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/lit/ - Literature

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10168353 No.10168353 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, recommend good homosex book.

>> No.10168354

Bro is that an Asian boy?

can you fuck off to /LGBT/?

>> No.10168355

Confessions of a mask
Our lady of the flowers

>> No.10168367


>> No.10168378

The Bible
Mrs. Dalloway

>> No.10168394
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faggots https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faggots_(novel)

Sexual Ecology https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_Ecology

Sexual Ecology is the only book written by a gay man banned in gay book stores


>> No.10168408


>> No.10168414


I'm an old Queen, but maybe kids are reading other things these days



>> No.10168419



Haha, good joke a-anon.

>> No.10168435

whaddaya think of marshall mcluhan

>> No.10168499

Divine Comedy
Moby Dick

>> No.10168535

>The Bible

>> No.10168544


>> No.10168563
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This thread isn't for you, kiddo
How about something before HIV/AIDS? Something comfy.

>> No.10168569

A Single Man
The City and the Pillar
Giovanni's Room>>10168353

>> No.10168798
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Call Me By Your Name and At Swim, Two Boys are supposedly good, but I haven't read them.

>Sexual Ecology was criticized by others within the gay community for arguing that multiple partners played a significant role in the etiology and longevity of the gay AIDS epidemic and that, along with condoms, partner reduction was key to containing the epidemic.
Oh, those retards. Reminds me of many conversations I've had with other fags.

>Guy spends several weeks bragging about how he's sucking a minimum of two dicks a day, no bag
>Comes crying one night about how he's scared he's going to get pozzed
>I suggest that if he's going to gorge himself on dick that he should bag it
>But that defeats the purpose anon!
>Suggest that maybe he should cut back on the dicksucking if he's really that concerned
>Other fags in chat immediately start screaming at me for being a slut shamer and that it's his body and that I should respect his decision
Interacting with certain parts of the gay community makes my teeth hurt.

>> No.10168884

>>10168569 + >>10168355 +
>>10168378 - The Bible = /thread

>> No.10168886


>Other fags in chat immediately start screaming at me for being a slut shamer and that it's his body and that I should respect his decision

They sound like women desu.

>> No.10168889

Women are pretty gay, to be desu.

>> No.10168898
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>> No.10169377
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Just made this. Little large though.

>> No.10169449

why do gay men use pretty girls as their avatars instead of the handsome men that they're (presumably) attracted to

>> No.10169450
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Sometimes I swear, I hate other gays just on the level of creepiness that they employ.

>on bus with headphones in/sun glasses on
>guy I know comes on, stereotypical narcissistic queen
>sits 4 seats behind me
>I get up at my stop and head towards the door
>he gets up behind me
>takes a long sniff
>sits back down where I was sitting and proceeds to sniff where I was

I've also been followed on public transport by two pozzed guys who wanted me to have an orgy with them, even though I repeatedly told them to fuck off.

>> No.10169612

Where does this meme of subtitled shots from black-and-white movies with dike-looking/60s pageboy haircutted girls saying vaguely edgy, poetic or existentialist stuff come from?

>> No.10169677

when people realise the trash that art-house is

>> No.10169916

I want to talk about Jean Genet.

>> No.10169926

Waaa everything I don't like is "degenerate" Kill yourself /pol/ manbaby scum.

>> No.10170215


You're missing Hart Crane

>> No.10170297

City & the Pillar
Even Mann loved it

>> No.10171715

I just don't get it. It's like driving fast in a car with no seatbelt and bellyaching about how you don't want to die in a car crash.
>You could put your seatbelt on.
>No, it's not fun that way.
>Then you could stop doing double the speed limit.
>No bully pls
If you're concerned about the consequences of an action, isn't the reasonable thing to take measures to reduce or remove the possibilities of those consequences taking place?

Because they like those people/characters or that series. You don't have to want to fuck something to use it as an avatar. I know a few guys who love CGDCT shows and use characters from those as avatars, even though those shows aren't targeted towards homos.

>> No.10171766
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>> No.10171787


>> No.10171800

infinite jest

>> No.10171834

Okay, funeral parades of roses I get but why

>> No.10171844 [DELETED] 

Yeah, it's been on my backlog for a while now. I'll probably get to it during my next film blitz.

>> No.10171849

Different poster, unrelated to OP.

>> No.10172022

>two pozzed guys
How do you know?

>> No.10172138

They had those biohazard tattoos poz guys have

>> No.10172162
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The hero has class, but he can make like Ezio Auditore over the rooftops of Venice if he wanted to. Easily.

>> No.10172172


Favorite book. It's the sort to own in no less than hardcover.

>> No.10172182
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>> No.10172198

Almost everything by Sarah Waters. Most of it's fluff but fun. Tipping the Velvet is the gayest and most fun, and Fingersmith is the best-plotted. It's like a Dickens novel with lesbians. Skip The Night Watch though, it was pretty bad.

I have At Swim, Two Boys sitting on my shelf waiting to be read; thanks for reminding me. I keep procrastinating because of the doorstopper length but I've heard it's good too.

>> No.10172204

Are you rusing me or is this actually worthwhile? She's a fucking hack but Armad was for sure the most enjoyable part of Interview With the Vampire.

>> No.10172210
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The Price of Salt is deservedly classic, written under a pen name by the author of Strangers on a Train since she didn't want to attract too much attention and get outed as a lesbian herself.

It's also been published under the title Carol since the movie adaptation (which is quite good).

>> No.10172213

It's good. Put Torch Song Trilogy in there too.

>> No.10172225
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screw you guys i'm going home

>> No.10172270
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>Recommend good sodomite book
>good sodomy

>> No.10172272


Luckily my interest in books has expanded a bit since the days when I read that. I think you can enjoy it of you acknowledge her to be history-savvy, at the least. She describes, in a way I haven't seen since, the wonder of a bourgeoning Rennaissance city through the eyes of a newly-freed slave receiving a Classical education.

Religious themes are abundant. If you can stomach the movie Amadeus you'll be fine. Be assured his heart's quite black by the end, but then, you know that if you read Interview.

>> No.10172278


Former-slave* I should say. I contradicted myself there. It's about as homo-erotic as her books get and that's not a slight statement.

>> No.10172649
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>> No.10172874

I was prepared to be disappointed but you have Narrow Rooms on there, so well done
Could use some James McCourt but it's a solid list

>> No.10172971
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