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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 30 KB, 640x480, tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1017083 No.1017083 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/,

Yesterday I posted a thread asking for help with a poem that I'm writing for a composer to set to music- it'll be sacred and performed sometime around Christmas.

Anyway, I got some absolutely top-notch criticism from you guys and the very last post was from a chap who really knew what he was talking about, so thanks very much indeed.

So here's the latest draft of it. Changed a few things that I'm not entirely sure about, so your input would be lovely.

Oh, and for this I'm using two source texts- the book of Genesis and the Hymns of Thanksgiving from the Dead Sea Scrolls. Some of the text is lifted directly from these, some is my own, some is altered.


I'll now take the time to post the comment from the last guy in the previous thread and my response to it, I think it was worthwhile.

Picture is the same as before, to attract people who were in the last one.

Lots of love,

>> No.1017112
File: 44 KB, 1262x430, awesomeguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alright, first off, thanks very very much indeed for your response, it's been incredibly useful.

To continue: yes, it's for an Anglican setting, but I'm not sure quite what he's looking for in terms of where it comes in the service and how close to Christmas it'll be used. There was talk of using it for Midnight Mass at a high Anglican service but I'm not sure that'll happen. There was talk of it being used some time in Advent but not precisely when, and there was some talk of it being used as an introit and being used outside of Advent/Christmas.

Basically, it's all been really vague so far.

I like your ammendment to 43, it's definitely something I'm going to have a serious look at for the next draft. I'm especially tempted to let that line enjamb and have a nice ambivalence with "born God", but I suspect I'll scrap that idea when I'm feeling more rational.

>> No.1017117


The fear and trembling thing... I think I was thinking of Phillipians at the time- it mentions something about salvation being brought through mankind worshipping God in fear and trembling. I didn't really think that it might create unwanted allusions- a rookie error, I feel. I shall have to correct it.

There have been lots of complaints about the final stanzas- they're mostly lifted from the Scrolls with a few minor touches. They'd certainly benefit from a little oiling.

Oh, and funny you should mention John 1, I wanted to add something about "bearing witness to the light" at some point, but I was worried the text might become too convoluted- I tried to stick to only directly using two main sources, the rest of it being mimickry and pastiche. I do feel a little braver about it now and it might benefit from that certainly- I think the neatness of it kind of appealed to me more than anything. That, and the water passage: it gives the composer an excuse to make the "but all shall be well" refrain more wave-like. He might dig that.

I'm really glad you stopped in- I'd love to see what you think of it once it's done. It's so rare to find someone so well versed in all this on 4chan! I was going to take it to Dr. Ivan Moody after one more draft, but I'm pretty glad I saw your criticisms first, I imagine a visit to him would've been quite embarrassing.

Thanks once again! I'll have a look at making another draft by tomorrow if I can.

>> No.1017334

Did you identify that cup in the end?

>> No.1017344

Yeah, and did you find some good tea?

>> No.1017445
File: 22 KB, 640x480, deliciousdenmark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not quite, but the people who got it apparently gave it to them in the late 70s, so... I'm not sure still.


I did! Lovely Earl Grey from somewhere in Brighton, but unfortunately no Catnip tea as yet.

>> No.1017951

I don't know if you guys bump stuff often on /lit/, but I'm sure someone will set me right if you don't.


>> No.1018157

Would another bump be a bad idea at this hour?

>> No.1018177

oh, word up, if you want good tea on the internet, hit up uptontea, that shit is awesome. hella much loose leaf tea. got this mad darjeeling ftgfop for like 5 bucks for 100 grams, it was awesome.

>> No.1018192


Damn, mad Darjeeling sounds awesome. I need some decent loose leaf too...

Thanks for the site, friend!

>> No.1019621

Hoping this doesn't 404 as soon as the previous one...

>> No.1019641
File: 21 KB, 139x170, mr. teacup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have anything to offer but a bump and another teacup man picture for you.
Good luck man.

>> No.1020100
File: 38 KB, 640x480, furnivals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're very kind to have done that, thank you.

Feels a bit hopeless, but here's another bump.

>> No.1020118

I got a catnip plant, hopefully it'll get big enough for me to start trimming the flowers and drying them soon. And whoever suggested putting cinnamon and vanilla in chamomile tea is a god among men.

I have nothing too useful to add.

>> No.1020193


Is it easy to manage? I would get one for myself, but I suspect my cat would go mental.

>> No.1020205

It's pretty small. I don't think it would be too much of a hassle. You could probably keep it inside, unless your cat has free run of the house, in which case it might go after it too much. It's outside with my other plants right now (shittons of mint, stevia, and an adorable aloe vera.)

>> No.1020240


I might grow it in my student house in Egham in that case- they can grow indoors alright, can't they? There are cats in the neighbourhood and they might wreck our garden, in which we've all sorts of cool shit- rosemary, a tobacco plant, mint, lemongrass, lavender, thyme, alpine strawberries, and some awesome roses.

>> No.1020245

Sounds beautiful, and also delicious. I jelly.

But yeah, it should be fine as long as it gets fresh air and light.

>> No.1020257



Oh, and it is totally delicious. Whatever I'm cooking as long as there's meat in it, rosemary gets cut up and goes in. Man it makes everything just that little bit more awesome.

Oh, you want to know what's absolutely awesome? Chop up some rosemary reaaaally fine, and grate some hazelnuts. Sprinkle this on top of... well, pretty much most things. Especially simple dishes with lamb or beef. Man is it awesome.

>> No.1020268

though i like the meanings of the poem and understand that it is made for music, i find it extremely simplistic.
Are you happy with its lack of...... ambiguity?
would more lyrical word choices take away from its purpose??

i first found fault with the comparison of God and a wave crashing into a shore,
are you writing song lyrics to a gospel hymn or poetry?
it has been done, Tennyson would be a great reference for a more serious yet still poetic form to lean on.
I suggest you (Maybe, i find myself writing better after having read a lot) read Tennyson, find a more specific thing to say in your song, and say it more poetically.
The workings of God are so general, they can be explained in tons of poems. Why not focus on your own ideas instead of Genesis, The Dead Sea Scrolls?
Why not say what you feel?

don't lift things,
quote if necessary and if the saying is awesome.

this is what i think

>> No.1020296


Thanks very much! Do you mind if I ask you to elaborate on a few things?

