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File: 41 KB, 505x800, WeaverDefense_9780865972834_800h_72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10170455 No.10170455 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for classical conservatives (not classical liberals, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traditionalist_conservatism)) and traditionalist socialists (who reject the alliance between socialism and liberal pet causes).

Anyone else read Richard Weaver? From Ideas Have Consequences: "Man is constantly being assured today that he has more power than ever before in history, but his daily experience is one of powerlessness."

I made a board (in progress) if you're interested


>> No.10170645
File: 29 KB, 320x240, Tradition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Not seldom has it seemed," Russell Kirk declared, "as if some eminent Neoconservatives mistook Tel Aviv for the capital of the United States." A few years later, in another Heritage Foundation speech, Kirk repeated that line verbatim. In the wake of the Gulf War, which he had opposed, he clearly understood that those words carried even greater meaning.[22]

>Midge Decter, director of the Committee for the Free World, called Kirk's remark "a bloody outrage, a piece of anti-Semitism by Kirk that impugns the loyalty of neoconservatives."[23] She told The New Republic, "It's this notion of a Christian civilization. You have to be part of it or you're not really fit to conserve anything. That's an old line and it's very ignorant."[24]

>> No.10171028

Ban lending money at interest.

>> No.10171089


Can't be done without religious support and Orthodox are the only Christians who still consider that a sin

>> No.10171192

Execute people who loan money with interest.

>> No.10171200

Economic illiterate.

>> No.10171208

Without any knowledge or context, that seems like taking a great deal of offense over a remark that is more easily interpreted as having nothing to do with Jewishness and everything to do with foreign policy

>> No.10171268

Seems that way.

>> No.10171722

Jews are a foreign population.

>> No.10171778

Hell yes

>> No.10171785

Nuke Israel

>> No.10171792

Who are traditionally, especially in other countries, extremely conservative and politically active. Hasidic Jews mostly, but I'm jewish too and everyone I knew who was jewish at the very least has somewhat asian-level commitment to hard work, getting paid, and providing back to the community once you do.
The thing I've noticed listening to these people and other conservatives is strong adherence to discipline. There's ample belief that if you pay into the community, you'll get paid back, and they often have a good network of friends to back that up.
When I see liberals or young people these days, they either talk about sex, self-interest, social aggrandizement but not actual work like social justicing and social media, and often want to work in careers that are 'meaningful' i.e something that coddles people. Very feminine and strange to me, they don't seem to have any desire to connect with others outside their jobs and lose themselves in isolation activities.
It's a sign of the times and the expansion of technology, but I think it's only a matter of time before you have a resurgence of people doing more conservative activities because now they actually have a community to protect and possibly children.
They'll still stick a Bernie sticker on their bumper and talk about socializatism, I'm sure.

>> No.10171863

I was talking about in the Western world and in this case the US. Jews look out for Jewish interests. Some of those interests are liberal, some are conservative. To achieve their interests they have to harm Western society in many cases.

>> No.10171890

>tfw jews were literally forced into the merchant role by stupid euro kings who thought they could let them get away with ursury
>tfw the result
they never asked for this tbqh

>> No.10172863

Illiterate maggot. Neck yourself.

>> No.10172914

>I'm jewish too and everyone I knew who was jewish at the very least has somewhat asian-level commitment to hard work, getting paid, and providing back to the community once you do.
Which community are you talking about? You prey on Gentiles.

>> No.10173693

Very convincing and compelling argument. Jews are their own group, thy cannot be Western.