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/lit/ - Literature

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10165905 No.10165905 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth it /lit/?

>> No.10165924

>buying new paperbacks
This is retarded on every level.

>> No.10165940

no. The books look like shit and are uncomfortable to read. It makes these bad ass classics look like YA on my shelf

>> No.10165941


Not OP, but some people don't like used copies.

>> No.10165957

Doesn't make it any more practically logical. Loan at a library, buy used paperbacks or pirate ebooks if it's just current reading material. Get a nice hardcover if it's for permanent home library. Paying retail price for toilet paper wrapped in plastic is just insanity. But everyone is their own boss of course.

>> No.10165975

t. brainlet without a job

>> No.10165986

I do have a job, that's why I don't through money away - because I know its value, my contrarian friend.

>> No.10166047

>including the Aeneid with Homer's works
when will this meme end?

>> No.10166072

t. brainlet with a minimum wage job

>> No.10166084

what's wrong with 'its' there?

>> No.10166092

you have to know that money, it is value.

>> No.10166105

? To my knowledge 'its' is the posessive and "it's" is the "it is"

>> No.10166124


>> No.10166135

No Fagles is pleb tier

>> No.10166169

They’re like 10 bucks each. Don’t pay 15$ for a cardboard box.

>> No.10166175

You have to be literate first to try contrarianism, friend.

>> No.10166265

I paid 24 EUR for the box on Amazon de

>> No.10166268

Bernard Knox is the only good thing about those editions. Fagles is an awful translation.

>> No.10166625

Show me some examples about how Lattimore is better than Fagles. For first time reading.

>> No.10166707

>not getting the Fitzgerald translations in nice hardcovers from Everyman

It's like you haven't researched the merits of the various translations

>> No.10167777

Fucking this.
I'm waiting for them to start throwing Dante in as well.

>> No.10167782

Be aware you're getting those awful deckled edge versions, where the page edges are uneven and torn up. You can buy the books individually in the normal, black Penguin Classics covers with normal page edges. Just go to Penguin's website and find them. It's a pain in the ass to look for them on Amazon.

>> No.10167901

godly quads of truth

>> No.10168474

>be brainlet who should bought FAGle
>buy fitz because it look pretty

footnotes are for faggots

>> No.10168487

I remember getting that box set used on amazon somehow for $17. Good buy.

>> No.10169024

I work but never waste money on new books. It's completely pointless.

>> No.10169025
File: 2.96 MB, 350x349, 1507774759002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. >>10166092 just proved hisself to not only be a brainlet but a brainlet so brainless that he didn't even know it