Is the wave imagery not working in the context of the entire poem? I thought it worked alright, a shore has no respite from the waves, after all, and the seas remain the most unplumbed depths at man's disposal (d'ohoho), so there's the added mystery. If you think the entire thing didn't work, perhaps I should have a think about what I'd like to convey instead...

Also, this is a piece that will be set to music by a composer for an Anglican service. Typically, the Anglican service revolves around set texts anyway: the song of Simeon specifically, and the latin Mass setting. Anthems also typically take their words from parts of scripture or sacred texts.

I think the poets I probably took most from before writing this were Auden (Hymn to St Cecilia) and Muir (One Foot In Eden). Both of those are incredibly intricate and I'd never presume to create something so complex and beautiful, especially at my age. Do you suppose the poem I've managed is too simplistic?

My own ideas are unfortunately athestic and secular. I was asked to consider apocalyptic literature by a friend but it's rather difficult in a Christmas setting. The composer wanted something to be at least slightly archaic or classical in nature, so The Dead Sea Scrolls seemed a natural choice. Genesis simply ties it in with actual scripture. As another Anon said, difficulties arise when I start merging things in this way, but I think on the whole they can be reconciled.

Do you therefore think the work is not as good because I have taken things from other texts? Would it be worth re-working everything I've been given into reference rather than quotation, or should I just start again from scratch?

>> No.1020340


ITT - /lit/ ruins a promising poem with uninformed criticism.

OP, ignore everything you just responded to, please.

>> No.1020397


Oh, come now, I'm sure there was plenty of useful stuff in what he said. Everyone's views are quite welcome.

And thanks for saying it's promising!

>> No.1020418

To re-work it from scratch may be good as a side exercise, yet what you already have is fine, i would not suggest starting again. Though i have jumped into the process of your editing blindly, i do understand that you have thought about the symbols enough to make them known to the reader, to the point where you remind the reader "But all shall be well" Yes, here are some points which use your imagery to say that the savior is coming and that there is much power associated

With little faith, Man awaits the time;
When, from a most pure virgin born
God shall shew forth his great mercy;
After dread floods and drownings.

All denizens of the Earth shall shudder in his wake,
And there will be all manner of fear amongst them,
And their fright will be great and crippling to them,

This sounds apocalyptic , if not for the reminding "all shall be well"

For the children have come to the throes of death,
And she labours in her pains who bears a man,
For amid the throes she shall bring forth a man-child.

>> No.1020421

suddenly, it seems that the Savior is being exalted; brought up through your images and triumphant statements, yet there is so much going on.
Yes, there were the repeating reminder lines saying that Christ will make God's wrath "well", but it was so general, general to the point that it would be seen as a statue and not as a touching piece. These references you have listed can help you to narrow your statements to events, but you may not want to turn it into a "From the shores of Montezuma....." type of anthem.
what you have is fine, and in fact is not deserving of further criticism than what might have been offered. It sounds like you are content with it at the moment, content with the fact that it is modeled after the hymns before you and that you are proud with it's adaptation to the classic style.
so i will not continue to poke at you. you do have a great piece here, it can be left as-is, now that i assume that you are extremely proud of it, i assume more confidently after reading your last comment to me opposed to the initial post above

>> No.1020448


These specific bits are done well in your mind, or need re-working? I'm sorry, I have suddenly become unsure of precisely what you were suggesting. I feel slow today, bear with me?


I'm fairly happy with it, but it's only because I worked so painstakingly on the scansion, and no-one will ever notice because it'll be set to music- it's the composer's triumph if it works rhythmically, not mine.

The "all shall be well" line is a reference in itself, incidentally. You're right, the whole thing does seem rather general... I do wish that I could have easier dialogue with the composer. If there's one aspect he likes I can try to emphasise that and make the poem more focussed on one thing. Is it lacking direction, do you suppose?

And thank you for your critique so far!

>> No.1020479

To make a specific and final comment (so as to not repeat things that have been said before me), if it had to be criticized harshly, yes -it is general, its direction veers and this is, as you have said, with the quotes i have pasted into my above post. It appears that it has to be that way, though. You have done homework and researched what was stated here, and was extremely helpful to see what you were looking at :>>1020296
Auden himself keeps his sights locked on Cecilia, and that is easy for him; he isn't writing about Christmas, God and how Jesus' presence is going to do this this and this.
you seem to have taken this task on, telling us inside a song just how great it will be.
So when you ask: If there's one aspect he likes I can try to emphasise that and make the poem more focussed on one thing. Is it lacking direction, do you suppose?

I'd say, after all my ranting above, that no. I am sure the song will blast openly and so will these words.

>> No.1020489


Thank you very much indeed- I feel quite proud now that such discerning people have seemed to find merit in my work.

Any more comments are quite welcome, of course! You guys have been incredibly helpful.

>> No.1020576

>>1015125 here

Glad you found some help in what I wrote. I don't have time to offer comments on the revised version right now, but I'll try to come back around to the thread late tonight or tomorrow. (I'm on the east coast of the US.)

>> No.1020582


Very kind of you! Gives me something to look forward to and that.

>> No.1021363

Bumping to keep this thread until that awesome dude comes back.

Also... more responses are very welcome!

>> No.1021433

Will there be a recording of this come Christmas? I don't know the first thing about composition, but I do enjoy me some fine church music.

>> No.1021447


Very possibly, not anything official until next year though.

I am on a CD that's coming out in October though, singing Tenor. It's a reaaaaally great CD, and I'm not just saying that because I'm on it.

Would you guys like me to upload one or two tracks once it's out?

Oh, and I'm on another CD that's coming out in January if that helps?

And some solo recordings will be up in a few weeks too.

>> No.1021464

Yes please. This sort of music is my cup of tea...do I follow that with a no pun intended or do I delete?

>> No.1021497


Neither, it's a wonderful choice of idiom.

I know! I'll upload something we did in a BBC broadcast months ago. Perhaps you'll like it? It was done for us by the Reverend Dr. Ivan Moody. He's a really amazing character...

