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10177886 No.10177886 [Reply] [Original]

>can never truly understand the full scope of a belief system
>can only argue using talking points and shibboleths regurgitated to me
>try to combat this by debating people and trying to challenge my beliefs
>always either get convinced by the other side and do a complete 180 or refuse to accept any of their beliefs
How do I synthesize opposing interpretations and belief systems into a single belief that makes the most sense to me? Will I never be able to do this because I'm a brainlet?
For example, I read Hoppe to challenge my ideas about strong government, became a borderline AnCap, then after just a few conversations with Marxists I am starting to find myself in agreement with them more and more. Don't get me wrong, I'm not at all opposed to my opinion and beliefs changing, but I don't like how they change based on whatever people are telling me at whatever moment to the point where I have no clue what I actually believe or why I agree with the points I agree with. Can anyone help me understand why this is? Does anyone else experience this?
Pic unrelated.

>> No.10178368

Shameless self bump before I let this die. I guess a better question would be: how do I gain critical thinking skills, and is it even possible for everyone to become reasonably adept at thinking critically?

>> No.10178387
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>How do I synthesize opposing interpretations and belief systems into a single belief

1. Be more familiar with your adopted beliefs and your interlocutor's.

2. Decide which moral positions you will not budge from. These will inform which beliefs you will keep and discard.

3. Read Aristotle.

It sounds like you've got the brains, but lack the knowledge. You can't tell an idea to fuck off because you aren't familiar with its failings; this is called having an open mind. Just read more and stop arguing politics with fucktards. They're all useful idiots.

>> No.10178462

I would say it's important to read Plato here as well, if only for an understanding of the Socratic Method in order to accomplish the second step of the plan.

>> No.10178632

You might be stuck like that. Use it to your advantage. You have the ability to be unbiased by understanding all sides