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File: 64 KB, 220x293, Julius_Evola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10163907 No.10163907 [Reply] [Original]

"IQ is a social construct and a false god. I hereby proclaim the measurement of our esoteric principles and way of life to be not the lie of intelligence, but emotions- the seat of life, the reigns of a forest of pleasures. As far as we're concerned, IQ is, at best, a second ration notion used to create systematic inequality among the races and all peoples." - Evola.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.10163917


I doubt he said that, but obsession with intelligence is one of the worst aspects of modern life.

>> No.10163922

*second-rate, fuck you spell check.

>> No.10163927 [DELETED] 

Trigger warning: She lost despite billions of dollars behind her.

>> No.10163928


"L'uomo come potenza."

>> No.10163937


>> No.10163941 [DELETED] 

I did vote for her, but I do admire Trump's anti-intellectualism.

>> No.10163979 [DELETED] 

Why do you even come on a right wing board?

>> No.10164020

Weird quote in my opinion.

>> No.10164035

>Is Evola actually not based?

You still think terms of Left and Right if you wanted Evola to side with you on IQ.

Evola would tell you that it doesn't matter whether can IQ can be shown to be lower or higher. It doesn't fit in with his value system.

IQ is a sign of Scientism and Modernity.

>> No.10164058


IQ is our best means of measuring intelligence. Why would Evola attack that as creating inequality? Does he mean that it's not a real means of inequality, that true inequality stems from the metaphysical and from power?

>> No.10164108

Intelligence can only be defined when it is directed towards a goal. It must be measured as an ability in completing tasks.

What tasks? What fucking goals? To idolise iq above all else is to place blind roboticism on a fucking pedestal.

>> No.10164111


>IQ is our best means of measuring intelligence.

It is scientism you literal meme.

>Why would Evola attack that as creating inequality?

Because he is consistent with his ideological position and you want to find any reason that you can to legitimize your hatred of dem negruz; even if it means opportunistically electing scientism to do so.

>> No.10164233

Well let's put it this way, does the size of your dick even matter if you're never even getting your dick wet?

>> No.10164258

>seeing politics as a conflict of ideals rather than a conflict of interests
>calling other anti-intellectual

Wew lad

>> No.10164277


>> No.10164301 [DELETED] 

One might be even tempted to call it a safespace.

>> No.10164425

Or is it the fact that modern life is becoming increasingly IQ dependant?

>> No.10164431

Insofar as it's used to shield our society's elites, yes.

>> No.10164439


Do you even understand how IQ works?

>> No.10164440

Do you?

>> No.10164445

As much as someone that has looked into it and realized it's not that important. If you don't wanna take my word for it check what IRL geniuses say about it.

>> No.10164470

Have you ever considered its social function?

>> No.10164479

That's emotional intelligence. People who end up in politics or psichiatry or investigative work that requires dealing with people one on one or shit like that have it: they understand social cues, read reactions, etc. A perfect example is Werner Herzog: see the interviews in his docu features. He gets the man in front of him after a couple of minutes and cuts right to the chase

>> No.10164496

IQ is not the best means of testing intelligence

>> No.10164512
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>IQ is our best means of measuring something we can't even define
gets me thinking

>> No.10164516

OP, you just made up that quote didn't you you obnoxious faggot

>> No.10164540

>The social function of a system intended to measure intelligence is actually another system that measures something else

>> No.10164611

>IQ is our best means of measuring intelligence
What, exactly, is intelligence? Don't say "that which IQ measures" either.

There's a reason why the concept of IQ is thought of by many in the academy to be dubious.

>> No.10164631

The notion that there is a factor g that can be measured at least indirectly by IQ which is predictive of a number of relevant outcomes is relatively uncontroversial in academia.

>> No.10164639
File: 116 KB, 1308x854, IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mensa assesses me to be intelligent

who wants to outargue me to feel fuddlywinx

>> No.10164641

>yea bro there's this thing that we'll call the SMARTS PART of your brain, and uhh well it's so big that it can probably also be measured by our IQ tests
>the g factor might not affect all intelligence factors in a proportional way? lol of course it does who needs to prove this it's so obvious amirite xD
remind me why psychometrics isn't a pseudo science

>> No.10164656

Tremendous insight, let me know when your award winning paper is debunking the state of the field is published in Nature

>> No.10164662

I thought high IQ people were able to properly structure a phrase.

>> No.10164663

I mean it took the largest death toll in humanity for people to realise eugenics was pseudo-science so I doubt anyone will get rid of psychometrics any time soon

>> No.10164664

> he thinks IQ is incompatible with multiple intelligences

I know which side of the bell curve you're on.

>> No.10164667

Joke is on you, my IQ is 85 but even I can see you're wrong.

>> No.10164670

Multiple intelligences? Like what, Gates and Hawking and Fermi? Or Mossad, CIA and DGSE? The fuck are you on about? How come high IQ people always sound like tryhard retards trying to appear smart?

