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/lit/ - Literature

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10166459 No.10166459[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, It's one of those meta-threads. I know everyone here is fucking tired of these /pol/tards. It's funny to find a retard in this board sometimes but this is fucking exhausting. My solution is flooding /pol/ with lefty stuff till they stop doing this shit. Let's make /lit/ "great" again.

>> No.10166467

Fine, mod here, I will be banning anyone who uses the word "desu" or mentions his diary as a book recommendation.

>> No.10166498

nice try commie

>> No.10166505

Not even a commie

>> No.10166580

>spamming a board full of losers with no life is an effective strategy to stop them shitting up other boards
Are you the same type of person who shares outrage memes when a brand does provocative shit?

Just ignore /pol/ posters and threads.

>> No.10166584

Spamming /pol/ will only makes things worse. I'd begin by moving all Peterson threads to /his/ if I were a mod.

>> No.10166602

/lit/ is an ANIME board, desu

>> No.10166627

Inb4 banned

>> No.10166633


>> No.10166645

>not realizing that the OP is a frogposting /pol/ homo who's trying to rile up the /pol/ contingent by making them feel persecuted

Just sage and report all bait threads

>> No.10166646

Just report, I've been reporting like 5-10 threads a day and they all get removed within 10-20min

>> No.10166658

As long he focuses their attention on this thread, he's still doing a good deed. His intention don't matter.

>> No.10166678

Well, I calmed down. Reporting, sageing and stuff are good ideas.

>> No.10166685

This thread is filled with irony.

>> No.10166686
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>it's a 'Im tired of people contradicting my opinions episode"
How about we ban left wing opinions instead

>> No.10166687

Long needed.

I don't mind Peterson here, but, ultimately, you're correct.

You're not even close to right.

How do I 'sage' a post?

>> No.10166698
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It's all leftists who have dehumanized their opposition can do.
>Waaaah you're disagreeing with me

>> No.10166700
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>> No.10166705

baka senpai desu

>> No.10166726
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/Pol/ is a problem, but it's that their language is so easily transposed onto other subjects. The constant 'chuck' name calling, the 'Jewish problem' culture of critique bullshit, 'bell curve' iq nonsense, and the vitriolic hate towards women or POC writers. It's really disappointing and intellectually lazy for a literature board, but it keeps happening.

>> No.10166732

I don't give a shit about right-wingers if they develop their arguments. I'm tired of the edgy: I won't give an argument because jewz. I'm still able to tolerate these retards who can't properly understand/read statistics, I might be happy of having a bunch of them to disconnect and just laugh, if they are a small amount they add spice to the group and I like that. But they are way too numerous and the fun is being replaced by anger when I have to go through 21 8th grade level copypasta pseudo-trolling comments to reach someone who is actually talking about what the thread is about. I insist, I don't give a shit about people trying to defend goebbles or being retarded on this board but this is fucking excessive.

>> No.10166733

What do you know of iq?

>> No.10166769

You don't get it faggot, it's not about right-wingers, It's about the endless shitposting of the same argument again and again without even explaining it. In /pol/ they even have the decency of putting a link referring to what they are claiming. I'm tired of the lol 420 get rekt I'm pickle Rick I'm crying because someone says that I'm retarded because I typed fuck jews on the Internet without expanding my argument.

>> No.10166794

What's the correlation between extreme right posters and being a fucking retard without self-awareness and an apathy for objective thought? I don't understand how they're all like this or why they think they're intelligent people or good posters

>> No.10166818

What's the correlation between extreme liberal posters and being a fucking retard without self-awareness and an apathy for objective thought? I don't understand how they're all like this or why they think they're intelligent people or good posters

>> No.10166826

>retarded ideology
>retarded people

>> No.10166845

>extreme liberal posters
I don't think those exist in 4chan and if you see one, you're getting rused.

>> No.10166861
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>objective thought

>> No.10166863

>A literature board
>Can't fight with their words
Conquering France was harder than this

>> No.10166868

>he sees discussion as fights
oh silly brainlet nigger

>> No.10166880

with 0 or 1 exceptions everyone i've ever seen whining about /pol/ gives a vibe like they were dropped on the head as kids

case in point this dweeb:

>and the vitriolic hate towards women or POC writers.

wahhhh muh POC muh women wahhhhh

this is a SHITPOSTING BOARD where people don't talk in fucking ORWELLIAN POLITICALLY CORRECT NEWSPEAK you sheltered mongoloid

>> No.10166888

So, is this a ruse?

