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/lit/ - Literature

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10170538 No.10170538[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Start course on philosophy
>huh duh the greeks
>huh duh the mind is of a diferent characteristics that is not material
>more unprovable BS
>0 evidence being shown
>inb4 science has limits or some excuse as to muh epistomology/philosophy of science proves science is wrong
>le utilitarianism/positivims maymay
philosophy is for brainlets who can't do STEM.

>> No.10170545

>thinks philosophy is bad
>hasn't read literary criticism

>> No.10170571

I think you're too stupid for philosophy. Maybe smart enough to take down observations in a laboratory, though. I suggest never reading a book again.

>> No.10170597

dumb frogposter triggering /lit/ whith his chad /sci/ mee mees

>> No.10170599

philosophy is riddled with unfalsified BS like methaphysics, is just mental masturbation that is glorified because brainlets think 2k years of circlejerk is amazing.


>> No.10170601

Again, I think you're too stupid for philosophy, that or a troll.

>> No.10170608

philosophy is a pseudoscience for pseuds.

>> No.10170631

How can it be a pseudoscience? It doesn't claim to be inherently scientific. In fact more recent schools have explicitly distanced themselves from science.

>> No.10170639

>when you think everything has to have a logical explaination
Whats the universe,again?

>> No.10170654

then is not diferent from a made up system of beliefs like religion or fantasy.

at least math tries everything to function acording to logic.

without evidence is not diferent from made up BS like scientology.

>> No.10170665
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what is logic?

>> No.10170681

Lol science is actually a pseudo-philosophy

>> No.10170692

>hates philosophy
>believes empiricism

Check em