...listening to it now I really can't believe how audible I am- I should shut up a little more I feel.

Hope you enjoy it.


>> No.1021532


2:09 onwards, the guy blasting it way too much on the top line is me. I'm quite ashamed...

We had just done a few other concerts so we were a bit worn down, I must say...

Hope you liked it anyway though.

>> No.1021560


What piece is that in the recording?

>> No.1021566


Er.. I phrased that poorly. What is that a recording of? I see it's titled 'Anthem', but is that the actual name? And by whom?

>> No.1021568


It was commissioned for my choir, so I think this is the only existing recording of it. Angelus Descendit is what it's called I think.

If you like I could upload some other slightly cool stuff? Tell me what kind of thing you'd like and I'll see what I can find.

>> No.1021577


Here we are!
It's called 'Angelus Domini Descendit De Caelo' by the Rev. Dr. Ivan Moody.

>> No.1021581


Ah, thank you.

>> No.1021608

I enjoyed this a great deal. Thanks

>> No.1021663


You should post more recording. Listening to the one you posted set me off on listening to a bunch of Howells and Stevens, but I need new stuff to listen to.

>> No.1021667



>> No.1021704


Very glad you liked it indeed! I'll tell you what, here's a taster of what'll be on the first CD- it's a piece we recorded at the very start of the year in an informal concert. A few months down the line we recorded this and a CD of the composer's music. It's pretty sweet I think.


Again, you can hear me really clearly at one point...

It's by Vytautis Miskinis and it's called 'O Sacrum Convivium'. I'll be sure to somehow get information about the CD on here once it's out in a few months time.

>> No.1021722


Howells you say?

Here's our choir doing some Howells. We're a bit drunk, can you tell?


>> No.1021755


I like 'O Sacrum', though it seems to cut off a little abruptly at the end. Rapidshare is making me wait on downloading the Howells.

>> No.1021762


Yeah, it's just a little bootleg recording- I suspect we ran out of memory at that point or something.

Still the actual CD version should be nice.

Hope you dig the Howells once you can get it!

>> No.1021766

>You have reached the download limit for free-users. Would you like more?

fucking rapidshare

Will download in the morning OP. Cheers and good luck with your poem.

>> No.1021801


Thank you very much! Glad something good's come out of this thread for someone else.

>> No.1021804


Finally got the Howells. I do indeed 'dig' it.

>> No.1021882

Tondar, you're everywhere. This is weird.
I see you're a cup rather than a heart now...

>> No.1021896


Hullo there! Is this my regular 4chan stalker or someone new?


I'm very glad! I'll definitely post CD details when I know them.

>> No.1021909

The same one. (It totally isn't stalking) I don't think anyone else would realise it was you.

>> No.1021925


Well I don't know if you've been gossiping now, do I?

At any rate, good to see you about. Give my poem a look?

>> No.1022161

Bedtime bump so I can rest easy.

>> No.1023001

Breakfast bump!

>> No.1023236

Bump just because I'm amused the thread's still here.

>> No.1023272


Many thanks. I'll be keeping it around until the other Anon from before can see it again- I might let it die after that.

If you've anything to say on the piece, I'd be more than grateful!

>> No.1023300


Oh I'm no good with poetry, or I'd give you comments. I'm the guy who was listening to Howells last night and also one of the ones interested in your cup.

>> No.1023330


Well, your opinion of it is still very welcome.

Glad you liked the Howells though- he's rather an under-rated composer I feel. Are you in the UK?

Oh, and do you know "Take Him, Earth, For Cherishing" ?

>> No.1023365

>>1020576 here

OK, yes, the new version is definitely better.

I would still say 49-64 is where the most work needs to be done. 55-57 in particular are still very awkward and will be hard to set without working on their rhythmic quality. Symbolically, I think you're right on in those lines, they just don't work yet: I had to reread them a few times to get the "plain" meaning because of the construction in context.

To expand on what I meant about fear & trembling earlier: Yeah, the Philipp. 2:12 citation is the normal one, but most readings use its normal liturgical citations or use the "working out" as a metaphor for faith. There is a good context for using it in a Nativity poem for the same reason it is used in the context of the Transfiguration: both are feasts of the Incarnation, related to the Word's self–emptying (Paul uses this in 2:7). The whole chapter is the source of a lot of the later theological terminology about the Nativity, but for whatever reason this language entered the Liturgy primarily for the feast of the Transfiguration, especially in the East, where the feast is older. So I might be overstating the case (I'm Orthodox).

>> No.1023390


I'm in the US, but I'm an Anglo-Catholic and my parents used to be choral singers, so I hear a lot of choral music. I used to sing too, but where I'm living now there aren't really any choruses I could join. I've heard "Take him, Earth..." but I don't have a copy of it (now listening to it on youtube, though). The only Howells recordings I have are those on the Finzi Singers "Howells and Stevens" and "Howells and Vaughan Williams" albums.

>> No.1023475


How strange and encouraging! I thought Howells was relatively unknown outside of the UK. Awesome to find someone so into choral music though, do ask your parents if they liked the Moody piece, too!



Yes, I agree that area is a bit off- most of it is lifted and unaltered, so I'll give it a little tightening. I reckon 55-57 could feel really nice if the last line was fixed a bit.

Oh I see! My knowledge of the Orthodox denominations is extremely limited, I'm afraid, but I'm certainly going to be asking some theological experts to proof read it all. I was thinking of taking it to Ivan Moody before showing it to the composer I'm working for- hopefully he'll have some things to say on the matter.

Very glad you happened by this thread, you've been ever so helpful, and thank you very much again! How can I repay you, kind sir?

>> No.1023677


I think Howells is fairly unknown in the US. My parents were in a group years ago that did a really wide range of things, that's how they heard him. My college chorus certainly never did him. They did Britten before I got there, but then he's much better known. I know I've sung Vaughan Williams hymns in church, but I don't know about Howells. I really like Howells's "Mass in the Dorian Mode" and I wish I could see a live performance of it somewhere. Eventually I'll get over to England again and then I'm sure I'll be able to find some Howells somewhere... My parents have never heard of Moody, and they live half the country away, so I'll have to wait before I can show them the recording. I'm quite fascinated by the Miskinis though. I know you said you recorded a bunch of his stuff, but are there any CDs of his works already out there?

