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/lit/ - Literature

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10165980 No.10165980 [Reply] [Original]

>one of the greatest minds of his generation
>wastes it on chasing after murderers

>> No.10166013

He kept his country safe and helped people in need regardless of their station in life. What have you done with the mind you were given, anon?

>> No.10166026

Holmes is literally /ourguy/

>> No.10166042

>has one friend
>charming and good with people
>generally admired by the community
Nah, not really.

>> No.10166053

That's a weird looking pipe

>> No.10166184

i fucking hate Sherlock Holmes, it's like a dumb person's interpretation of what a smart man would be like
Watson literally only exists to go "WOAH MAN HOW DID YOU DO THAT IT'S AMAZING" and it's transparent as fuck

>> No.10166194

>a pseudointellectual brainlet sperges over entertaining pop-lit
Every time.

>> No.10166198

i wouldn't be sperging out if Holmes wasn't considered this symbol of intelligence in pop culture
also, what's wrong with sharing an opinion?

>> No.10166206

>autistic as fuck
>volcel and ascetic, somewhat of a NEET
>on the side of law-enforcement(aka fascism according to a plurality of enfranchised westerners)

This one applies very much for me but not the typical 4channer I guess
>completely stuffy to anything that exceeds my interest

>> No.10166217

>exceeds my interest

>> No.10166220

He had Aspergers and video games/anime weren't invented yet.

>> No.10166226

exceed - be outside of a limit

What other verb would you replace "be outside of" with

>inb4 just say the phrase and waste syllables like a dumbass

>> No.10166238

>implying savants are not intelligent

>> No.10166245

>popculture in 1900 had as an icon a based as fuck primordial sperg on the good side of the law
>popculture in 2017 is porgs, minions and pickle rick


>> No.10166253

>Watson literally only exists to go "WOAH MAN HOW DID YOU DO THAT IT'S AMAZING" and it's transparent as fuck

t. only watched the Benzedrine Cummerbund show

>> No.10166261

>philistine not cultured enough to understand the artistic genius of cute ichtiohamsters, not educated enough to appreciate Minion's Faustian allusions and not intelligent enough to grasp the subtle nihilistic humor of R&M
Sucks to be you, brainlet.

>> No.10166262

You know that show's a terrible representation of the books.

>> No.10166341

not him, but Watson isn't really all that better in the books

>> No.10166360

nice cherrypicking

>> No.10166375
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how can you be on a literature board and use this normie-thought-control """"""verb""""""?

>> No.10166384

Not him, but where is the lie? Name one figure in today's mainstream culture whose main message isn't "consume shit lol" or isnt just myopic nonsense?

>> No.10166389

But really though I second >>10166384
, name me 1 popshit that can supply me the delight of reading a book

>> No.10166417

Harry Potter
Captain America
Rick Sanchez

>> No.10166422


>> No.10166436

Homes is though. He actually explains shit instead of "OH I'M SO MUCH SMARTER THAN YOU AND I JUST KNOW THINGS."

>> No.10166437

>autistic as fuck
He may have been autistic but he interacted with most of his clients, especially women, in a way that instantly put them at ease and made them like and trust him. Stop watching the BBC meme shitshow.
He is though, he doesn't get much action but you have to appreciate him as the devoted, level-headed Everyman type friend. Holmes states multiple times that he'd be nothing without Watson, and the scenes where they just sit together talking shit are absolutely delightful to read. The books would fucking suck without him.

>> No.10166451

>Stop watching the BBC meme shitshow.

I read the mormon massacre book at first, he's still decidedly an introvert

>> No.10166452
File: 29 KB, 500x500, 11909373_1658324164407546_1892230121_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>medical school class of 200 people
>lecturer has prepared an entire presentation on Sherlock Holmes, explaining how deductive reasoning is an invaluable tool in medicine
>asks who in the class has read the books
>tfw only me and one girl put their hands up

>> No.10166457

Sherlock Holmes more like


>> No.10166458

He is an introvert but he's clearly taught himself better social skills than probably 90% of the people on 4chan, sadly.

>> No.10166466

>he reads 100 year old pop-lit while his classmates already finished the Greeks and ICD-10
Way to be a brainlet.

