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10174945 No.10174945 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for a book that could have Radiohead’s OK Computer as its soundtrack. Thoughts? (Pic unrelated)

>> No.10175046

Do you know what a soundtrack is? It is music that is written to accompany a moving video image, not text. Why don't books have soundtracks? because to listen to music while reading would be a disservice to both literature and music

No book would ever have a Radiohead soundtrack

>> No.10175226

Why did you post Bright Eyes and not just the album you're talking about? what the fuck

>> No.10175241

I try my best not to read shit books.

>> No.10175389

I think what OP is trying to say is that he is looking for a book that is thematically similar to OK Computer i.e. feelings of alienation, estrangement, fear, loneliness, a pig in a cage on antibiotics, etc.

I know that Thom Yorke was reading The Wind Up Bird Chronicle when he was writing OK Computer (or maybe it was Kid A.) Either way, you can pick up hints of Murakami in Radiohead, and vice versa.

>> No.10176425

>popular music

>> No.10176436

>deriving your taste from public opinion
New lows of plebsitude.

>> No.10176551

The Bridge by Iain Banks

>> No.10176594


>> No.10176611


>> No.10176614
File: 104 KB, 320x487, Fanged-Noumena-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10176668


>> No.10176704

Books don't have soundtracks you fucking /mu/drone

>> No.10176707

White Noise

>> No.10176710

Literally, and I mean quite, literally, any book that exists in physical form. Simply, and I mean, simply, find your nearest book and play ok computer while you read-it's quite, and I mean, it really is, quite a simple solution to your "problem", so simple in fact that I'm questioning your cognitive function based on your need to put forward this simple query.

>> No.10176765

so in short you're looking for overrated, boring faux avant-garde. let me think for a bit

>> No.10176784

>I try my best not to read books.