>> No.1023751

>>1023390 back again


You're probably right. My mother has done his Requiem, and if it wasn't for that, I'd probably know nothing about him.


For one, don't use the term "Orthodox denominations" around most Orthodox, because that will be a sure way to get an earful. All the various churches are one church, there's just a lot of confusion in the "diaspora" about jurisdictional issues. This is why there are strong Russian and Greek presences in the UK, and strong Russian, Greek and Antiochian (Syrian/Lebanese) in North America, etc. It's not considered ideal, so it is what it is.

Interesting that you know Fr. Moody, though!

>> No.1023784


I think you mean you're >>1023365 , because I'm >>1023390 and, unless I have some very serious mental problems that I don't know about, we're different people...

I notice you're on the East Coast of the US though. So am I. Perhaps only the East Coast has heard of Howells.

>> No.1023791


I mis–clicked some how. Oops.

Yeah, I'm not from here, though. My mom sang it in Kentucky.

>> No.1023803


Oh. Well, there goes my hypothesis.

>> No.1024193


Miskinis is quite under-recorded, he's a living Lithuanian composer. I think there's one native choir that's done a few things by him, and Trinity Cambridge have done some of his stuff too. Our relationship with him is fairly special though, he's edited pieces for us and is coming to the album launch- he's even seeing a few of our concerts, one of which I'm conducting. I couldn't be more excited! Odd to hear that Britten is so well known, but very pleasing to hear as well. My singing teacher was taught by Britten and Pears, so I'm part of that musical line. Do you guys know Walton? Maybe Elgar? Vaughan Williams' Hymn arrangements are fairly unavoidable, the man put together the NEH, after all.


I shall certainly be more careful in future. My knowledge of the current state of the church is woefully limited.

Moody is a fantastic individual- incredibly gifted. His wife is a synaesthete, too, incidentally- very interesting, no? She said that piece was incredibly beautiful to look at. He probably wrote it for her more than us?

>> No.1024244

>>1023677 here

The only Walton I know is Belshazzar's Feast. Elgar I know because of the first of the Pomp and Circumstance marches (I've never heard anything else of his though). I think every person in America knows Eglar because of that march, even if they don't know his name.

>> No.1024253


I was told Walton was rather popular in the US, especially a few years ago. I must've been misinformed! You chaps really must hear this bit of Elgar. It's probably one of his most treasured works in the UK.


>> No.1024321


Well, it's quite possible Walton is popular around here. That might explain why I've heard Belshazzar's Feast. I've been a bit out of touch with the singing world for the last couple of years, so...

That cello piece is really great (and Barenboim's hair is a nice touch in the video). I'll have to get ahold of some Elgar recordings.

>> No.1024901


He looks so young in that video, right? I'm glad you like it, though- I hope you find some good stuff. Give The Dream of Gerontious a look.

>> No.1025445

Bedtime bump because for goodness sake I've become accustomed to having this thread to wake up to.

>> No.1026029

Bump because I'm impressed this is still here.

>> No.1026549


Bump because so am I.

>> No.1027237


>>1024321 here

I ended up finding a bunch of random Elgar recording online, and liked them so much that I've ordered EMI's "Elgar: the collectors edition".

>> No.1027238


Lord alive, so am I.

I think I'll let this thread die by tomorrow, but thank you very much for all the critique I've got so far! Spoke to the composer today and he's really very excited to see it. I'm sending it probably later tonight...

Might it be worth it to keep the thread alive so you guys can see what he has to say about it?

>> No.1027271


Wow we bumped this at almost exactly the same time. Far out.

>> No.1027328


Positively gnarly, my friend. Glad to hear you're digging Elgar... if your parents are choral people they probably know Stanford too, so give him a try?

>> No.1028856

One more bump for this old thing to keep it alive long enough for everyone who helped to see the composer's feedback.

Sorry to anyone who's just bored of seeing this thread around...

>> No.1029392

I don't tend to keep track of threads for very long on here, but this is long even by /lit/ standards? I'm impressed.


Yes, I totally went on ac like TONDAR HERE *LINK*
That said, angus misses you. Says you ignored him on facebook.

I did check out the poem. Nice. Stop being so good at everything, please?

>> No.1029536


I didnae ignore him! What's he talking about?

Also, just sent the poem as you see it here to the composer- told him there's a few revisions to be made. I hope he likes the vibe of it enough... he may just change his mind completely and decide he wants something else instead.

Wish me luck, /lit/.

>> No.1031546

Bumping so this thread will make it to 5 days old.

>> No.1033343


Thank you, kind sir.

Still waiting on a response but I suspect it'll be today or tomorrow.

...I COULD just make a new thread, but man this has been going for so long.

>> No.1033509


Don't make a new thread! You've got to keep this one going for a whole week.

>> No.1033545
File: 14 KB, 266x400, OHYEAH..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1023751 back again

Wow, I'm shocked this is still here, bumping for justice. Keep this thread here, it'll be awesome if we can go from edits to the composer's opinion in two threads.

>captcha— bought: wife

>> No.1033918

Oh, I don't know. He obviously misses you ;_;

Good luck! :) I'll be sad when this 404's

>> No.1034272

>>1033545 here

so, >>1023390

You're A–C: Are you Episcopalian or in a Continuing Church?

>> No.1034361


Well, to be precise, I was raised at an Anglo-Catholic church that is officially affiliated with the Episcopal church. Technically, I'm Episcopalian, but our priest was something of a dissenter on certain subjects (such as the ordination of women). I consider myself A-C first and foremost, despite the fact that I have to go to a low church Episcopal church now that I live in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.1034413


I was just curious; I have a lot of friends involved out there in the A–C Continuing world, though most of them will probably be Catholic here in a year or so, or whenever the papal provision gets sorted out, I guess.