>> No.10166895

I would like /pol/ to gtfo as well, but this would create a vacuum that would be filled by /leftypol/ and /leftypol/ is even more annoying than /pol/ and instead of 3 retarded threads a week about (((the Jews))) we would have 30 retarded threads a day about (((capitalism))).
In other words, this board is gonna be shit anyway no matter what you do.

>> No.10166903

No, but I'm sure you're pretty triggered at it and ready to discount it as extreme leftism because it disagrees with you and hurts your fee-fees. That comment is practically devoid of political view and if you think it isn't, you think being right leaning is inherently tied with being a white supremacist, and that's pretty delusional tbqh.

>> No.10166904

I guess now I know why it's so easy.

>> No.10166910

pol and lefty views are equally muddied prisms of bias to view the political landscape through. Lit should be a place for men of the mountains - above the political chatter of the lowlands. The only way to push /pol/ out is by engaging and destroying their oversimplified analytical insights into society. It isn't hard.

>> No.10166913
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>All of neurobiology, genetics, and anthropology is white supremacy
>This is an apolitical statement
>If you think otherwise then you think rightism is inherently tied with white supremacists
So many memes. Such little thought

>> No.10166914

>Biological determinism is a white supremacist dogwhistle
>devoid of political view
This is what messes me up--If you thinkk biological determinism is a dogwhistle, isn't that only possible if you think white people actually are better? Like, if you thought biological determinism favored another race, why would it be considered white supremacist? Why are lefties so racist? I bet you don't even think abortion is black genocide.

>> No.10166935

I commend you for the massive mental gymnastics and leaps of logic. Pretty amusing

>>All of neurobiology, genetics, and anthropology is white supremacy
no, but talking about that topic titillates white supremacists, which is what what anon stated
>>This is an apolitical statement
I didn't said it was apolitical, I stated how it was practically devoid of intentional political commentary by the poster.
>>If you think otherwise then you think rightism is inherently tied with white supremacists
Again, nope.

I like your signature cognitive dissonance and reconfiguration of explicit arguments to immediately make your side look better. Pretty characteristic of cucks. Thanks for validating my point

>> No.10166942

Races or peoples who consistently rank low on IQ tests (e.g.: blacks, natives, etc.) are from societies with different (i.e.: non-Western) ideals/social networks/whatever. Not to mention these people were also subjugated and fragmented by colonialism. Therefore, I don't think you can really say, "blacks are inherently less intelligent than whites", because we are testing people still socially fucked up.

And we can't compare them to other groups who have gone through war or upheaval, for examples Jews, because they literally had their entire social and familial systems disrupted. Jews, various Asians and Europeans, etc. who underwent strife still had an intact social network, cultures, etc. to rely on. This isn't the case with blacks and natives.

I don't think these points are "SJW-tier reasoning", I think they are valid and people want to ignore them because it doesn't conform with the, "pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps" simplicity.

Combined with the layman's weak grasp of evolutionary, taxonomic, and nomenclatural principles, I can't take these sort of race discussions seriously. People can pretend they are talking purely from an objectively biological perspective, but it is rife with politics and insinuations. Exact same as the SJW's refusing to acknowledge differences (unless they benefit a minority group).

>> No.10166950

If you see discussions as fight then you've never had a civilized discussion. If your priority is to avoid losing, you can just remove yourself from being called out on your retardation with "top kek keep crying bitch nigger LMAO IM PICKLE RICK MAGA". And be impervious to criticism. 14 year old nigger behavior desu

>> No.10166957

Hey everybody, it's that person with an opinion they'd like to share. I love when they shitpost in these well thought out attacks that are just filled with logical reasoning as bait. The sheer determination and brilliance of them in general astounds me. I'm usually halfway into some impassioned, triggered response defending what I know to be the correct view of the world, when I've had to stop and reread through their post again to see if I've been duped. They are beasts, these a/pol/ogists, and I hope they never go away so that I shant be forced to suffer boring monologues and sermons of those boring Rick and Morty dirges.

They keep keeping /lit/tles in the /pol/ygon with wit and the virtue of their tenacity; such memetic response becoming inevitable, friend.