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10178807 No.10178807[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else sick of STEM? I fucking can't stand this bloodless and rote homework anymore. Anyone else tired of this shit? I hate doing the work so much that I spend all my time here to avoid it because I keep telling myself that I can't do anything else (like read a book) because I'll be doing my homework soon enough. So annoying

>> No.10178811

dear diary

>> No.10178815

not /lit/

>> No.10178822

Then drop out, brainlet.

>> No.10178832
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>muh soul
>muh hobbies
>muh quality of life

Westeners don't stand a chance.

>> No.10178841

>country with the fastest growing layer of ultramaterialistic petit-bourgeois middle class and decadent nouveau-riche
Well shitposted, retard.

>> No.10178848
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I'm burning out too op.
Starting to realize I can't even do most of my homework without working with classmates, I'm falling behind in everything. I may be forced to break up with my gf because she's completely emotionally dependent on me and I can't take the constant stress of trying to convince her not to kill herself every fucking day.
My first couple years I would spend a day or two working about six hours to be rewarded with the rest of my week to relax. Now that's eight hours put in to still feel like I'm drowning in work the next morning.
I barely eat or sleep. All I want to do anymore is sit down in a comfy chair with a coffee and read but it's an impossible dream.

>> No.10178850

>country with the fastest growing layer of ultramaterialistic petit-bourgeois middle class and decadent nouveau-riche
What's your point?

>> No.10178853

>tfw fell for the STEM meme
If I would've majored in philosophy I might be poor, but at least I'd be happy

>> No.10178854

>this level of brainletism

>> No.10178863

yeah I fucking hate how mindless it is. I took a degree in math because I was mostly interested in philosophy back when I declared my major and so I wanted a solid grounding in math. But holy shit these profs treat you like monkeys to solve problems, never even touch on the deeper meaning or use behind the math (which they, pseuds, probably don't even know themselves).

>> No.10178868
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It's me coming to terms with the fact that I must be a brainlet, or at least too much of a brainlet to do anything I ever dreamed of doing.
I can't be a physicist. I can't do it.