I was actually baptized in an A–C parish, but it was even more eccentric than normal, really more Anglo–Orthodox than Anglo–Catholic, which probably explains why I became Orthodox about eighteen months after I became a Christian, at all. (I, and this will probably be hilarious to those of you raised Christian or raised in a more diverse environment than me, just really didn't know for sure what Orthodoxy was until after I became Anglican. If I had known, I would have known that that is what it really was.)

>> No.1034439


Interesting. I have considered turning Roman, in large part because my family comes from the south of Ireland and so used to be Roman. I can't really bring myself to agree with the Pope though. Right now I have the problem is that at the AC churches I attended I became accustomed to confession and the rosary, which are not available in low-church Episcopal establishments like that one I have to go to now, so I have to visit the local RC church too. This is adding to my difficulties in deciding whether I should 'go Roman' or not...

>> No.1034495


It's not an easy choice. A friend of mine who is a priest in a Continuing diocese that is likely to all go Roman is very torn about it, and has gone through may phases in how he thinks about it. I think part of him would be Orthodox if it wasn't for the scarcity of Western–rite Orthodox parishes (he's very tied to his rite) and the fact that converting is just hard, and it's harder the more important you are.

I wasn't around very long, but a number of people had very hurt feelings when I left to become Orthodox. My Anglican priest was wonderful about the whole thing, but other people… it was rough. And leaving something that grounds and defines you like that for something new and uncertain is really difficult no matter what. I always am a little suspicious of people who convert and act as if it is all sweetness and light, but maybe they are just really holy.

>> No.1034502

Daniel, you suck.

>> No.1035448


My name is not Daniel I'm afraid.

By God a discussion about theology! How very exciting.

I hope the composer gets back to me soon- he's usually quite prompt which leads me to believe one of three things...

1) He's rejected it outright and doesn't know how to break it to me.
2) He's decided to look it over and will deal with revisions with me as soon as he can in person.
3) He's already started work on the piece and will discuss revisions with me once it's done.

Knowing him, the most likely one is 3, and I hope that's not the case because it'd mean I'll be keeping you good people waiting.

I shall, therefore, email him tomorrow asking for a quicker response.

Thanks to everyone again- no idea how I'm ever going to truly show the extent of my gratitude.

>> No.1036468

Bump. We should act more like this thread more often. Much oftener.

>> No.1036529 [DELETED] 

Your name is far cooler than Daniel!

>> No.1036532

Your name is far cooler than Daniel

>> No.1036558

If by any chance OP sees this thread again, I think the longer stanzas in the middle will be difficult to set to music.

>> No.1036598

>>1034439 here


I definitely agree about suspecting people for whom conversion appears easy. There was a teacher in my high school who had converted not just between sects but between religions when she got married and she became a zealot for her new religion. I was never able to take her or her beliefs seriously because she seemed to have no qualms about such a big change. Of course, her public zeal might have been intended to mask private discomfort, but if that was the case, she was a very good actress. Because of her, there was a period when I just didn't trust any converts at all, but then I realized that most of them weren't like her and that there do exist very good reasons for converting. Now I'm just suspicious of the loud converts.

>> No.1036605

It's fine. Although I think using the word "crucible" as a metaphor for the Virgin Mary's womb is ghastlily naff, and I'd find another word.

In no way does the Virgin Mary's womb or the birth of Christ suggest a vessel for melting down metals at high heat. It's jarring to the ear.

>> No.1036890


Yes, that's a worry a lot of people have voiced. It's taken straight from the scrolls, that bit- I kind of liked the reflection of 'Christ' in 'Crucible, but I suspect it's not something anyone else will pick up on and it's not really all that good anyway. I'll find a different word in revisions...


Not at all! The man's a very very able and versatile composer and I've no doubt he'd be able to set whatever I threw at him to music. He's worked with some absolutely mental texts before, so I doubt he'll find much difficulty in this.

I'm sending him an email right now to ask for some sort of feedback... everything you guys tell me from here on in will go into revisions once the music's done.

I've said it before and I'll keep saying it... thank you guys!

>> No.1038509

Just stopping by to bump.

>> No.1038511

I got catnip for making tea today. I'll be trying it in an hour or two because it's apparently supposed to help induce sleep, which sounds lovely after i finish working on my short story for the day.

Just keeping you updated.

>> No.1040200

Bump. This has been here 6.5 days...wow!

>> No.1040202

>>1034495 here

Bumping because this is the first thread on 4chan I've bookmarked.

>> No.1040203
File: 24 KB, 445x456, righteous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Simultaneous bump!

>> No.1040214


Haha wow. Oh, and I'm >>1036598 .

>> No.1041032


Thanks for the update, my man! I'm still trying to get a hold of some for myself, as it happens.

Little update of my own now: the composer said that on the face of it, he's very happy with what I've produced, but he's up and gone to the USA on a whim. He'll be giving me a more detailed appraisal "soon" he says, but I'm not sure what this means.

Is it worth keeping this thread open until then? I could always have a look at preliminary revisions now and then tell you what his are.

As I've said before and will do again- thanks for your support, chaps- really means a lot.

>> No.1041099

I just read through this entire thread and I've got a big grin on my face for some reason.

>> No.1041552


>"Is it worth keeping this thread open until then?"

Yes. I won't know what to do on /lit/ anymore when this thread is gone.

>> No.1041683


Neither will I, quite frankly.

Don't worry though, chaps, I've got a few more commissions from this guy, so it's quite likely I'll be back for more help sometime.

Anyway, waiting with bated breath for his response is all well and good, but has anyone had any really great tea they want to talk about?

>> No.1042216


My tea tonight wasn't so great. But I'm from Kentucky, like I alluded to above, and I usually take my tea sweet (not sweetened) and over ice. My wife, being from the east coast, was not impressed with the idea of iced tea until I convinced her otherwise with a superior product (note to all travelers in the US: if you have had iced tea north of the Mason–Dixon, you haven't had it).

I have a thing for nice Earl Grey (actually, for bergamot in general), but I haven't had anything really special recently. Last nice pot I had with friends was an Assam with lemongrass they had acquired on their honeymoon.

I've got a good smoky Earl Grey somewhere back in the cabinet that I keep saving for a special occasion; maybe I should just drink it.

