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/lit/ - Literature

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10176841 No.10176841 [Reply] [Original]

Am I missing something, or was this book just plain bad?

>> No.10176847

You're not wrong.

>> No.10176865
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By far the worst thing I've ever read. The mere mention of it triggers me and it's been over five years.

>> No.10176908

What's bad about it? It's on my reading list.

>> No.10176985

honestly? its poorly written. the only memorable character is the MC, and thats only because he's the only one talked about at any length at all - and yet he's still completely one dimensional.

i cringed on at least 10 separate occasions from the dialogue and writing. it would be easy to find an example but i don't want to pick the book up ever again. the back of the book will suffice:

" My name is Kvothe.

I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to Gods, loved women, and written songs that make the minstrels weep.

You may have heard of me."

The MC is 12 years old in the book and consistently outwits full grown adults. If you are older than 16 years old don't bother with it. Read something like The Black Company instead.

>> No.10177220

Yeah I was surprised how shitty it was desu. Heard nothing but rave reviews. I was expecting some kind of a twist that would make it "work" but it was just fantasy trope after fantasy trope played totally straight. Arrogant magical genius gets everything he wants after his parents die because he's a magical genius and beautiful girls are obsessed with him. Teenage shit.

>> No.10177309


I liked Fela but that was it. She was pretty qt but I really didn't care much for the school shit since MC was boring and only interesting just traveling around and his crush was really underwhelming. There was nothing really interesting about her honestly.

>> No.10177453

It's basically anime:

Protagonist has abnormally coloured hair

Protagonist overcomes every inconvenience put before him through bullshit reasons

Has plot armour that only seems to get thicker as the story progresses

Is an obvious self insert

Is edgy

>> No.10177500

Would you watch the anime? And it's made by your favourite company studio.

>> No.10177507

People who follow studios would watch anything from them regardless

>> No.10177538

oh and MC is a cuck too. letting rich guys fuck his girl through half the book

>> No.10177852
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The fact that this book is so terrible gave me great inspiration as a writer. I'm now writing a fantasy novel with a red-haired protagonist who can't play the lute, can't sing, can't talk to women, and is basically a bumbling idiot who's bad at everything. It's by far the best thing I've ever written. Thanks, Rothfuss.

>> No.10177883

I liked it.

But people always forget that Kvothe is telling the story himself. Of course he's going to fucking embellish a few things.

>> No.10177889

Well then he's a fucking shite storyteller. Why would you willingly read something that's garbage?

>> No.10177899

>In high-school Pat was something of a class clown. His hobbies included reading a novel or two a day and giving relationship advice to all his friends despite the fact that he had never so much as kissed a girl. He also role-played and wrote terrible stories about elves. He was pretty much a geek.


For the next seven years Pat studied anthropology, philosophy, eastern religions, history, alchemy, parapsychology, the blade, literature, and writing. He studied six different martial arts, practiced improv comedy, learned how to pick locks, and became a skilled lover of women. He also began writing a satirical advice column which he continues to this day: The College Survivial Guide. Through all of this he continued to work on his novel.

>> No.10177902

>learned how to pick locks, and became a skilled lover of women
Its this a fingerbanging joke?

>> No.10177926

i guess since im a bad writer ill just say the MC is telling the story so all the problems are his fault not mine

>> No.10177928

Pretty solid literary device.

>> No.10177951

cant really blame him desu

>> No.10178090

>the book is intentionally bad, that makes it good

>> No.10178754

I actually like it despite the notorious flaws.

>> No.10178798

it's ok. It's like a really long half-stroke

>> No.10178837

this, winds comfy as fuck, no so much wise mans

>> No.10178860

He needs the pull the stick out of his ass and finally finish the third book. Otherwise he'll become more of meme than George RR Meme himself.

>> No.10178879
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>the blade
>He studied six different martial arts
>became a skilled lover of women
The fact that this fat fuck right here wrote that about himself, holy shit

>> No.10178902

I don't understand. If the MC is telling the story then shouldn't it naturally not be complete, and be skewed by and partial to his perspective?

>> No.10178903

What do you think his sexual assault scandal will be like?

>> No.10179082

Sure, and it is. It's just also complete fucking schlock.

>> No.10179179

It's pretty good, but over-hyped.

>> No.10179195

I love it, theres many powerful and sad parts, i cried like three times in the second book.

>> No.10179401

Kvothe is the most irritating protagonist I've ever encountered. He has no flaws, and the point of the novel seems to be to show how badass he is. It reads like something Dwight Shrute would write. I have no idea how this novel has fans older than 15.

>> No.10180263

But he has flaws?

>> No.10180281


I added the blade for lulz, but the rest is bona fide. The fact that you can't possibly tell that it was added satirically tells you everything you need to know about him.

>> No.10180389

kys brainlet

>> No.10181532

Yes but his flaws don't hurt him in any way, despite how hard Rothfuss tries to pretend that they do.
Boo hoo, he dropped out of uni and became a successful businessman who fights monsters in his spare time, is known across the world for his exploits, has a devoted apprentice who will care for him in sickness and old age and continue his legacy, and has some of the most famous and influential writers in the world miss important meetings just to talk to him. Such a tragedy, Kvothe is just so stunning and brave for having endured that. I simply can't look at him without weeping.

>> No.10182774

I've never seen anyone recommend it here unironically. Always memed about whenever it's mentioned.

>> No.10184200

Agreed! Is it just like a running gag on /lit/ to hate on NotW? cause I mean yes, it's got its flaws and all but it's overall a pretty enjoyable fantasy novel, yet every thread in which it's mentioned it gets more backlash than fucking Ann Coulter

>> No.10184202

Difference is, nobody here's dumb enough to like Ann Coulter.

>> No.10184479

Objectively it's shitty YA-fantasy but still an enjoyable read if you can ignore the glaring flaws and not cringe constantly. The protagonist is excessively hypercompetent, it is full of tropes/cliches, and there are the unrealistic relationships/interactions/dialogue you can expect to find in an autists work. Then again, if you can't see past those things, 99.99% of fantasy must be unreadable to you anyways. The plot and world-building are OK, the prose is quite good, and the real redeeming features are the unusual density of interconnected little details as well as the numerous stories-within-a-story.

>> No.10184936


I agree.

I kinda want the 3rd book pulished, but I know that won't happen.

>> No.10184944

Turn it into some semi-surrealist genre satire like Gurren Lagann or Kill la Kill. Lots of big tits and punching the sky to death or some shit.
Go big or go home.

>> No.10185345

Prose is garbage. World-building is garbage too. I can point out a dozen inconsistencies and plot holes in his world building just off the top of my head.

>> No.10185598

I would like to hear them.

>> No.10186254

how's your prose? how's your novel? can I read it? pussy ass fucking critics with no talent or drive to create anything of their own, knocking successful authors. lolol

>> No.10186270
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You've hit on a remarkable, original way to defeat the arguments of those who don't like what you like!

>> No.10186312

the useless opinions of losers who will literally live and die as fucking nobodies does not needed to be defeated. they defeat themselves with whatever criticisms they vomit up about everything they can't even do themselves or too chickenshit to attempt. bunch of fucking creative cowards.

>> No.10186340
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Go to bed, Kvothe.

>> No.10186376
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