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File: 234 KB, 540x540, Thomas-Sowell-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10183192 No.10183192 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you a Sowellian?

>> No.10183444

I like 'Knowledge and Decisions' and 'A Conflict of Visions' the most. Sowell is best when he is giving you facts/as close to facts, and his observations and research. I don't always agree with his proposed political solutions nor much care for them to be honest. His best books aren't even necessarily about economics. I like him though as a whole.

>> No.10183486

Because I'm not a bourgeoisie cuntmuffin obsessed with perpetuate middle class ideas of heroism and general subservience to those that benefit from me being subservient.

The stance is analogous to letting yourself get fucked. It's playing out right now with a reveal of one branch of Pedowood.

Sowell is an uncle tom par excellence

>> No.10183546

because im a steeleian

>> No.10183564
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communism will never ever work

>> No.10183573

I'm not a communist.
'capitalism' does not and has not worked.

>> No.10183591

yes it does and yes it has.

>> No.10183595

Wrong and wrong.

>> No.10183597

no, right and right.

>> No.10183604

it sure would be nice if you could provide evidence. aside from the booming economy and fucking obscene standards of living in USA.

>> No.10183613

not real capitalism, but my idea of capitalism has yet to be tried!

>> No.10183623
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If you allowed capitalism to function in the US without government programs regulating (a) business [FDA/DOL/Etc.) and (b) the social welfare nets [soc. sec/medcare&aid/SNAP] you would see people revolt because the game is so outstandingly rigged
socialism-lite is necessary for a 'capitalist' country to continue to run, sacrificing it's ideological legitimacy for quality of life of it's citizens and a functionality that just isn't possible in a 'true capitalist' society

>> No.10183683

regulations isn't socialism

>> No.10183687

>live in the first world
>fail to get by from sheer ineptitude
>duh ebil kapitulists dun oprest meh

>> No.10183690

This desu.

>> No.10183696


... so what are you saying?

a) the US isn't "true capitalism"?
b) the US doesn't have obscene standards of living compared to the wide majority of the world?
c) capitalism would really suck if it stopped doing some things it does perfectly well?

>> No.10183840

Capitalism can maximize productivity and markets can maximize value, as long as the people who live in such a society allow it to
the US is not true capitalism, no society will exist because it would result in a very poor standard of living for many

welfare capitalism is a more accurate term

>> No.10183843

>booming economy
That isn't 'working'.
What we have isn't an economy, there is no real resource management.
>standards of living
Based upon capitalist ideology, not anything anybody holds dear.
I'm Old Money from some of the original non-*nglo/fr*nch settlers of Canada. Eat shit you reductionist.

>> No.10183848

>born on third base
>o boy i hit a triple!

>> No.10183991
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>literally too ashamed of where he is from to even type it on a Kurdistani lawnmower enthusiast board anonymously

this is what Karl Marx does to ur brain

>> No.10183998

*nglos and fr*nch are the commonly-known first settlers of Canada. I'm Dutch. I'm a definitive anti-Marxist

>> No.10184000

this is where you went wrong, lad

>> No.10184004

I'm not a materialist (you are). I'm an ecophenomenologist, something Marx would hate. Most neo-Marxists hate it too because it promotes homeliness.

>> No.10185151

>Sowell is an uncle tom

And I suppose you're an "anti-racist" on the left, right?

What a disgusting human being you are.

>> No.10185221

>Sowell is an uncle tom
Only white leftists throw around insults like this at black conservatives. Kill yourself pleb.

>> No.10185326

polyps absolutely REKT

>> No.10185335

>booming economy
that only benefits the richest of the richest. wages have stagnated for decades while the cost of living continues to increase.

>> No.10185359

How about Hong Kong and Singapore?

Singapore went from a backwards, empty, floating rock to one of the biggest economies in the world in less than 50 years, all thanks to the human entrepreneurship and energy that the free market system with its freedom unleashed in the people.

Hong Kong became so great that China tried to take it over a couple years ago. What really happened was that Hong Kong took over China.

There isn't a single country out there that is 100% capitalist or 100% socialist - they're mixed economies, to varying degrees. A common thread is that countries where capitalism is the dominant part of the economy, are far more free and wealthy than countries that deviate from free markets and free trade.

>> No.10185367


Capitalism being where the allocation of scare resources and their alternative uses happens through voluntary transaction; and is not set by a governing authority. It's a giant optimization problem that people can't solve. That's where socialism fails.

>> No.10185381

Remember, if you don't play pet negro to woke white women you might just be an uncle tom

>> No.10185387

I think you being Old Money blinds you to the fact that most people actually care about being able to afford food and housing, whilst also being able to afford a big screen tv and superbowl tickets.

>> No.10185410


Just look at what happened in Venezuela when they introduced price controls. It sure doesn't seem like they gained more control, but what do I know.