>> No.1043451

>>1036598 here


How do you prepare your iced tea? I'm originally from Chicago, so I don't know about southern iced tea. I've always just thought of the iced-tea-process as "make tea, pour over ice, consume."

>> No.1044611


It differs from region to region?

>> No.1044737


The biggest difference I notice up north is people don't sweeten the water, first.

Heat water in a saucepan, dissolve appropriate amount of sugar, take off heat, brew tea. (If you're doing just a single glass because you live alone or are lazy: Heat kettle, put 2-3tsp sugar in the mug, pour water, stir vigorously, add tea.)

Another trick is just making sure the tea stays fresh (restaurants here in Philly seem to think it is fine to let it sit all day) and never add lemon until the glass is poured (if lemon is added at all).

Anyhow, getting ready to grill MASSIVE STEAKS to celebrate the Dormition of Our Lady now.

>> No.1045825

I've never had home-made iced tea before but this sounds positively delicious, I will give it a go tomorrow!

>> No.1045892

lol you're wasting your time. read the subtitles to any opera on youtube. they're all the same generic lyrics. most people can't even understand them anyway. We just pay attention to the music/vocals.

>> No.1046713


Ah, I've never tried sweetening the water at all when making my iced tea. I'll have to try your way.

Also, what a small world it is. I've just moved away from Philly.

>> No.1046747

I'm actually training to one day be an opera singer and I'm fairly sure you're wrong, for the most part.

Regardless, this is a thread about a word-setting to a choral piece that'll be performed at Christmas, not an opera. Although I am writing a libretto for the same composer later this year.

>> No.1046830


Another thing to make sure is to always over–steep. Because you're pouring it over ice, which dilutes the tea.

The trick here is that, since you usually use fairly low grades of tea in iced tea, to not over–steep so much it gets that weird flouride–y taste some cheap blends do if they sit too long. If you make iced tea with nicer tea than cheap basic blacks, breakfast blends tend to work pretty well, flavored/infused ones not as much. Plain assams are really good, though.

>> No.1046842

im from virginia, what i do is make a simple syrup to put out with unsweetened tea.

the syrup can be added to ice cold tea and will mix fine, unlike plain sugar.

(1 cup water : 1 cup sugar)
this way you can have your tea as sweet as you like it without bothering others (personally i only take a tiny bit of sugar, if at all)

>> No.1047211


Yeah, that's a good solution for guests or a varied family.

A friend of mine's mom always way over–sweetened to my taste, and I often thought about mentioning to her the simple syrup solution. They made and kept their own for mixed drinks, anyhow.

>> No.1047935


I tried it this morning but it didn't go quite so well because I forgot to make the ice first, then I forgot about it...

Anyway, I'm trying again tomorrow morning!

I'm trying to write something else tomorrow though, it might turn out cool if you guys would be interested in seeing it? I'll write it after I have the iced tea.

>> No.1048328


So far, not only is this the only worthwhile thread on /lit/, it has now resulted in a true exchange of cultural goods.

>> No.1050096


I haven't tried any of these sweet iced tea recipes yet, but I hope to do so tomorrow.

>> No.1050099

why is this hsit tisll on the front fopage i ahte this hsit so much

>> No.1050347


Bumped for more Stagolee hate.

>> No.1050351

This thread is bad and everyone who bumps it should feel bad.

>> No.1050475

only thread I've ever bookmarked.. I'm pleasantly surprised every time I see it hasn't 404'd.

>> No.1050488

Who is this composer? Is he well known?

>> No.1050814 [DELETED] 


>> No.1050913


I shouldn't really reveal his name on here, but he's had a few works performed and recorded by some really fantastic performers and he's getting to be well-respected and in-demand. It's likely that the libretto I'm writing for his opera will provide him with his 'big break' as it were, because it may well be performed by Opera North or The Opera Group, which are both pretty big names.

Oh, guys, I tried the iced tea today.

...it was really splendid. Thank you so much.

STILL no word from the man, unfortunately, BUT! I came across a recipe for a refreshing juice drink today if anyone's interested? I could present it as a series of haikus or something.

>> No.1050934

Somebody on /r9k/ said you got massively flamed/insulted and might not go back. Will you stay on /lit/ instead? Or are you sticking around /r9k/? I like you and your upbeat and friendly ways.

>> No.1051136
File: 195 KB, 1600x1693, 1280969873655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got flamed, Tondar? :|

>> No.1051397
File: 34 KB, 316x485, c28947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...goodness! I didn't realise word had spread so quickly. There was a nasty thread, yes, but I can't possibly give up on /r9k/ now!

At any rate: I really like /lit/. I'm pretty sure I'm going to stick around. Thank you very much for making me feel so welcome, by the way.


Nothing worse than what I'm used to, lass.

Oh, recently bought this- Calvino is the author I've always wanted to write like. I have a feeling going into prose is going to be so difficult with the inspirational shadow of such an awesome dude hanging over me.

>> No.1051412

How could anyone say anything mean about you?

Also, I love Calvino, and the catnip tea is delicious, I've had it before bed three times this week. Right now I'm mixing it with a little lemon verbena, I hope it turns out well.

>> No.1051545

tell meeee?

I'm reading the path to the spiders nests :)

>> No.1051559 [DELETED] 


>> No.1051576

I didn't like that one so much, but it is his first novel. My first "novel" is shittier, after all.

>> No.1053440


I've not read it yet- I suspect I'll view it through the rose-tinted glasses of admiration though. I bloody love Calvino.

Started work on something new and exciting today, but still no word from my composer- his facebook is rather unupdated too, so it's not just me he's not getting back to.

Fingers crossed he'll be back soon.

Oh, has anyone tried rosemary tea?

>> No.1054366


What, fresh? No, is it good?

>> No.1054374

Yeah, it's worth reading if only for the passages that allude to his later beautiful prose, but the plot and execution are sub-par, definitely for Calvino. I got a collection of his short stories today, though (Numbers in the Dark.)

And no, but I have some fresh rosemary I could use. How is it?

>> No.1054527

How would one make rosemary tea? Just stick rosemary in hot water?

>> No.1054534

Raise your hand if you think Jerks is an American masquerading as a Brit.

