

>> No.10184548

Brothers K is so much better than this shit

>"heh heh I'm going to kill the old lady"
>"heh heh I did it"
>"heh heh maybe I shouldn't have"
>"heh heh they'll never find out"


>> No.10184619
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I was going to do the same thing with Brothers K but I couldn't get past typing the phrase "heh heh Dad raped a Retarded lady"

>> No.10184707

You are horseshit. Crime and Punishment is fine. You know nothing

>> No.10185146

It doesn't say crimes and punishments, does it, you mook

>> No.10185164

Svidrigailov is best character.

>> No.10185201

Honestly, he's one of the few fictional characters out there that genuinely disgusted me.

>> No.10185268

Is he the perv who kills his wife and then comes to town to pork Raskol's sister?

Unlike the sublime Brothers K, this novel is shit at naming characters since too many of them have similar unpronounceable Slav names.

>> No.10185275

But the names come from verbs. Like Razumikhin from the Russian verb for to bring to reason. That is part of the fun.

>> No.10185277

The punishment isn't about actual criminal prosecution, although that does happen. It's more to do with Raskolnikov's own tortured conscience.

>> No.10185309
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>> No.10185324

There is nothing hard about pronouncing Svidrigailov, unless you're a degenerate monolingual of course.

>> No.10185337

It's harder than "John" or "Michael".

>> No.10185340

Why would he be sent to prison and punished before the book is over?

>> No.10186317
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