>> No.10166475

Medical students are the biggest Chads on the planet. They read books purely for enjoyment and are mostly unashamed Harry Potter and Hunger Games fans. I admire those people in a strange way.

>> No.10166480
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>not reading both aged popfiction and the greeks concurrently

>> No.10166490

>deliberately mixing it
"Yes, I remember this one - it's where Holmes found out who raped all those young boys in some kind of cave"
t. you in 5 years

>> No.10166502

btw can anyone tell me if any other Holmes stories are worth reading? I finished the Hound of the Baskervilles today and I'm pretty disappointed; the atmosphere was cool but the solution to the mystery wasn't interesting at all; if this is a classic of detective fiction then I don't know what to say about the rest of the genre

>> No.10166510

I already read a fanfiction like that though.

>> No.10166514
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>implying I won't just forget it before then

>> No.10166515

Nigga just pick up a book of short stories, it'll be easier for you to find one you like.
Also honestly what did you expect it to be? A robot dog that shoots lasers?

>> No.10166525


>> No.10166534

Jokes aside, people who think Holmes is a homo are subhuman and unironically deserve to be gassed.

>> No.10166573

>Also honestly what did you expect it to be? A robot dog that shoots lasers?
I don't know, honestly. Maybe a man in a dog costume?
I don't really have a problem with the hound itself as much as the fact that the murderer was established halfway through the book and there never was a twist in which it turned out to be someone else. There were also a dozen useless red herring suspects who didn't really work as red herrings.
I read a Christie novel once, I liked it much more, at least from the mystery point of view.

>> No.10166595

I disagree, I feel like the twist is way overused in post-holmes detective fiction and that's why I never read any of it anymore. The whole point of Holmes stories is that once you're done reading, you're supposed to slap yourself and go "Damn, how did I not figure it out?" The smart and attentive reader is supposed to be able to figure it out, too. The twist makes it literally impossible to for the reader to figure it out. If you want twists, just don't read Holmes because it almost never happens.

>> No.10166623

Holmes is a lot like posters on here, eternally struggling with wanting to be a normalfag but having too many weird social and degenerate behaviors. He waxes philosophical all the time, but then says "fuck it" and kicks back with some narcotics. He's polite and well-spoken towards ladies, then completely impolite and swinging his cane around like an autist right after. Watson is that normalfag presence a weirdo like Holmes needs to keep from going too far in one direction.

>> No.10166624

>The twist makes it literally impossible to for the reader to figure it out
Not necessarily. You can still have evidence for the true conclusion planted in plain sight, it's just that the detective won't follow it correctly. Of course, that precludes having an autistic genius as your main character.

Or it could just be that the real culprit is revealed at the end with no definite suspect before that moment. That works as well.

>> No.10166664
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>tfw no Watson to teach you to be less autistic and make you socially acceptable

>> No.10167127

he was a victorian, of course he had better manners than current sip bois

>> No.10167349

Are you serious? Doyle barely got the fair play aspect of mystery right, even Christie with all her twists surpasses him on that point.

>> No.10167369

A calabash, and Holmes never smoked one in the novels; it was only the television series that popularized that pipe, and, ironically enough, became associated with Holmes ever since.

>> No.10167380

He was a completely devout occultist and mystic. He even believed Houdini's magic was real, despite Houdini trying to explain to him over and over again that it wasn't. Strange that such a man spent his life writing about a detective that based everything off of logical deduction and never fell pray to superstition.

>> No.10167536

Holmes was a product of his youth which he came to hate when he grew older and became more interested in the occult, dinosaurs, and proving that fairies are real. It really shows in some of the later Holmes stories too. I remember one where the answer to the mystery was literally just "There is no answer, fuck you".

>> No.10167550

the magnifying glass extension is throwing me off--I know it's high fantasy, but really? Plus that's hardly irony bub.

>> No.10167585


That's not Holmes at all. The mystery is solved only when Holmes reveals at the end that he saw a unusual kind of mud on the murderer's shoes, and nothing is given prior that could lead to the reader participating in/deducing the mystery

>> No.10167741
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I pity you