>> No.10164692

I can't tell if you're being intentionally illiterate or not. Suck a dick either way.

>> No.10164699

It's clear you have no idea what you're talking about.


>> No.10164704

>being this mad and this wrong at the same time

>> No.10164709
File: 74 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2017-10-19-09-42-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tep kok, did you just post an article that contradicts your position on the IQ issue?

>> No.10164719

Oh honey, just stop. IQ can be predictive and incomplete at the same time, and Gardner isn't even the only voice on the topic. Read more.

>> No.10164722


>> No.10164736

What reason do we have to believe that this "g factor" influences all parts of our intelligence in an equal way, in fact it's far more likely this isn't the case at all
And if it isn't the case then IQ tests are severely limited

This is what happens when you create a "science" based entirely off studies

>> No.10164745

if you study any of the things Evola wrote about in depth you'll realize that he was a dilettante

>> No.10164786

I agree, it's life-denying

>> No.10164792

what's wrong with being dilettante

>> No.10164821

Evola frowns upon your misuse of "intelligence"

>> No.10164824

you don't fucking understand Evola at all if you think that's our best means of "measuring intelligence"

fucking moron. how do you read evola and miss this? read some guenon for chrissake you stupid piece of shit

>> No.10164832

Ironically a low IQ'd comment.

>> No.10164834

Mate how many smart but lazy people do you know? Those probably have high IQs, but suck at life. IQ can't measure things on an individual level, even astrology has a better chance of that.

>> No.10164841

>smart but lazy
That's just what losers love to call themselves.

t. smart but lazy

>> No.10164845

No, many of those literally are high IQ people. But IQ doesn't mean much regarding your life choices.

Rationalism and scientism is life-denying at it's core.

>> No.10164849

>muh life-affirmation
Grab your copy of Thus Spoke Zarathustra and go live in the bushes like the nigger you are.

>> No.10164853


Not that anon but the fact that you made that your takeaway from his post says a lot.

>> No.10164878

The death toll simply put all seriousness in the world and life to the quarantine of the minds.

>> No.10165047

So you haven't looked into it enough. Have you read the bell curve?

>> No.10165114
File: 244 KB, 1519x1293, 1436636885818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Evola isn't LE BASED because he isn't a materially obsessed scientific prole
stand still dickhead

>> No.10165133


>Have you read the bell curve?

Go back to /pol/ with the other materialist addled scientism peddlers who are the inverse kin of that which they claim to loathe. These myopic fools can't even see that they're nothing more than the bizarro left.
>b-but the b-bell curve

>> No.10165143

To be fair you hand to have a high IQ to understand the bell curve

>> No.10165481

you're not talking about the holohoax are u?

>> No.10165552

t. Dilettante

>> No.10165654

t. bugman

>> No.10165709

people back then didnt consider negros human at all so the arguement doesnt apply to them because theyre just assumed (rightfully) to be lesser races

>> No.10165712

Someone like Evola would have a greater distaste for the englishman than of the negro.

>> No.10165835

Niggers are going to nig. Evolas are going to evola.

>> No.10166438


>> No.10166542

Why does he look like such a stupid fucking faggot? He has the face of a 16 year old neo-nazi LARPer. He's probably the only author whose work I refuse to read on the grounds that he's just too ugly.

>> No.10166553
File: 165 KB, 525x366, alanwatts_01_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's Alan Watt's evil twin brother.

>> No.10166931

He kind of is, for me at least. The funny part is that while Evola is all about truth and greatness there's something in him that just wants to destroy and dissolve everything, and while he stresses practice and determination he is always making concessions; meanwhile Watts says it's all a joke but you need discipline to be happy at all, and while he talks of different doctrines as if they all talked about the same thing he never really forces them to mix and wouldn't support iconoclasm, even of modernity.

>> No.10167068

Exactly. IQ is a real thing, but intelligence remains undefined. Certain things can be associated with IQ that we would also associate with intelligence, but since we cannot define intelligence and since IQ is not a perfect predictor of things we would associate with intelligence, it cannot be measuring intelligence itself.

>> No.10167079

Because the enlightenment was the beginning of the real dark ages. The "problem" of the "negro" only exists as it does because of enlightenment thinking that thought it could shape the world without God, that we could build the tower to heaven without being cursed by tongues.

>> No.10167115

I read this as an autistic view that IQ is some sort of ultimate factor to create a hierarchy of men is silly. However, I disagree that emotions are what a hierarchy of men should be based on.

>> No.10168211

I cheat the IQ test because my last few years of schooling have all been logic based and IQ tests are just logic/pattern tests

>> No.10168230

>but intelligence remains undefined.
It's defined. Read up on the g factor.

One of the things that really grinds my gears is the total ignorance of laypeople concerning the field of psychometrics (and I don't blame you, journalists are the worst offenders). The belief that intelligence cannot be measured is akin to the belief that the earth is flat.

