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/lit/ - Literature

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1016751 No.1016751 [Reply] [Original]

just finished a book last night and it fills you with that awesome "I finally finished it!" feeling. please enlighten us on a memorable moment of such a feeling you've experienced.

pic unrelated.

>> No.1017114
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yeah, it's a good feeling, coming up that home stretch... but i've still got at least another 70,000 words to go, and then i have to revise it, make sure it's sequential, then get some objective people to check it, and THEN i have to think about submitting the fucking thing to a publisher. god damn. Edward Gorey was right.

>> No.1017200

i can't be sure but i think OP meant to finish reading a book. that cool that you're getting there tho, good luck to ya.

>> No.1017207

gravity's rainbow
i miss it though :(

>> No.1017217

The Fountainhead by she who must not be named. I was so glad to be done with that garbage. I read all the way through it just so I could say I gave her a chance to impress me. It was okay for the first 100 pages, then my hate began to grow.

>> No.1017218
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Yeah, I've experienced that.

End of Speaker for the dead: Just sat down with a feeling of total fufillment for about an hour. It was bliss.

Co-incidently, when I was young I would always imagine the star wars ending theme playing right after I finished the book. Your pic reminded me of that

>> No.1017220

Usually, when I'm around 40 pages close to finishing a good, long book (Gravity's Rainbow, Infinite Jest, The Recognitions), I put it away and start reading something else.

Because I don't want it to fucking finish!

It's sad, yo.

>> No.1017229

i agree completely
it's such a cliche but it really is about losing a good friend
maybe i only say that because all my real friends are faggots

>> No.1017251

holy shit. minimum for a novel is only 40,000 dude. just what the hell are you writing?
that is, you don't mind me asking...

>> No.1017263

50k actually.

>> No.1017277

source? who makes that standard?

>> No.1017307

As a proper rule, no one per se. However, I have seen 50k as a standard for many publishers and contests (even NaNoWriMo). There is a Wiki page on it, if you want to get more information.


>> No.1017860
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I started reading Jules Verne's "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" nearly a year ago. It's a facinating book, but a slow read. Verne bogs down the story with a lot of scientific detail of the species of sea life the characters (mainly the naturalist protagonist) encounter. I know that's part of what this story is supposed to be about, the things Nemo shows to his "guests." However, when these descriptive sections go on for multiple paragraphs, and even sometimes comprise entire pages, it makes it hard to get through. That's why it's taken me so long to finish it. I'd get bored and return it to my shelf for a different book for awhile. Sometimes I wouldn't pick it back up for weeks, but I digress....

Ranting aside, I finally finished the book about a week ago. A great story.
As I drew near the end of the epic adventure, I was filled with an vivacious feeling and a sense of fulfillment upon reading the last words of Captain Nemo,
"Almighty God! Enough! Enough!"
Then I finished it. Upon returning the book to my shelf, I let out a great sigh of relief. I felt just the slightest bit of closure that the characters must have felt at the end of there journey, upon escaping the maelstrom.
That's the most fulfilling feeling I've gotten from reading a book so far.

>> No.1017865

I tend to get depressed after finishing a book, especially if I really liked it. I always want more.

>> No.1017908

After I finished The Brothers Karamazov, I just stared at my ceiling for an hour.

In a good way.

>> No.1017927

Before I read that last part, I thought you had lost your mind. lol And here I was worrying for a second since I just started reading it.

>> No.1017936

So did I. I felt good with the ending and sat there staring at the wall with a smile on my face.

>> No.1019697

BEPPU (n) The triumphant slamming shut of a book after reading the final page.


>> No.1019704

But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.