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10163092 No.10163092 [Reply] [Original]

Weeeeeeew just finished reading this pamphlet. What a stupid delusional bitch. Do people actually believe this stuff or do they just go along with it to be edgy. I get why Lauren does it so she suck neetbux out of losers but anyone else?

>> No.10163261
File: 2.50 MB, 741x425, ferda.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting anything from a political science dropout

shes an absolute joke of a "commentator" shes only gone to covering identity politics in Europe and the States because the Canadian press junket would chew her out. Shes a huge coward

>> No.10163299
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She and Faith Goldy are our alt-right goddesses but why the fuck are you reading their books or watching their videos? They're only good for twitter and fantasizing about laying with them in the wheat fields.

>> No.10163319

Can you post a good excerpt?

>> No.10163320


>> No.10163322


>> No.10163357


>> No.10163372
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Are you guys going to watch their debate?

>> No.10163382

Is this seriously happening

>> No.10163397
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>> No.10163402


I don't want to bother ordering it. can anyone summarize the particular positions taken? (or post a pdf)

>> No.10163410
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>Basic bitch reactionary and right wing opinions that she probably picked up from guys she dated
There you go.

>> No.10163411

Look at this fatty lo

>> No.10163419

you can find it on epub. basically its
>i dont like liberals because of one college professor
>immigrants are ruining Canada
>boomers ruined the economy

coupled with hugboxing of Molymeme and McInnes shit. Not worth even using it as toilet paper

>> No.10163420

Not an argument.

>> No.10163430
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You guys are ordering your copies right?

>> No.10163442

I almost bought an ebook copy of this for eleven dollars when it first dropped and then I was like, wait.. wat?!

>> No.10163472

>Reading a non-fiction book by a woman

>> No.10163513

This is why I come to 4chan. Fucking love the redpill on here

>> No.10163525

I read this because it was in one of those "if your name is called read the book in the picture threads".

It was definitely a frustrating read. Putting ideology aside, nothing was even reasoned well. If you try and follow a single point through her writing it gets washed out in a few, at best, tangentially related things before concluding. There was some weird self referential things happening too, it's like if the morning news was used as proof the things being reported on again in the evening news matter.

Very strange read, regret spending the few dollars on it for my kindle. It asked me to review it a few weeks after I had finished it and I couldn't do anything but sigh.

>> No.10163534

Man, would I nail that homely chick in the glasses.

>> No.10163537

She was 21 when she wrote it dude

>> No.10163551

I don't know how that changes my response to the book.

>> No.10163559

Imagine bending her over, spreading her ass cheeks, placing your nose on the rim of her asshole and inhaling deeply

>> No.10163561

this. or if you're black, like me, imagining corrupting them with your charms and a certain "asset"

>> No.10163568


Reading any political book beyond Smedley Butler's War is a Racket is retarded.

>> No.10163571

She's isn't 250 lbs or 46 yet, nigger. Now get the fuck away from our white literature board.

>> No.10163593

Reading female political writers you fucked up

>> No.10163595
File: 1.74 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could try some of these instead

>> No.10163596

>belly flab poking out of midriff exposing singlet
>navel piercing
Into the trash

>> No.10163601


>> No.10163603

Goddamn I love Wayne

>> No.10163728

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