>> No.10168240

psychometrics are garbage and practically worthless

>> No.10168271

Lol okay brainlet.

>> No.10168275

The g factor isn't a fucking definition you retard
>Theg factor(also known as general intelligence, general mental ability or general intelligencefactor) is a construct developed in psychometric investigations of cognitive abilities and human intelligence
please understand the very basics of what you support before accusing others of being ignorant on the subject

>> No.10168283

Yes, it's a construct, so is anything in physics.
>Newtonian physics is a construct! It's phony! You can't see gravity!

Kill yourself brainlet.

>> No.10168352

K babe. make me a sandwich

>> No.10168398

>yea bro, let's just call x something we can measure intelligence with
>x=intelligence now who needs definitions xD

there's a difference between a construct that is physically measurable and a construct that is purely hypothetical and can't be measured unless you already assume its validity

>> No.10168399

What is happening ITT

>> No.10168428

I feel like European romantic fascists like Evola would absolutely hate today's modern American anti-black "muh IQ" racists. There is something just so mediocre and insufferably suburban about the anti-black racist, their attitude is basically one of "I behave myself, why can't they?" and "I DO wish they would stop playing that hip hop trash in the subway, I'm trying to read my Blackberry!" It's nothing like the ideals of primordial greatness these men saw in their supposed Aryan race.

Also I wish these right-wing faggots would stop saying "based" to mean "racist". How many Lil B songs can you even name ?

>> No.10168484

G can be measured through IQ tests sweetie.

>> No.10168498

Yeah, fascists were not really that racist.

>> No.10168502
File: 66 KB, 212x220, 1503552612187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this level of retardation even possible?
do you not understand how circular your logic is? Are you triggering me on purpose with your stupidity?

You can measure IQ and you can measure your shitty g factor, that doesn't mean any of it is valid since you haven't even defined intelligence
You can't just fucking slap "g factor" onto something and think it corresponds to that, that isn't how logic works

>> No.10168567

Completely true, they are very bourgeoisie and small-souled in outlook.

>> No.10168639

I feel your pain but I think there may be a pro-level trolling going on .
this really does it for me

>> No.10168662

Only count if you haven't done it before.
Or at least years between.

>> No.10168664

Absolute idiots arguing about something they can't define from a position of superiority they have not earned or deserve and some fascist shitposting. Also, lots of incels.

>> No.10168790

IQ is only useful for discerning if you're mentally retarded or not.

>> No.10168792

Why would this surprise anyone? Evola always rejected the scientific biological racism of the Nazis, it was the culture he valued

>> No.10168866

For once this hack says something right, and you are telling me he is not "based" for the only thing he said that isn't complete apeshit?

Read a book.

>> No.10168902

ITT: people missing the point

It doesn't matter whether or not IQ tests are measuring intelligence, what matters is its role in predicting success at almost all walks of life: this is an undeniable fact. Low IQ people are literally incapable of functioning in a society focused on intellectual work

>> No.10168929

But this is flat out wrong

Even the dumbest retard can become a tradie and make a good living, better than a lot of office jobs

>> No.10168938
File: 43 KB, 1214x802, 1447734378339[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a clear, well-established correlation between IQ and income, achievements in education, low crime and others. The fact some dumb people turn out okay doesn't negate this

>> No.10168946

>Low IQ people are literally incapable of functioning in a society focused on intellectual work
>The fact some dumb people turn out okay doesn't negate this
I guess IQ doesn't help with reaching logical conclusions :^)

>> No.10168957

Blue collar work is intellectual?
I think you missed my original point. Once we go full-blown automation, these people will be unqualified (and unqualifiable) to most jobs. The society we're heading at, one where intellectual work is hegemonic, has no place for brainlets

>> No.10168990
File: 34 KB, 408x450, 1507480940851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once we go full-blown automation
>The society we're heading at, one where intellectual work is hegemonic

>> No.10169051
File: 1.74 MB, 320x242, 1498673931552.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good post.

>> No.10169054

Probably because you got bullied by someone similar at school?

>> No.10169064

based retard

>> No.10169116

did he actually have magical powers?

>> No.10169168

I'd imagine the first and easiest jobs to automate will actually be so called 'intellectual' ones. It's easier to program a robot to crunch numbers or analyse text than it is to get it to plumb a house or fix some faulty wiring. A lot of jobs that require a body and physical interaction with the world will actually end up much harder to automate.

>> No.10169451

there once was a man named evola
who got a bad case of ebola
he gave up his ass
to a black tranny lass
he wasn't as based as they told ya

>> No.10169455
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>> No.10169458


>> No.10169466

it's kind funny seeing all these rat-faced rednecks LARPing as fascists and reading "fancy" thinkers like Evola. Do they actually consider themselves above the hordes of alt-righters who subscribe to Info Wars? lmao

>> No.10169492

what did he mean by this?

>> No.10170229

It really bothers me that those links are out of order