>> No.10185564
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oh boy yet another /pol/ bait thread

>> No.10186313

No, please go back to /pol/
Fuck off imperialist
>There isn't a single country out there that is 100% capitalist or 100% socialist
Fuck off dualist

>> No.10186319

Except very few people can actually afford that
Everything is wrong.
I don't think you understand that my grandparents, who have the money, are extremely petty towards my mother because she got knocked up too young or something, so at one point we didn't have food or housing, and essentially lived off of food banks for several years.
I didn't even know they had money until they visited me when I first moved out

>> No.10186332

Give me an overview of his thought.

>> No.10186352

"Yes massa"

>> No.10186355

explain ecophenomenology
rescue this thread
you can do it
i believe in you

>> No.10186358

Why is the left so racist?

>> No.10186360

The experience of home

>> No.10186402

the "experience of home" promotes "homeliness"?
you can do better

>> No.10186406

>nonexperience isn't an aspect of experience

>> No.10186473

hong kong is a dystopian hell where people live in apartments the size of broom closets

>> No.10186607
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>> No.10186644

most people can afford food and shelter, and most people can also afford smart phones, cable subscriptions, and internet connections. Do you ever leave your house?

>> No.10186677

you're very bad at explaining your pet philosophy
is part of the philosophy not caring if others take it up?

>> No.10186955

we don't take kindly to negros around these parts, city boy

>> No.10186980

Capitalism is immoral.

>> No.10187273

I didn't realize that crippling personal and national debt meant that one can 'afford' something.
I explained it as it is. I'm not going to fawn over it. I'll fawn over works that I can interpret.

>> No.10187283

because i actually study economics

>> No.10187326

You mean poor people from China would rather literally live in a box in Hong Kong than starve on their chinese rice paddies for the opportunity afforded by a single city that massive economic freedom? Dick head.

>> No.10187369

I will say this, as someone who lives and works and pays his bills in the third world: it is very hard for americans to comprehend how high the standard of living is in America. It is a bit unfair to look at an American burger flipper and tell him he makes as much as an African engineer, but it is true.

It may be of no help to him, since he does not see the African engineer (whom he would consider "poor"), let alone the African burger flippers (whose poverty he cannot even begin to comprehend). All he sees are the people who are even richer than him, and so he thinks his system has failed. I think it hasn't.

>> No.10187382

Capitalism is why you are on the internet

>> No.10187415

>he's black AND he agrees with us! Checkmate against your identity politics, liberals.

>> No.10187417

Not shitposting, genuine question, how? Maybe it's just the professor I had for macro but it's so fucking boring.

>> No.10187502


>> No.10187507
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>> No.10187663

>still shilling this coon's books
/pol/acks, everyone

>> No.10187875

you're joking, but this has been my experience talking with these people every time. It's the same with antisemites who watch Ben Shapiro vids and internally rationalize their feelings because the words come out of a Jew's mouth or people who watch Milo Yiannopolis and rationalize their homophobia because it comes from a faggot.

>> No.10187893

you sound like a criminal

>> No.10188010

Poor people tend towards being right wing more so than wealthy people but I'm sure that is irrelevant to your opinion

>> No.10188017

christ it didn't take much to btfo him

>> No.10188231

Are you one of the retards that say Sweden is socialist?

>> No.10188235

In Amerifatland maybe

>> No.10188339

>we live in subservience to the elites
>they should give us a bunch of stuff

>> No.10188346

Lmao us policy already is socialism-lite you twit

>> No.10188358

>socialism is when de gobermnet does stuff lol

>> No.10188651

>Fuck off imperialist
>Fuck off dualist

Well done, brainlet.

Well done.

Are you really surprised?

>hong kong is a dystopian hell
Compared to what, is the relevant question that all you morons seem to forget.

Like someone else already pointed out, it's a paradise compared to mainland China. Or every other socialist/communist 'paradise' out there, like Venezuela.

>Look, a black guy doesn't agree with us, and doesn't view himself as a perpetual victim of his white overlords!

>> No.10189271

Not where I live. The US is very fortunate to still have a dignified working class that doesn't constantly pine for other people's money.

>> No.10189305

>Lazy dumb workers want to steal all my money!
Learn some economics nigger

>> No.10189628

Parody horizon

>> No.10190202

I know plenty about economics. I also know plenty about living in a country whose working class is so riled up by cheap Marxist rhetoric that they cannot even grasp the idea that more people have been lifted out of poverty under the free enterprise system than any other system tried before or after, and that their precious left-wing political representatives would be willing to impoverish them all even further it it meant they could make capitalism look dysfunctional and thereby increase their voter base.

>> No.10190243

>tom sowell
>uncle tom
its a shame you have any relation to him desu