>> No.1054574


How am I meant to prove it, exactly?


That's essentially my plan. Crush it up and stuff first, maybe add a few spices.


I loved 'Our Ancestors', it's really very illuminating about his style. He said of it that he wrote the kind of story he wanted to read, not the kind he wanted to write. I've been trying to tackle some of the fables in Italian too. Awesome stuff.

I'm starting on this one once I get back to my student house. Should be awesome.

>> No.1054611


He wants you to time stamp yourself in front of the parliament building while holding up your UK passport and displaying your messed–up teeth.

>> No.1054622

Can this thread please go away? I haven't even read OP's post, nor do I care to have a discussion, but I'm really sick of seeing that damn teacup. I've been seeing it on /lit/ everyday for the past week or so. Please sage, I'm allergic to tea. Thanks.

>> No.1054623


Isn't his obsession with turning every plant into tea proof enough?

>> No.1054688


This just reminded me of my stash of coca leaf tea. Vacation weekend is looking up.

>> No.1056539


>> No.1056908

I think this guy's right: >>1054622

This thread IS cluttering up the board in a big way. I'm sorry for having kept it going so long, and I'm really sorry I've not got any feedback for you guys to see, but I really really appreciate everything you've all done. I'll certainly post again once I've got something from the composer.

Anyway, you've all been very awesome, and if you don't mind I think I'm going to stick around here- it's pretty groovy.

Thanks once again!

>> No.1057751


It's not cluttering, it's classic.

>> No.1057754


WOAH! I just comma spliced there like crazy. Sorry, everyone.

>> No.1057756

I was so fucking pissed off.

>> No.1057763


Your anger is quite understandable. I feel lower than Hemingway on a bender.

>> No.1057782

Seriously, it's a blast from the past.

This thread needs to stay around, for teachat and civilized discussion.

>> No.1057783

this is a shitty thread
fuck all of you

>> No.1057813

This was a thread full of engaged, friendly, and fairly intelligent discussion.
The haters are right, it certainly doesn't belong in /lit/'s sight...

>> No.1058013

OP you seem like the nicest guy ever! ;_; hope to see you around again, i got to this thread so late... best of luck with your poem/song!

>> No.1058037


That's the beauty of this thread: there is no late. It just keeps going and going.

>> No.1058046

I KNOW! Isn't it great? But sadly some people are getting upset.. SIGH, I wish all the threads were nice as this one. But this IS 4chan after all, lol

>> No.1059463

This is so close to being two weeks old...

>> No.1059572


It's pretty long, huh?

So I've started work on something else now in the interim and it's shaping up pretty well so far. It's going to be fairly massive though so I don't think posting it here will happen for ages and ages if at all. I'm in talks with a publisher about it right now and it's all very positive.

Regardless, I know I've done it like a billion times but thanks very much again, /lit/. If I can, I'll somehow throw a 'special thanks' into the music scores for this piece.

>> No.1060301


Is this archive-worthy as the longest running thread on /lit/?

>> No.1060787


Well, it's at least as archive-worthy as most of the other stuff in the /lit/ archive. It's proof that /lit/ can be constructive.

>> No.1061846

bumping an old thread

>> No.1061864

This is the longest thread I've seen on 4chan. Never mind lit.

>> No.1061939


I feel kind of honoured but I sort of feel bad for the people who just want this to go away.

If there are any more criticisms or tea related advice things then it'd be awesome to hear them.

Incidentally, rosemary tea turned out much more awesome than I could've expected for just an experiment. I'll try adding a bit of mint next time.

>> No.1062745

Aaaaaaaand it's now two weeks old. Good work all 'round, folks.

>> No.1062793
File: 504 KB, 459x698, nuncrossing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now, a nun crossing sign.

>> No.1062983

I'm being serious, you guys better quit bumping this fucking thread or else I'm leaving /lit/ forever!

>> No.1062990

So we'll go from seven posters to six?

I think this thread is worth the loss.

Also: Been mad digging on some China Keemun recently - very, very good tea, interesting taste - it's a lot more subtle / complex than Indian teas I've had in the past. It's not sweet (a la Darjeeling) but it's not malty / dark in the same way that an Assam is - there's a certain spice to it, a certain flavor, kind of smoky, I guess. Definitely recommend checking it out.

>> No.1063115
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>> No.1063510

this >>1063115

>> No.1063549

I'm a complete newcomer to proper tea (teabags/cheap loose leaf black tea for ages). Can you tell me some new kinds to get for my teapot and what to expect? I've been recommended Orange Pekoe. Is it any good?

>> No.1063775

Bump just because we might as well.

>> No.1063798


I have some loose leaf Orange Pekoe at home and I really like it a lot. A friend of mine has it in teabags and takes it with a lot of milk and a tiny bit of sugar... it's pretty awesome. I can recommend it, certainly.

>> No.1063857

didnt read this thread but its hella old so heres a bump

>> No.1063922

Thanks! Why do you keep saging your own thread? It's not like other people are going to stop bumping it.

>> No.1064511

I like this thread because it's old. I never read it, I don't even know what it's about, but I like seeing something familiar on here each day. It makes /lit/ more cozy. Here's a bump, let's see if we can get to a month.

>> No.1064515


>Orange Pekoe

baby's first tea

>> No.1064529

Bumping... just cuz.

>> No.1065925

gotta bump

>> No.1065944

I fucking hate this thread. I never even read the post, but I hate it simply because I dislike seeing a tea cup every time I go on /lit/.
That being said, I will keep bumping this thread so it gets to the maximum amount of posts and auto-sages.

>> No.1065967

This thread just reminds me that I've done nothing with my life since it was posted... and how quickly that time went

>> No.1065972

Yeah, this is tea snob master race territory. Casualfags can get out.

Just get a small quantity of whatever seems good to you, prepare it properly, with the right amount, steep time and temperature, and give it a shot. Try a different kind next week or when you run out until you find something you really like. It's ok to start with the basics. If there's a tea specialty store near you (where do you live?) they may let you sample it in the store, doing away with one of the steps. Still, there's so much out there the only way to get started is to try anything that catches your interest.

