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10174369 No.10174369 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10174381


>> No.10174390
File: 17 KB, 294x282, vE151213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went from my akward Greek philosophy phase towards finding the more sophisticated Aztec philosophy and ditching the Greeks
Feels very good desu

>> No.10174414

Purge the idolators.

>> No.10174430

The cringe has only begun

>> No.10174437

>tfw you didn't larp as an indian because muh exoticism

>> No.10174449
File: 168 KB, 739x1024, 1507025735443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western artistic tradition through Greco/Christian symbolism surpasses the rest of the world so thoroughly it's embarrassing to even compare them

>> No.10174459

The fedora phase in between is the real cringe. I dropped catholicism early in life, and it wasn't until i read Aristotle that i oppened up again to the idea of god. I'm currently with advaita vedanta.

There's wisdom in all systems

>> No.10174460

>having anything to do with the greeks bar ripping off virtue ethics
dare i say this is the greatest stealing of credit of all times?

>> No.10174470
File: 164 KB, 614x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think that your monotheistic stage was cringey then you do not understand Brahman.

polytheism anthhropomorphizes concepts to grab the masses' attention. The underlying truth is the Brahman: beyond categorization, we can only use metaphor to hint at it's existence. All encompassing everything, ever present, eternally fertile foundation of existence. Hinduism at its deepest isn't even Hinduism, it's a metaphysical question mark + subjective pragmatism.

>> No.10174474

>poo in the loo mythology
>early Guenon larping
Wes anon how disgusting.
>he doesn't even know how christianity spread ridiculously well over Greece due to the basis set by greek philosophy
>he doesn't know about the thorough influence of greek philosophy on christianity
> he doesn't know Plato was divinely inspired

>> No.10174482

>christianity in ancient greece
>plato divinely inspired
this is your brain on religion

>> No.10174487

>>early Guenon larping

Implying this is a bad thing you degenerate advocate of Modernity.

>> No.10174489

more like pantheism tbqh

>> No.10174503

Study western history more noob, especially the art. And to even argue Neo-Platonism and Aristotelianism didn't influence Christianity. ffs, I wish there was something barring entry to threads akin to checking height for a carnival ride

>> No.10174542
File: 20 KB, 366x400, the boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what you're essentially saying is that we can be pantheists/panentheists (depending on interpretation) in the more straightforward manner of Giordano Bruno, and that we don't need to pretend to be pajeets to do so -- thus just appearing as regular heretics, without painting giant fedoras on ours heads? Oh, OK.

>> No.10174549

Who said I want to understand Brahman lol ? Or that YOU understand Brahman lol ?

>> No.10174552

i never said christianity wasn't influenced by the greeks and i dare you to quote me. maybe you should read my post a few more times until you realize what i'm saying is that christians claiming that christianity somehow took up the mantle of the greeks/romans and is therefore in joint ownership of their achievements in nothing but pure roleplaying

>> No.10174553

>calling Hinduism Hinduism

Wanna know how i know you're an ignorant westerner?

>> No.10174562

>Implying that Thomas Aquinas was not a rip off of Aristotle
>Implying that a significant part of the disputes in the Reformation were whether Aristotle's ideas (to support "transubstantiation") were possible to reconcile with Christianity.

>> No.10174571

>implying unimplied implications
i don't have enough fedoras for this. goodbye lad

>> No.10174580

>>calling Hinduism Hinduism
>Wanna know how i know you're an ignorant westerner?

OP here. I actually agree with you but I was forced to use the word Hindu so people would understand.

>> No.10174582

No thanks, I like shitting in toilets and using toilet paper.

>> No.10174588

Shit man it's not my fault you communicated in vague implication arrows, I'd argue Christianity surpasses ancient Greco/Roman art, partly because of the influence.

>> No.10174597

It opens an interesting discussion that deserves it's own thread

>> No.10174606

So name your god(s) instead

>> No.10174609

I am 100% certain your knowledge of Indian culture, art and history is next to 0.

>> No.10174610

i'm sorry for being rude ;_;

>> No.10174612

I Don't need know about Bruno, but sure. The ideas are what matter to me, I don't care if they come from pajeets or chinks or sand niggers.

Fair enough. But I don't think it makes sense for you to judge a stage in your life. It's our nature as part of the flux.

I don't understand Brahman, though, and I mean that in a immanent subjective sense. To understand him in my mind is to accept everything that comes with a subtle joy, in the mystical sense. I do think that begins by logically accepting all things, even if you can't emotionally.

>> No.10174620

>he doesn't know Plato's ideas come from india


>> No.10174643
File: 429 KB, 919x695, Michelangelo-Pietà-San-Pietro-in-Vaticano-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Says Christian art is superior
>Posts memedorè instead of posting actually good art

>> No.10174659

elephant god LUL

>> No.10174665

>All encompassing everything, ever present, eternally fertile foundation of existence.

This is the Christian understanding of God.

The Hindu understanding of God is not just that God is the ground of existence, but that God is also every thing that exists (pantheism). So cancer cells and bovine excrement are also divine. The confusion of the divine Substance with the substances of creatures is main error of Brahmanism.

Hinduism is the worst religion.

>> No.10174684
File: 620 KB, 1024x1024, 465344416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went from Greek to Christian, back to Greek, started comparing Celtic Myths then Egyptian Scrolls and ended up with an almost factual account of the creation of the world


>> No.10174693

christianity has that too
Iambdus (cant quite remember his name)
divided god in 3, then into 3x3, then 3x3x3, he ended up with 243 aspects (Dogans say 255)

The Celts have an even more detailed version, you probably should have read up on it before rejecting Gods Will

>> No.10174697

>wanting to disappear
>not accepting the Aztec gods
>being peaceful

>> No.10174717

t. brainlet

>> No.10174724
File: 96 KB, 635x659, Taoist+Swordsman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not attaining bodily immortality through mystical taoist practice

>> No.10174765

The idea that reality is a divine drama playing itself out makes more sense to me than a perfect God making an imperfect world.

>> No.10174770

This, we all love the Indian Shakespe-
Well, you can't go wrong with the Indian Michaelange-
Well, it looks like you share a religion with people who shit in streets.

>> No.10174783

Well enlighten us then

>> No.10174787

Uh-oh. Looks like someone isn't familiar with Leibniz.

>> No.10174825

>almost factual
That's pretty easy to get anon, that's actually factual part is the hard part

>> No.10174952
File: 31 KB, 320x460, images-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting second best sculpture of all time instead of first
Pretty good taste tho.

>> No.10175140

Look at the picture, call me out if I'm wrong because I don't know the context but it looks like Angels descending on pagan gods, that's why I picked it

>> No.10176000

Books for this feel?