>> No.1066417

Tea snob here.

Orange Pekoe is great and fuck everyone who says otherwise.

>> No.1066430

orange pekoe isn't even a fucking kind of tea, if you're a tea snob you're really bad at it. orange pekoe is a grade of tea (so a tea will be classified as, for example Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe) and it is in fact the lowest common grade for loose whole leaf tea. that doesn't mean it's bad, it just means that it's not the BEST STUFF IN THE WORLD. If you want to talk about varieties of tea, that is almost always done in terms of the region of origin - most notably Assam and Darjeeling - or of a certain style of preparation, for example Pu-erh or Lapsang Souchong.

advice for those new to tea: try different kinds of everything and see what you like. that's really all you can do. if there's no tea specialty store near you, check out uptontea.com it's fucking incredible. and they have real good samplers.

>> No.1066669

I wish OP was a lady.

>> No.1066672
File: 28 KB, 395x450, jogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking faggots everyone of you itt

>> No.1067116


You really need to die.

Bumping this out of spite.

>> No.1067121

OP are you Bob Dylan

>> No.1067146

No, he's holding a cup full of hair.

>> No.1067154

I enjoyed the poem upon reading it as metaphoric. The imagery seemed to portend of a doomsday. It reminded me of Eliot, though naturally far removed from that sort of greatness. It was at the least, a nice little poem.
I'm not going to do an elaborate criticism
However after reading your intentions and your meaning and purpose I was much less taken with it and have to say taken in the way you intend it tobe, I think it's rubbish.

>> No.1067168

Absolutely no shit: my sister's friend's roommate is fucking that guy. The one from Inception and 500 Days of Summer. How's that for five degrees of separation?

>> No.1067299

Stagolee thinks we value her opinion, and manly face? what a whore.
This is a great thread.

>> No.1067401

I am so, incredibly tired of seeing this fucking teacup. Stop it now. Please

>> No.1067416

This thread wouldn't be as annoying if this asshole knew how to write English properly and didn't use the enter key as a space-bar. This is hardly lit-related and I too am really sick of this teacup. Let it die. It's a shitty poem, stop sucking this guy's dick because you think he embodies everything wonderful about high-culture and tea drinking.

>> No.1067420


>However after reading your intentions and your meaning and purpose I was much less taken with it and have to say taken in the way you intend it tobe, I think it's rubbish.

Could I ask you to explain why? I'd really like to improve.


For you, Anon, I could be.

>> No.1067421


I'm really sorry, forgot to sage the thread when I posted.

Good thing I posted at practically the same time as you at any rate.

Would you like me to delete the thread?

>> No.1067426

>Would you like me to delete the thread?

Not necessary. Just stop bumping it.

>> No.1067427

Don't really care, bro. It's a personal thread and doesn't really belong on /lit/ so just don't bump it and y'all can engage in your circle-jerk without involving the rest of the board.

>> No.1067433


I suppose it is personal, yeah... it's been incredibly helpful, though.

I feel rather selfish now. How would I go about doing something similar to this next time? Or should I just not do it on /lit/?

>> No.1067438


>/lit/ - Literature

1. All literature discussion is welcome.
2. Do not upload images with embedded RAR files.
3. This is not a fan-fic board!
4. There is to be no discussion of Ayn Rand.

Fuck you, buddy.

>> No.1067487
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>> No.1067496
File: 21 KB, 474x328, artist_eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, just ignore the inevitable idiot. there's an anon who seems to do that will every thread

>> No.1068141

boop boop a doo ba ahhhhh

>> No.1068288


>> No.1068338


>> No.1068352
File: 16 KB, 316x360, jogo nylon5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stagolee thinks we value her opinion, and manly face?
>thinks we value her opinion

>> No.1068362

i hate jerks and i wish this thread will die

tyranny of the minority here folks

>> No.1068374

Are you just coincedentally here whenever I get here, or are you here all the time?

>> No.1068386
File: 6 KB, 187x192, jogo letterman0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1068390

Bumping because I loathe Stagolee and if this thread pisses him off, more power to it.

>> No.1068392

Me neither.... maybe, maybe you are me?

>> No.1068403
File: 273 KB, 366x512, jogo9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing on 4chan could piss me off

>> No.1068477


I'm really very sorry it's gotten so out of hand...

Could everyone just sage in this thread? I'd like to hear what the Anon who hated the poem had to say before it 404s, ideally.

>> No.1068724


Sorry, Jerks, this thread is too big to fail.

>> No.1068730

Bumping to annoy myself with teacup

>> No.1068750


nice almost-simultaneous bumpage!

>> No.1069446

This is my favorite thread in the history of 4chan.

>> No.1069452


>> No.1069571



>> No.1069572


>> No.1070007


>> No.1070544


>> No.1071133


Nice one-post sagebomb, champ.

Oh, and bump.

>> No.1072263

Thanks for your request.
It has been added to our database and the thread will be archived as soon as enough request for that thread have been made.
This thread has been requested 1 times now.

>> No.1072311

JERKS, it is the guy getting the hanged man tattoo.
and I thumb up the brief snippet of the poem that you posted.

And request that you post the finished version.
We can trade off poems in the future.

I have no idea how to trip, so I'll just reference myself as the hanged man. la la.

>> No.1072372


>> No.1072689


>> No.1073084


>> No.1074399

Don't mind me folks. Just a little janitor work.

>> No.1074730

Does this mean the thread is finally going away? Good to see mods at work if this is the case, I suppose.

Did you get the tat in the end? Glad I could be of some help.

Just posting here because YAY a preview of my choir's CD has just been finished, and we were talking about choral music ealier.

Have a listen if you'd like!


>> No.1074732

I think we can get this into September, guys.

>> No.1074751


>> No.1074753

Bump for death

>> No.1074756

Dostoevsky is overrated

>> No.1074759

jerks is a giant faggot

>> No.1075001
File: 133 KB, 666x319, ShootThemAll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My day is not complete until I have bumped this thread.

>> No.1075012

Posting in this shitty thread just to say I did.

Because I really am going to tell everyone.

>> No.1076033


thanks for the link, I might actually order the CD, it sounds really nice so far.